Strontium Ratios and the Genesis Flood

Scientists of the biblical creation persuasion are able to use the same evidence that is available to everyone. That is, there is no such thing as "their" evidence and "our" evidence, it is a matter of interpretations of facts based on worldviews. Scientists committed to naturalism often fail in matters of deep time and minerals-to-mycologist evolution. Take the oceanic strontium ratios as another example.

Secular scientists have ideas about strontium ratios in Earth history, but they are inadequate. Creation Science Flood models better explain what is observed.
Credit: Freeimages / Matt Sullivan
Creationists use secular materials and timescales, but only for points of reference and communication purposes. When checking the rise of the sea levels over millions of Darwin years, there is a change in the strontium isotope ratios. Using a creation science Genesis Flood model (and yes, despite the whining of atheopath sidewinders, there are creation scientists), it can be clearly seen that strontium ratios and other factors support the Genesis Flood. The facts do not support secular paradigms very well.
Using the secular timescale on the left side, sea level steadily increased from the Precambrian era (~540 million years ago) until the end of the Cretaceous system (~66 million years ago). This was based on the progressive continental sediment coverage we observed. Global sea level shows a precipitous decrease from the Cretaceous system to the late Neogene system (~2.5 million years ago). The accompanying rise in the 87Sr/86Sr ratio is typically interpreted as reflecting the uplift of the Himalayas during the Paleogene system.
You can read the article in its short but rather technical entirety by clicking on "Flood Evidence from Sea Levels and Strontium".