We have examined radiometric dating on this site many times, and the article linked below provides some information that is inconvenient for those who believe in deep time. The age of the earth is calculated this way by
testing meteorites, not rocks on Earth. However, the dating methods are unreliable.
It should raise the suspicions of almost anyone that there are numerous dating methods used on rocks. This is because they are not consistent and have results that vary wildly with one another, and there are
numerous assumptions that must be made. Creation scientists have done their own calculations and shown how secular systems are flawed. Further, a Genesis Flood model is a far better fit for the facts.
Have you ever pulled apart a large mass of taffy and watched it
break into two approximately equal masses? This is an illustration
of what happens in the subatomic world when a 238U or
235U atom undergoes splitting, or fission. Nuclear fission is often
used to date rocks to millions or billions of years old. But are these
methods valid?
To finish reading, click on "Nuclear Fission Dating Methods Are Unreliable". Also, you may like to hear the Scripture on Creation podcasts (about thirteen minutes each), "Too Much C-14 To Be Contamination. Part 1" and "Too Much C-14 To Be Contamination. Part 2", which refer to a much more technical article from the Creation Research Society, "Deep Time Philosophy Impacts Radiocarbon Measurements".