Of Fossil Spider Eyes and the Genesis Flood
Rewriting this post*. My wife will not read this because she doesn’t like spiders, and they give a lot of people the heebie jeebies. Time to put feelings on the shelf so we can examine some important facts about spider fossils and the Flood.
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Credit: Flickr / Chandan Singh (CC BY 2.0) |
I prolly gave some of y'all the heebie jeebies all over again. Ignore it. Besides, I don't get to use that expression very often.
"When spiderish eyes are shining, sure, 'tis like the morning spring —"
Do you take requests? How about if you sing "Down by the River" and "Fall In"?
While soft tissues and fossils have been known for a long time, the situation was amplified by famous work by Mary Schweitzer in 2005, as well as by Kevin Anderson and Mark Armitage. (One furious atheopath recently claimed that young-age creationists “hijacked” her work, affirmed the dubious iron preservation rescuing device, then ignored all the rest of the soft tissue news.) In fact, there are so many findings related to all sorts of soft tissues, secularists have a lot of ‘splaining to do.
Many votaries in the Darwin Death Cult® preach that fossilization takes a passel of years after something dies and sinks to the bottom of a body of water. (This ignores decomposition, scavengers, and so on.) Spiders are delicate things, so fossilization is comparatively rare. Those that exist reveal that spiders have always been spiders; there is no evidence of evolution. Even more startling is the fact that reflective eyes were discovered in the fossils. These are strong evidences for recent creation and the Genesis Flood!Have you ever shone a flashlight into grassland at night, and seen pin-pricks of light like tiny bright jewels twinkle back at you? There’s a good chance they were spider’s eyes. Scientists recently discovered several rare spider fossils entombed in a geological formation in South Korea. The rock formation is allegedly 110 million years old, yet two of the fossil spiders have “quite remarkable” eyes that still reflect light—as brightly as today’s living spiders. This is the first time an eye still able to reflect light has been found in the fossil record.
To reflect on the rest of the article, see “Spider eyes shining in the rocks”.
*Since this Google-owned Blogger platform destroyed my previous effort, I am starting again. Although it is supposed to automatically back up the work every few seconds, that did not happen, so I have to do it manually.