Surprising Companions in the Ice Age?

Readers have seen many times here that secular scientists face a number of serious problems with the Ice Age. They offer ideas that sound like they were made up on the spot, such as numerous ice ages occurring, but there is no evidence because each one destroys evidence of the last one. Sure, you betcha! Another difficulty is that they cannot propose a plausible model of how any ice ages formed in the first place. Add to this the fact that disharmonious associations exist. That is, fossils of creatures from diverse climates were discovered that should have never met. We have a pair of articles on these and related subjects to consider. Original image before adding text at Imgflip : Unsplash / Hannah Troupe I am once again asking people to remember that the word fossil is used in a variety of ways. Most of the time, the word is used to indicate that things are permineralized (turned to stone). However, Ice Age fossils rarely show that characteristic. The "disharmonious" part...