
Showing posts from March, 2021

Egyptian Pyramids and Biblical History

Some people believe that the pyramids of Egypt are devastating to the biblical timeline, but that belief is based on fatally-flawed dating methods. The Great Pyramid (ordered by Cheops, also called Khufu — I think they named a hat after him ) and others have yielded unreliable age tests. Credit: RGBStock / Michal Zacharzewski There are some Christians who think that they were built before the Genesis Flood, but that idea does not hold water. A proper understanding of creation science Flood models reveals that the event was so cataclysmic, nothing would have remained. Also, the pyramids and Sphinx were built on sedimentary rock. In addition to problematic assumptions used in carbon-14 dating, one problem is glaringly obvious. The half-life of carbon-14 is supposedly about 5,730 years. Rocks that are claimed to be millions of Darwin years old have organic materials that are tested to have carbon-14. Just study on that a spell and you can see the difficulty. So let's dig a bit deeper

Taking Middle Ear Evolution for a Spin

In a recent post, we saw that when the facts dispute the universal common ancestor narrative, secularist owlhoots spin the data to their own advantage . The story of ear bone evolution defies reason and facts , so they are up to their old tricks again. Credit: National Science Foundation /  Zina Deretsky (Usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) Even some evolutionists admit the idea that the ears in mammals having evolved from reptilian ancestors does not have evidentiary support, but they persist in evosplaining it anyway. Worse, they incorporate the fake science of recapitulation. That's not science, old son, but it's who they are and what they do. Can't allow the truth about the genius of the Master Engineer in their story. One of the traits used to identify mammal species, besides mammary glands which produce milk, is the presence of bony ear ossicles — the incus, the malleus, and the stapes (commonly called the anvil, hammer, and stirrup). This auditory trai

Santana Fossils Support Genesis Flood

If you hitch up your buckboard and travel down Brazil way, head northeast until you reach the Araripe Basin. The Santana formation has bunches of fossils. The critters are very well preserved. Unfortunately, proponents of the deep-time narrative narrative deny the facts. Credit: Flickr / James St. John  ( CC BY 2.0 ) Because the Bearded Buddha needs a passel of time in which to work his particles-to-paleontologist magic, secularists give it to him — even when it means denying sense and science. What is discovered here (and many other places) shows rapid burial of extremely large proportions — it is still more evidence of the Genesis Flood. Kind of makes you want to take one of these Santana fossils, wave it in the face of a secularist and say, "You've got to change your evil ways, baby!" Be smooth about it, though. The preservation of fine details is what has made Santana so famous. Every time I took a field trip, I especially looked for my favorite fossil, fish. You can

Rescuing the Big Bang from Reality

When secular scientists attempt to do historical science involving deep time, their reality checks keep bouncing. This is primarily because they have a worldview based on atheistic materialism, but observed evidence do not fit the narrative. Nothing left to do but use the standard practice of Making Things Up™. Image credits: Credit: X-ray:  NASA /CXC/Univ of Missouri/M.Brodwin et al; Optical: NASA/STScI; Infrared: JPL/Caltech (Usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) We have three articles on this theme to consider. The conflict between storyline and reality is seen in both universal common descent evolution and Big Bang cosmogony. In both kinds of evolution, these owlhoots constantly have to rescue their fundamentally flawed worldview with various excuses. They also say things like, "...earlier than previously thought". A lot. Not earlier than biblical creationists thought, though. We are not surprised by discoveries, so we don't have to saddle up and ride ove

Robots, Artificial Intelligence, and Life

We have discussed AI before, including how people get obsessed with it ( see the links in " The Worship of Artificial Intelligence ") Now we consider if electrical things can be considered alive. Philosophers have debated what constitutes life in the first place, now AI is added to the discussion. Credit: Pixabay /  David Bruyland Materialists only take a mechanistic view of life based on certain criteria, while biblical creationists know that biblically, life has the breath of life —  nephesh chayyāh , (נפש חיה). There are different ways of considering if something is alive. When a houseplant dies, it is discarded because it does not have that breath of life. Animals have it, and so do people. Those with a materialistic bent will deny that we have a soul. Ironically, secularists search for a physical location of the soul in the body, but it is more than body and brain . We like our robots, simple or intricate. They do dangerous things such as bomb removal , working in radioa

Social Amoebas and You

While naturalists have their systems and rate various living things are primitive or advanced, many other recognize that our Creator has designed organisms for ecological niches. Sure, why not? Human societies have seemingly less important people to make society function, God has placed social amoebas and the like in the biosphere. Physarum polycephalum image credit: Flickr / Bernard Spragg It may seem funny or "alpha male" to eat moldy bread, but that is potentially dangerous; some molds can be scraped off and the food is still safe, others must be discarded . Mold has a function, even if people find it disgusting at times. There is another kind of mold that many have seen but may not be able to identify. One of its names is "social amoeba" because it is actually a colony comprised of single-celled amoebas. Another name is rather unpleasant: slime mold. The Latin name Physarum polycephalum is cumbersome. It is often found in wooded areas. In a surprising bit of b

Bizarre Darwinists Celebrate Defeat

Rusty Swingset and the hands at the Darwin Ranch are celebrating, but they should be lamenting the demise of scientific integrity. Instead, they spin the data like a top, followed by drinking firewater and clog dancing around a portrait of Papa Darwin. Then there's the Secret Satan gift exchange. Credit: Pexels /  Yogendra Singh I reckon the best jobs to have for security are weather forecasting and evolutionary science, because both can be wrong a large percentage of the time and people still remain employed. Actually, naturalism is better because if that narrative is protected and the non-explanation of " it evolved " is invoked often enough, they get more money. All the while, counting with pagan bead strings and chanting, "Evolution!" Here we have paleontologists admitting they were wrong about forms of soft tissues, spinning the storyline, and salvaging Darwin's sorry hide through the complex (and effective) scientific principle of Making Things Up™. Th

Lack of Fingerprints is not a "Beneficial Mutation"

The idea of having no fingerprints may seem a novelty, and obviously, criminals may like the idea. There is a mutation that causes this, and some people may consider it to be beneficial. Beneficial is in the eye of the beholder. Credit: Pixabay / byrev What some may call advantageous, others would say is detrimental. Sickle cell anemia is "beneficial" because those afflicted can resist malaria, but there are serious disadvantages as well. Some organisms have mutations in the lab that Darwin's votaries consider helpful, but those organisms would not survive in the wild. Having a mutation where people have no fingerprints is the opposite of fish-to-forensic scientist evolution, and there are many societal and physiological disadvantages to this rare condition. In the modern theory of evolution, mutations in the genome are a key driving force in creating new information. In reality though most mutations are either harmful, or neutral at best. A recent BBC news story has high

Human and Chimpanzee Genomes in 3-D Trouble Evolutionists

Using bad science and Darwinian presuppositions, evolutionists in the 1970s stitched together the chimp genome , compared it with the human genome, and declared we were 98% similar. That falsehood lingers despite being refuted. Now 3-D genomes show even greater differences between us. Credits: Good Free Photos /  Petr Kratochvil , modified at PhotoFunia Secular scientists lack humility. That's right, I said it!  First of all, they deny the masterful work of the Creator and pretend everything happened through atheistic naturalism. Then they learn a few things, pontificate on the secular concept of reality, and collect grant money. When inconvenient information comes to light, they act like being wrong about many things is "exciting". Amazing how they can keep their jobs. Here, we see that the human genome is further removed from chimpanzees. (I wonder what they'll do when they get serious about studying the four dimensional genome ). Keep this information available so

Keep Pressure on Anti-Creationists

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen  Many biblical creationists have encountered misotheists who act like they have amazing super powers that should make us shake in our cowboy boots. We need to stop allowing them to put us on the defensive, and use truth and reason to put the pressure on them. Credit: Flickr / zimpenfish ( CC BY 2.0 ) One of the first things that we can do is to remember that truth and logic are on our side. Indeed, logic and math are impossible without God , and the  same principle applies to science itself . We cannot argue on " neutral ground ", which is essentially admitting that what God says about the unbeliever is wrong, and let them decide in their corrupted human wisdom whether or not God is worthy of worship and honor. Are you catching on to the importance of why we must not be obsequious before scoffers? As a side note, I seldom refer to skepticism . In one sense of the word, people who are skeptical about something are willing to evaluate reasons for a clai

The Return of Dagon the Fish God

We saw how  Dagon of the Philistines  is the fish god of evolution. Read in 1 Sam. 5:1-8 that the Philistines brought the Ark of the Covenant to Dagon. It did not go well . Evolutionists get truly bizarre in their efforts to connect humans with fish. The hands at the Darwin Ranch keep carping that not everyone believes we evolved from fish (with innumerable transitional forms that are taken by faith, not by sight). Evolutionists want us to apprehend the knowledge of our inner lungfish. Original Dagon image of Dagon fish god, Internet Archive Book Images by Joseph F. Berg , 1838, then modified Of course, no evidence is presented, just arbitrary assertions and something resembling praise to Papa Darwin. After all, evolutionism is an ancient pagan religion, so bringing Dagon to mind seems quite fitting. On a scale of one to ten, their resentment of the fact that we were created in the image of God must go to eleven. We've been teaching people about avoiding their lures with healthy s

Plate Subduction in China Supports Genesis Flood

Believers in uniformitarian processes and deep time assume that the rate of plate movement in the earth's crust has always been at centimeters per years. However, such ideas cause them many problems with scientific data, and they are unable to explain anomalies in plate subduction. Himalayas image credit: Flickr / lensnmatter  ( CC0 1.0 public domain) "Is plate subduction like when you get out the fine China plates, someone steals one, so you subduct it from the total number?" Uh, no. Plates of the earth's crust collide, albeit slowly these days, and one is pushed under the other. It is consumed , nom nom nom! This is part of the process of pushing up mountain ranges, such as the Himalayas. Secular scientists are unable to figure out how plate tectonics began in the first place, but biblical creationists have an excellent model for that . Flood geologists propose catastrophic  plate tectonics and runaway  subduction that was much faster during the Genesis Flood. Usin

Fake News of Multicellularity Evolution

Believers in universal common ancestor evolution believe that life developed over millions of years, and shloop it to us . There should be innumerable transitional forms. Also, evidence that single-celled evolved into multi-celled organisms. Well, there was that experiment... Credits: CSIRO /  Willem van Aken ( CC BY 3.0 ), modified at Big Huge Labs Evolutionists make promises in science abstracts, press releases, and more. The obedient lapdog media for the secular science industry put the spurs to the stories to make them really sensational. On it goes. Unfortunately, they present "discoveries" that leave out important details that may prompt thinking people to question their integrity or education. Perhaps both. A lab experiment involved single-celled algae (is there any other kind?) and another single-celled organism that would eat algae. (Yes, predation exists even at that level.) The fake news? It is claimed that the experiment showed how single-celled organisms could e

Origin-of-Life False Positives in Minerals

Despite the frequent falsehood that the origin of life has nothing to do with evolution, Darwin's acolytes continue to seek it. This reveals a strong caution about letting the narrative and presuppositions control what is actually observed. For example, claims of life in Martian meteorites. Credit: D. McKay ( NASA  / JSC ), K. Thomas-Keprta ( Lockheed-Martin ), R. Zare ( Stanford ),  NASA (Image modified, usage of any form of this is not an endorsement of site contents) The pseudoscience of astrobiology is a blatant attempt to use materialistic philosophies in denying credit for life to our Creator. In addition, there's big money in giving secularists what they want, so rushed announcements accompany incomplete research. We know that pareidolia is where the mind seeks to make sense of patterns, so we "see" things that are not actually there (like a ghostly face in a mirror). What is it called when votaries of the secular science industry observe things that are nonexi

Nanobots and Biomimetics

Robots have fascinated people for decades. Science fiction stories have frequently made them as humanity's enemies. Similar stories have been written about nanobots , but that technology is only in its early stages. Scientists are hoping they can be used in space exploration and medical technology. Made at PhotoFunia We can guess about the "bot" part of the word, but what is a nano? It's not someone hired to care for the children. A nanometer is very, very small , and nanobots (or nanomachines) are robots that may work on the molecular level, but that is still under development. Sometimes games can be used to stimulate creativity, and there were nanosoccer competitions several years ago — microscopic games, what a concept! There was a movie in 1966 called Fantastic Voyage  that involved a submarine and crew miniaturized, injected into a patient, destroying a blood clot, then escaping. Imaginative stuff, but if nanobots are successfully developed, they may be useful f

Evolutionists Stealing Science Principles from God

The other day, the hands at the Darwin Ranch went a-riding into town, shot holes in the saloon ceiling, scared the showgirls, overindulged in firewater, and so on. They think they won the bid from the secular science industry for a model to improve science using evolution. Credit: Pixabay /  Fernando Latorre They have great faith in Darwinian thinking, but insert a passel of presuppositions about what they consider good morals and principles. Great, "improving" science by selecting the best of time, chance, random processes, survival of the fittest, mutations, natural selection, and so on. Would you  want that kind of thinking in your  program? Not me. More than that, these tinhorns steal principles from the biblical worldview. Why? Because theirs is incoherent. Instead of giving credit to the Creator, they simply take and pretend those things were their ideas all along. Need better science? Let the Darwin Party take over. They’ll give the next reformers an even bigger mess t

Research into the Pre-Flood World

Biblical creationists have long wondered about the world before the Genesis Flood, including why people lived longer. Speculations abound. One thing upon which creationists and secular scientists agree is that the atmosphere was different. Some interesting hyperbaric research ties into geology. Credit: Pixabay /  Sebastian Ganso There is evidence that the ancient atmosphere was much richer in oxygen and had greater pressure, which is indicated by fossils of very large critters. Hyperbaric chambers are used to treat patients with increased pressure and oxygen levels. Their cell metabolisms and telomeres in chromosomes are positively affected, and this may be an indication for why pre-Flood people lived such huge amounts of time. All of this is in preliminary stages as far as creation science is concerned, and it will be interesting to see what other creation scientists have to contribute. There are some strong indications about ancient Earth's atmosphere from this hyperbaric researc

Chilling Secular Ice Age Theories

When secularists ridicule biblical creation science Ice Age models, you may get a variety of answers. That is, if they have anything other than, "Because atheism". Uniformitarian views require billions of years of gradual processes so Darwin's magic can happen, but they fail to explain observed evidence. Upsala glacier photographed from the International Space Station, Image credit:  NASA (Usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) In fact, the idea of an ice age was resisted by secularists for many years after it was first proposed. It was viewed as a threat to uniformitarianism, but they later incorporated it into their speculations because they couldn't ignore the evidence. However, they still have no idea how it happened; conjectures are conflicting and contrary to data. So, since they can't explain even one ice age, why not fifty? That's science. Use the fundamentally flawed Milankovitch Theory , because that's science, too. Never mind that bi

Mudstones, Secularists, and the Genesis Flood

Secular geology is dominated by uniformitarian (slow and gradual beliefs), but when cornered, they invoke forms of catastrophe. One example is the Channeled Scablands . Another is mudstone, which was previously used in efforts to refute the Genesis Flood. It has been proven to form very rapidly. Mudstone in New Zealand image credit: Flickr / Rachael  ( CC BY 2.0 ) Indeed, it was proven to form rapidly before (see " Fast-Forming Mudstones and the Genesis Flood "), and things have become worse for proponents of deep time and gradual processes. To be blunt, it's nice to see that there are still some scientists who are willing to admit that part of their paradigm were wrong. To see them admit that this is evidence for the global Genesis Flood — that may happen eventually. A radical revision of the origin of mudstones in 2014 just got another surprising update favorable to creationists. Old-earthers have long pointed to mudstones as evidence against a young earth. The thinking