Biological Legacies Restoring Mount St. Helens

Biblical creationists have been using the 1980 eruption at Mount St. Helens as a powerful illustration of the Genesis Flood on a smaller scale. However, minerals-to-mineralogist thinking has been befuddled by the rapidly-recovering ecosystem. What has been observed is well in line with creationist views.

We know that Mt. St. Helens provides evidence related to the Genesis Flood, but its recovery illustrated the design work of the Creator.
Credit: Flickr / Pacific Northwest Research Station
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Scientists understandably believed that the blast zone was destroyed of all life. However, biological legacies that existed before the eruption still existed. Since the Master Engineer designed living things to keep life going, little things began to thrive and replenish the soil, then other organisms joined in. Adlers and other trees are growing next to the remains of dead trees. What is observed fits neatly into the creation paradigm.
United States Geological Survey research hydrologist Jon Major has published several reviews in remembrance of the radical eruption of Mount St. Helens in Washington State. He described rapid recolonization of the utterly devastated landscape.
You can read the rest by clicking on "Biological Bounceback at Mount St. Helens".