Secularists Scratching their Milankovitch
Secular scientists are committed to naturalism and huge amounts of time. Evolution needs this time, so they chant, "We're in this together" and find alleged evidence for millions of years — even if they have to manufacture it. The Milankovitch theory about ice ages is weak, but they cling to it and ignore its flaws.
The Milankovitch idea is use to supporting not only ice ages, but deep time, deny the truth of recent creation, and even support global climate change. A paper that allegedly validated the theory, but that paper was shot down by a biblical creationist. Because the narrative is more important than actually doing science, the obedient lapdogs of naturalism wrote about the paper and rode a side trail completely around problems with it. That's indoctrination, not science.
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An overview of the Milankovitch (or astronomical) ice age theory appears in the May 2020 issue of Physics Today. This theory (hypothesis, really) holds that Earth’s rotational and orbital motions influence Earth’s climate over long ages, pacing the timing of ice ages. Creation scientists, on the other hand, think that a single Ice Age followed the Genesis Flood.
The article mentions the famous 1976 “Pacemaker of the Ice Ages” paper that convinced many scientists of the validity of the theory. This paper showed a good match between climate cycles inferred from two Indian Ocean deep-sea cores and cycles calculated from Earth’s astronomical motions. However, before they could obtain their results, the Pacemaker authors used the age of the most recent “flip” or reversal of the Earth’s magnetic field, known as the Brunhes-Matuyama (M-B) magnetic reversal, to assign ages to seafloor sediments in a third core from the western Pacific. In effect, they used this magnetic reversal and uniformitarian assumptions to confirm the times in the supposed prehistoric past when ice ages occurred. Some of these ages were then transferred to the two Indian Ocean cores and used in the Pacemaker analysis.You can read the rest by clicking on "Physics Today Article Ignores Monster Milankovitch Problem". Also, if you're inclined to read a much more technical article, visit "Have uniformitarians rescued the ‘Pacemaker of the Ice Ages’ paper?"