Problems with Vertebrate Evolution Still Remain
Some people seem to think that a new calendar year somehow makes problems from the past year go away, but that is obviously not the case. Purveyors of universal common descent evolution still have to evosplain plausible stories for problems such as the origin of vertebrates.
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Sea squirt image credit: USGS / Caroline Rogers |
A few weeks back, we talked about the ongoing insurmountable problems of the Cambrian explosion. The brief description is that many complex life forms suddenly appeared in the Cambrian layer with no evidence of evolution — much to the consternation of Papa Darwin. Indeed, invertebrates are often elected to public office.
Evolutionists have attempted to find ancestors of vertebrates through various invertebrate critters such as the sea squirt. However, they still have serious problems with their timeline. The hemichordate is shoehorned in there, but it has no real relationship to fish or the sea squirt, and its phylogeny is debated.
Other "ancestors" are added to the fabulous confabution of confusion, but evolutionists have nothing. Then they present things run through the process of Making Things Up™ as "science". When the evidence is plugged into creation science Genesis Flood models, however, things that are observed make a great deal more sense.
One of the greatest problems for evolutionists is the sudden appearance of complex animal life with no evolutionary precursors, as seen in the Cambrian Explosion. But equally problematic is how complex creatures with backbones (vertebrates) could have possibly evolved. For all practical purposes, no transitional form has been found that links invertebrates like softbodied creatures and arthropods (creatures with a hard exoskeleton) to vertebrates. This glaring gap in the fossil record is just one more example highlighting the lack of evidence for molecules-to-man evolutionary theory.Vertebrates include fishes, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals. Living vertebrates exhibit a huge range in size, from a miniature frog found in Papua New Guinea that is only about a quarter of an inch long to the massive blue whale, which is over 100 feet long. Overall, vertebrates comprise only about 5% of all known animal species. The rest of animal life is known as invertebrates, which have no vertebral columns (backbones).
To read the rest of this repudiation of an evolutionary fable, see "The Fossils Still Say No: The Origin of Vertebrates".