Human Fossil Remains in Australia Thwart Evolutionists

We recently examined a prairie schooner-full of articles introduced in two posts ( beginning with this one ) that demonstrated how the hands at the Darwin Ranch were busy rewriting their conflicting versions of human origins. Rusty Swingset, the foreman, got frustrated and went bowling. H. erectus fossil remains have paleoanthropologists trying to salvage or work around the Out of Africa (OoA) and Multiregional models. Credit: Flickr / Ryan Somma ( CC BY-SA 2.0 ) Essentially, Homo erectus was used in the idea that humans evolved in Africa and then saddled up to ride for other parts of the globe. The OoA model has had supporters and detractors slapping leather with each other for quite a spell, and several other models have been proposed to evosplain the data: those skulls in 'Straya don't belong there because evolution. Genetic research makes them worse for evolutionists. These finds are fine with biblical creationists, but there is some disagreement in their ranks re...