
Showing posts from June, 2020

Evolutionists Joyfully Celebrating Indoctrination

Like any skilled totalitarian knows, it is vitally important to control broadcast, social media, the press, the courts, and so on. Free speech is a pretense, where it is supported — but only when approved sentiments are uttered. From there, the Ministry of Truth  indoctrinates people through propaganda. Evolutionary propaganda is becoming increasingly successful. Background image furnished by Why?Outreach Darwin's disciples in the secular science industry and academia are smarter than we are, even though they think we evolved from the same primordial slime. Just ask them. So, they get to decide what people think. (Not that they want to teach people how  to think, just what  to think.) They are gleeful about their victories — but they are not winning because of convincing evidence and devastating logic, but through activist judges and legislation that favors the worldview of atheistic naturalism. It is interesting that many scientists and academicians simply ...

More Whopper Sand and the Genesis Flood

Secular geologists, probably eating hamburgers, pondering "Whopper Sand" and rescuing devices they can employ. Whopper Sand cannot be adequately explained through uniformitarian concepts, and are best explained by creation science Genesis Flood models . Here are two more problems for them. This "oil painting" is a USDOI photo  that was run through FotoSketcher (Usage does not imply endorsement of site contents by either party named above) This child occasionally wonders if people who are going about their business get a mite irritated when science folks swoop down on their activities. Oil companies found resources in areas that deep time proponents think shouldn't be there. The layers are very thick, too. Another major oil discovery in the deep waters of the Gulf of Mexico has been recently announced. Equinor, a Norwegian-based oil company, and partners Progress Resources USA Ltd. and Repsol E&P USA Inc. made the proclamation last week. This is an...

Dinosaur Footprints and a Fossil Pterosaur in Britain

It appears that the British have some noteworthy paleontological discoveries regarding dinosaurs. We shall first consider some impressive impressions. Not only are there some excellent dinosaur footprints, but the mudstone has some surprisingly clear skin impressions of skin. The footprints belonged to an assortment of dinosaurs including an anklyosaur, iguanodontians, and others. Seems that there have been more and more dinosaur footprints discovered lately, and in this case, a cliff collapse brought them to light. Footprints do not cooperate with uniformitarian (slow and gradual) dogma because they not only are formed quickly, but must be buried quickly. When exposed, scientists have to race over there quick-like. (Maybe they have a 1959 Cadillac ambulance with a funky siren named Paleo-1 or something.) Footprints won't last too long after being exposed. Beautifully preserved dinosaur footprints found recently near Hastings in southern England are the most diverse and deta...

Secularists Scratching their Milankovitch

Secular scientists are committed to naturalism and huge amounts of time. Evolution needs this time, so they chant, "We're in this together" and find alleged evidence for millions of years — even if they have to manufacture it. The Milankovitch theory about ice ages is weak, but they cling to it and ignore its flaws. Assembled with graphics from  Clker  clipart The Milankovitch idea is use to supporting not only ice ages, but deep time, deny the truth of recent creation, and even support global climate change. A paper that allegedly validated the theory, but that paper was shot down by a biblical creationist . Because the narrative is more important than actually doing science, the obedient lapdogs of naturalism wrote about the paper and rode a side trail completely around problems with it. That's indoctrination, not science. An overview of the Milankovitch (or astronomical) ice age theory appears in the May 2020 issue of Physics Today . This theory (hypothesis...

Evolution and Human Consciousness

Believers in particle-to-protester evolution have struggled for a mighty long time to cogently explain the origin of consciousness. Not just awake or asleep, but the way that humans have far more ways of exhibiting the ability to think and having a mind. This is obvious when comparing us to apes. Image modified from morgueFile / lemai13 Ever have an ape make a snide remark disparaging your intelligence? Of course not, that was a silly question. The Bearded Buddha scientifically evaded the problem of the divide between human consciousness and the lack of it in apes, and engaged in wishful thinking. When evolutionists use what is essentially "maybe someday", that's not science, old son. There are some criteria that seem reasonable that show how humans think on a much higher level than apes. One of these is the use of tools. Sure, chimps can bang rocks against walnuts to open them up, but they cannot design and build tools of any complexity. Another example is artwor...

Our Good-Natured Sun

The sun is the main cause of global warming, as we all should know. It makes things hot and a trip in the desert can be mighty unpleasant. Science articles tell us about all the explosive energy going on within, but if the sun were a living thing, it would have a good nature when compared to its peers. Credit: GoodFreePhotos Similar stars get rowdy, staying out late at night, disrespecting its parents — okay, bad analogies. But other stars can be ill-tempered in comparison with our own ball of fire. We can expect stars of different categories to be far more active, and any planet orbiting one could not have life on it. Even our own has the capability to wipe out life on Earth, but we have the assistance of Earth's magnetic field . Why doesn't it? Mayhaps its because our Creator formed the earth to be inhabited (Isaiah 45:18), which is something that materialists cannot begin to comprehend because of their paradigms. And they have no reasonable alternative explanations. ...

Dark Matter Does Not Occupy the Universe

Not too long ago, we saw a ridiculous rescuing device for the failed Big Bang in the idea of a cosmic bubble . A more long-standing rescuing device is dark matter , and even some creationists believe it exists. However, there is still no evidence for it, and another attempt to rescue the rescuing device has failed. Supposed dark matter ring in galaxy cluster Cl 0024+17 Source:  NASA , ESA, M.J. Jee and H. Ford (Johns Hopkins University) (usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) Neutrinos are elusive because they have very little mass and are electrically neutral. Big Bang enthusiasts have tried to associate neutrinos with their concept, and then came up with sterile neutrinos  — "When you want to keep neutrinos as pets, to you get them fixed, Cowboy Bob?" Good luck finding a physicist to perform the surgery. Anyway, scientists are squabbling about evidence, and some are saying there isn't any. Others are saying that there is so evidence. Sorry to break it to...

Getting Dirty with Blind Mole-Rats

If you say that the blind mole-rat is ugly, I am certainly not going to slap leather with you on the street at high noon. We can put that part aside and look at the critter for what it is and appreciate the design of the Creator. Some tinhorns with limited understanding say it was not designed properly. Let me kiss your neck and smell your hair Image credit: Wikimedia Commons /  Максим Яковлєв  ( CC BY-SA 4.0 ) This concept of, "God fouled up because the design doesn't fit my personal preference, therefore God doesn't exist and EvolutionDidIt" is a form of dysteleology. Upon intelligent examination, we learn that the blind mole-rat has several extremely interesting features. Unlike other burrowing animals, it does not use its front claws. It shovels with its mouth and teeth! It does  have eyes, and while they do not provide sight, they do have an important function. Also, the BMR is resistant to cancer and is being examined to see if that feature can be used ...

Canaanite Genetics and the Bible

Although the Bible is completely accurate in everything it touches on, it has a strong emphasis in history. Archaeology has never contravened anything in it. Darwin's acolytes believe that if the ancient people of the Bible existed, they were stupid brutes.  This is false. Mostly made at  Image Chef Secularists should cowboy up and stop denying that the Bible is right every time! (The secular science industry press humiliated themselves by trying to prove the Bible wrong about the Canaanites , but they only showed that the press are unwilling to do actual research.) These folks were intelligent and sophisticated (morally degenerate, however). Not only were they genetically distinct, but their genes live on, although admixed. A new study finds that the the Canaanites before the Conquest were a distinct people, as the Bible says. A gene study of ancient DNA from 73 individuals in 9 Bronze Age sites confirms that Canaanites were genetically distinct, yet became admixed...

Secular Scientists Baffled by Antarctic Rainforest

Antarctica should be predictable to secular scientists. Drill some ice cores, study penguins and such. Things like frog fossils , those five fossil forests , and so forth have been perplexing, however. A new discovery really puts burrs under uniformitarian saddles: remnants of a rain forest. How did that  get there? Photo courtesy of  Ted Scambos and Rob Bauer , National Snow and Ice Data Center, University of Colorado, Boulder (Usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) The mosey-along-slowly processes of uniformitarianism are applied to plate tectonics, so plants that are doing right well further north are inexplicable to secular geologists. By taking the observed data and plugging in to a creation science Genesis Flood model, things make a heap more sense. A recent study published in Nature has evolutionary scientists baffled. The researchers reportedly found an ancient rainforest in Antarctica, of all places. The study’s authors claim this part of An...

Evosplaining the Perplexing Tapir

There is a critter that could be filed as, "Something the Creator made to fluster scoffers", along with creatures like the pangolin , echidna , hoatzin bird , and others. The tapir confuses many people because it has characteristics reminiscent of several animals. It also thwarts particles-to-paleontologist evolution. Credit: Unsplash /  Dušan Smetana Using circular reasoning and the scientific principle of "It sorta kinda resembles certain things", the tapir does not conveniently fit into categories. They evosplain it through failed attempts at homology, but alleged similarities plop onto the dusty trail as science advances. Saying that "it's primitive" and " it evolved " are not satisfying, old son. While the tapir seems to be found mainly in the Southern Hemisphere, its fossils have been found on practically every continent. Darwin's deceivers cannot provide a rational analysis of the fossils, since there are no appreciable ...

Still no Sign of Bat Evolution

It is supposed to be baseball season in some areas, so we can talk about bats. Well, not those bats. These are the flying mammals that some folks think look like rodents, and they do not move the needle on the cuddly meter. Evolutionists are attempting to salvage bad ideas about how they evolved. Flying fox (fruit bat) image credit: Morguefile /  kconnors Bats have been in the news because some folks think they're good eats (maybe getting diseases after eating them is a status symbol, I dunno). For a long time, Darwinoids have been striking out on bat evolution ideas. These creatures were obviously created to be distinct, and they have many characteristics that thwart taxonomy. Lots of bat species fluttering around, too. An article in Smithsonian  tries to conjure up some rescuing devices, but these are examined and rejected. I have been writing about many of evolutionists’ greatest puzzles for over a half-century, producing close to 1,500 publications. Now this puzzl...

Evolution, Paganism, and Gender Confusion

Although real science affirms what most of us know (that men and women are different ), there are some people who do not like their genders. In fact, new words have been manufactured to distinguish between sex (what you were born with) and gender (whatever way you identify yourself). Some people resent the way they were born and want to change (gender dysphoria). There are several causes. Credit: Pixnio / Bicanski Although there are some strange twisting of science, critters know what they are and don't resent being male or female. It is politically and culturally incorrect to mention the fact that there are people who transitioned to having the appearance of the other sex and regretted it , but there are those who say, for example, "I am a woman trapped in a man's body!" — as if he would know. Research is showing that gender dysphoria has nothing to do with genetics or biology . And they have the nerve to call biblical creationists "science deniers"!...

Kabwe 1 Skull and Redating Human Evolution Again

Proponents of universal common descent have a difficult job, since they have to continually redate various various aspects of evolution. Especially when it comes to humans. Well, if accuracy and results are not that important, it is steady work. For example, the Kabwe 1 from Zambia, H. heidelbergensis . Kabwe 1 skull cast image credit: Wikimedia Commons /  Gunnar Creutz  ( CC BY-SA 4.0 ) The skull is thought to be part of an "archaic human" subspecies, H. heidelbergensis, and related to H. erectus , which was an ancient human that has been found in many places. For that matter, the Kabew 1 skull is from Zambia, but its relatives were found in Heidelberg. Ancient humans moved around and spread out quite a bit, and didn't even use private jets. The reason this skull (which has been around for about a hundred years) is garnering attention is because the date has been reassessed, and that in turn is causing problems for the human evolution timeline. These problems keep ...

Four Short Dinosaur Articles

With an abundance of material, I thought it best to combine links to these articles into one post. Each of these is a quick read but they have some interesting information about how paleontologists are baffled by new discoveries — including how one fossil blatantly defies deep-time reckoning. Credit: Pixabay /  GeorgeB2 Our first entry is about sex. Katie, bar the door! Just kidding. It's more about how difficult it is to determine the sex of dinosaurs. There have been many speculations over the years, but it's mighty difficult when all you have are bone fragments and fossils (reasonably complete skeletons are rare). Since paleontologists agree that dinosaurs were probably reptiles, perhaps a comparison with existing reptiles could help. Seems reasonable. Recently, a new study led by Queen Mary University of London concluded that dinosaur bones tell us little about their sexes. In the past, secular scientists have made various claims about the ability to make sex dete...

Observational Evidence for One Ice Age

Secular geologists have upped the ante on the number of ice ages to about fifty, but biblical creation scientists maintain that there was only one. A big problem for secular scientists is that their concepts are inconsistent, and other problem is the failed Milankovitch Theory . New evidence supports a creation science Ice Age model. Yedoma containing large ice wedges in northern Alaska Credit: Mikhail Kanevskiy ; University of Alaska Fairbanks, Institute of Northern Engineering via USGS (PD) Multiple ice ages are forced into the Milankovitch Theory for the sake of the deep-time narrative, but the actual evidence supports only one Ice Age — which was subsequent to the Genesis Flood. Yedoma  is permafrost containing organic material and a passel of ice. These yedomas have been associated with climate change (both for today and climate fluctuations found in Greenland ice cores), but fears of them influencing climate today do not seem based on good science. Yedomas cause insurmo...