
Showing posts from 2020

Amazingly Silly Evolution Research

The year 2020 has been dreadful for many people. Changing the calendar will not make the evils of the previous year magically go away, nor will the good things disappear. We will end the year with appallingly fatuous "research" conducted to glorify the Bearded Buddha. If creationists get lost in the woods, all they need to do is say something refuting minerals-to-machinist evolution, and a misotheist will show up to argue. The creationist will probably be told, "You don't know anything about evolution!" Interestingly, we encounter that false accusation on teh interwebs quite often, and then the complainants will frequently demonstrate lack of knowledge of evolution themselves — indeed, they often exhibit ignorance of science itself. We have an article to examine that has three examples of foolishness (and even some arrogance) that still manages to garner praise from secularists. One tinhorn is even attempting to rewrite Darwin's sacred tomes by saying we wat...

Eating at the Table of Another

We all probably know someone who is a taker but not a giver. They rely on the efforts of others, but are actually harmful to others. There is a word for someone or something that takes from another, essentially eating from the table of another. Credit: Flickr / NIH-NIAID  ( CC BY 2.0 ) You probably figured out that the subject under discussion is parasites . They come in many forms. Emotional vampires drain your essence (psychologically, not supernaturally); atheists claim to believe in science and reason, draw from foundational work of creationist scientists, then malign Christians and God; Democrats and socialists — but never mind about that now. Actually, we're here to discuss the much smaller kinds of parasites. While it is common knowledge that malaria is a disease caused by mosquitoes, but those parasites often carry a single-celled parasite themselves — and that is the thing that causes the disease. Biblical creationists believe what the Bible says, that in the beginning, e...

The Webb Telescope and Extraterrestrial Life

If you study on it, the insistence of naturalists that life must exist elsewhere in the universe is irrational. They deny evidence for the Creator that is all around them (Rom. 1:18-23), but believe in their invisible friends when no evidence exists. Artist conception of the James Webb Space Telescope in action Credit: NASA (usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) Over the years, people have tried to determine the possibility of extraterrestrial life out yonder. The moon? No sign of it, not even microbial life in the rocks brought back by astronauts. Venus? Conditions there make life out of the question, despite a hysterical claim that there might be a stinky indication. Mars? Secularists keep trying and coming up empty. Looking further, exoplanets (extrasolar planets) were found. With better equipment, scientists have been able to determine the sizes and atmospheres of many. They even selected a "Goldilocks Zone" where if a planet orbited a star, the conditions...

Firing the Foxy Evolution Story

Regular readers should have noticed that creationists not only encourage people to use critical thinking, but to ask questions as well. Not just superficial questions, either. Add to that a bit of skill at spotting logical fallacies , and people are much less easily deceived by Darwinian just-so stories. Credit: US National Park Service / Jessica Weinberg McClosky (Usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) A few years back, the hands at the Darwin Ranch (go past Stinking Lake toward Deception Pass) got all het up about "Hobbits" ( H. florensis )   diminutive humans that apparently suffered from microcephaly. In a recent bit of malarkey, it has been suggested that studying the island fox is a key to human evolution. Was the author's reasoning influenced by peyote buttons? Asking for a friend. They eat those things like taco chips at the Darwin Ranch, you know. There is one redeeming feature in this otherwise non-rigorous Darwin story: a lesson about avoiding assu...

Age of the Earth and Salvation

Here we go again. The strange auto-censors at Facebook claimed that an intended post violates their so-called community standards, and they blocked it from the URL. We post on The Question Evolution Project links to Answers in Genesis many times, but occasionally a link is instantly blocked whether from them or someone else. Click for larger Used under Fair Use law for educational purposes In fact, I will also include the introductory paragraphs, but merged with the usual link format. Opponents of biblical creation are known to spread the lie that we claim that one must believe in the young earth teachings to be saved. Obviously not, but the issue is important, including a proper understanding of Scripture and of hermeneutics. Scripture plainly teaches that salvation is conditioned upon faith in Christ, with no requirement for what one believes about the age of the earth or universe. Now when I say this, people sometimes assume then that it does not matter what a Christian believes ...

Molecular Darwinism and Fake Medical Science

Darwin's acolytes have been conjuring up more pseudoscience based on guesswork, and these tinhorns suggest it can be helpful for medical science. Drawing on thermodynamics, they decided that DNA has an energy code because, so they commenced to working with their Charles Darwin Club Secret Decoder Rings®. Background image furnished by  Why?Outreach The human genome is very complex , but materialists are unwilling to give credit to the Creator. Instead, they want to take ideas from Papa Darwin and apply it to the problem of how DNA became the shuttle train for genetic information. With fundamentally flawed presuppositions and bad reasoning, it is not going well. In an attempt to bring DNA under Darwin’s mechanism and thermodynamics, this theory ignores the elephant in the room. Genetic Code Evolution and Darwin’s Evolution Theory Should Consider DNA an ‘Energy Code’ (Rutgers University). They call it “molecular Darwinism.” Evolutionists at Rutgers University tackle the steep hurdle a...

The REAL Mother of Jesus

No, the title is not an attempt to put forward some Gnostic idea that the Mary we know about in the Bible is not actually the mother of Jesus. Unfortunately, many traditions and false teachings have been presented for a couple of millennia. We should examine who she is according to the source documents. Credit: Free Christian Illustrations Mary seemed to be just another Hebrew girl. The Bible shows us that she was obedient to God, knowledgeable of the Scriptures, had faith, willing to face the hardships of being unmarried and pregnant in that culture — and she was not perfect. She said herself that she needed a Savior. It must have been almost overwhelming to give birth to God the Son, the Second Person of the Trinity that became flesh and is the Creator of the universe! Let's find out more. We can see in church history that unbiblical traditions started to accrue about Mary, the mother of Jesus, as early as the second century. This means that some of our thoughts about her...

Life Itself is a Great Mystery

In the comedy Short Circuit, robot Number Five was struck by lightning and became alive. He had a personality and was able to think. When he accidentally killed a bug, he had trouble understanding that the bug could not be made alive again. The Nativity by Jacques Stella, 1639 If you study on it, life is actually difficult to define. Naturalists define it in a chemical manner with cells processing, physiological activity happening, and all those rather mechanical procedures. All the ingredients of Number Five's dead bug were still there, but life had ceased. For that matter, Number Five was not alive (despite his protestations) according to naturalistic definitions. Materialists cannot explain the origin of consciousness , but they still search for the physical location of the soul and free will . When misotheists complain that something is evil or wrong (such as claiming that by refuting Darwinism, creationists are "lying" about evolution), they are inconsistent. Ath...

Lying for Darwin in the Secular Science Industry

Atheists and evolutionists hate creationists, and especially those of us who use presuppositional apologetics . We get that. After all, creation scientists point out the flaws in secular science assumptions, and apologists show that their worldviews are incoherent; only biblical Christianity makes sense. We expect such reactions and misrepresentation from sidewinders with Atheism Spectrum Disorder and fundamentalist evolutionists, but not so much in the hallowed walls of secularism. The whole lot of them become incensed when their faith is shaken, and this child fully believes some want revenge. After all, scientific integrity and the pursuit of knowledge are not nearly as important as maintaining the naturalism narrative. The Cambrian explosion has been a serious problem for Darwin's disciples for many years. Evolutionists have tried to find ways around it , but it is still strong evidence for recent creation and the Genesis Flood. Now some sidewinders are twisting the facts and ...

Of Fossil Spider Eyes and the Genesis Flood

Rewriting this post*. My wife will not read this because she doesn’t like spiders , and they give a lot of people the heebie jeebies. Time to put feelings on the shelf so we can examine some important facts about spider fossils and the Flood. Credit: Flickr / Chandan Singh ( CC BY 2.0 ) I prolly gave some of y'all the heebie jeebies all over again. Ignore it. Besides, I don't get to use that expression very often. "When spiderish eyes are shining, sure, 'tis like the morning spring —" Do you take requests? How about if you sing "Down by the River" and "Fall In"? While soft tissues and fossils have been known for a long time, the situation was amplified by famous work by Mary Schweitzer in 2005, as well as by Kevin Anderson and Mark Armitage . (One furious atheopath recently claimed that young-age creationists “hijacked” her work, affirmed the dubious iron preservation rescuing device, then ignored all the rest of the soft tissue news.) In fact,...

Viking DNA Dispersal Points to Babel

It is easy to assume that the stereotypical Scandinavian today indicates how the Vikings of centuries past appeared. While it is known that the Vikings were explorers and reached North America long ago, there is other evidence of how much they got around. Credit: Flickr / Katherine (take a look at the caption for background) ( CC BY-ND 2.0 ) It seems to be human nature to move around, as we have seen with the Neanderthals, Denisovans, Celts, and other ancient people groups. Modern researchers raided Viking burial grounds and conductive intensive research, and saw that like other folks, they managed to spread their DNA around. However, they also discovered that DNA was shared into  Scandinavia. Trace genetics, culture, history, and so on back far enough and you'll find support for the biblical narrative of the dispersal at Babel. The activities of the Viking Age (793–1066 AD) radically shaped the demographic landscape of Europe—along with its politics, culture, and demographic...

Effects of Evolutionary Thinking on Law and History

Regular readers have seen how the distraction of, "Evolution is just biology" is completely false. We recently saw how evolutionism can be a religion in its own right , and how it is a worldview through which people interpret data and make choices. Christopher Langdell portrait by Frederick Porter Vinton , modified Secular geologists "know" that the world is billions of years old. That's what the Bearded Buddha wants, that's what he gets — evidence for the young earth is suppressed or ignored. Social Darwinism was the application of his biological ideas to produce eugenics and a drastic increase in abortions , scientific racism , women as inferior , and much more. William Blackstone wrote his commentaries on the law, and those were foundational for a long time. Christopher Langell was influenced by Darwin, and decided that since evolution was true, then everything evolves. The US Constitution is something that needs to evolve as well; judges are more importa...

Genetic Entropy and You

There are some creationists who advise against using the Laws of Thermodynamics, entropy , and that sort of thing in discussions about evolution. We tend to misuse these things. It is a fact, though, that everything winds down. This applies to you and me. Background image: Pixabay /  PixxlTeufel , modified with COVID-19 image, then FotoSketcher In a way, it should be obvious. Your vehicle will not become less rusty or repair itself. Machines wear out and break down. Foundations in buildings settle and cracks appear in various places. People grow old and die, and then have to stand before their Creator. Before we continue, I suggest reading " Mendel's Accountant Continues to Fluster Evolutionists ". It's not essential, but helpful. Genetic entropy  is extremely strong for affirming recent creation,  and for refuting deep-time minerals-to-misotheist evolution. Although our Creator built in processes to repair our DNA and mitigate damages, mutations do occur and accumula...

A Glowing Report on the Platypus

Creationists are fond of the platypus, and some of think that it could possibly be one of our Creator's pranks on secularists. Not only does it have design characteristics of different critters, but is frustrating to Darwin's disciples . Then there's that new report. Modified from a public domain image The platypus is billed (see what I did there?) as being able to glow in the dark. Probably not useful as a reading light, though. This was detected by shining ultraviolet light on museum specimens. Then things get truly bizarre. Other living things are also biofluorescent, but they are disparate, such as fungi, a few mammals, fish, and others. (Expect the non-explanation of "convergent evolution" to be invoked .) Mammals that have this trait are active in twilight hours, including wombats and other natives of 'Straya . However, not all of these animals that are active in twilight are biofluorescent. The more we think about it, the less ducky it gets for evolutio...

That "Living in a Computer Simulation" Thing Again

Just over a year ago, we discussed the notion that some people have that we are living in a computer simulation (" Evolutionary Thinking and Fake Reality "). A recent article made some interesting points about this, so I reckon it is worth saddling this pony up again. Credit: FreeDigitalImages / thesomeday1234 "Hey, gang! Pet the neighbors and wake the cat, we're going to do a computer simulation of an entire universe!" That would require substantial knowledge of the workings of every aspect of the universe, but there is a great deal more to learn. I reckon the idea is self-defeating right from the start. Also note that those who believe in such things are materialists. That is, they reject God, the soul, and that sort of thing. Ironically, secular scientists search for the locations of the soul and free will in the brain . There are people who want to develop the simulation technology for the "betterment of humanity" or somesuch (that should be a red ...

Mendel's Accountant Continues to Fluster Evolutionists

Scientists really like computer simulations and models. (If you tell a scientist that you have a new one, well, there's goes your evening of binge-watching CSI .) Proponents of particles-to-programmer evolution have them for mutations, natural selection and the like. The Mendel's Accountant  program is superior. Thanks to Why?Outreach for the graphic Gregor Mendel (peas be upon him) pioneered the science of genetics. Darwin's disciples added the fact of mutations to Darwin's version of natural selection, claiming neo-Darwinism was the answer to questions about origins — especially if they remove any possibility of the Creator. Of course, deep time is essential. High priests of evolutionism like Clinton Richard Dawkins have used computer simulations to support evolution, but like I've said many times, the program depends on the data. It also is subject to the adjustments made by the programmers. Darwinists bragged about their successful scenarios (essentially dealin...

Fossil Spider Eyes and the Genesis Flood

 This post was destroyed by the incompetence of the Blogger interface. 45 minutes wasted. And why do they insist that I have a first-line 1-space indent? Wordpress is looking better and better every day.

Paws to Reflect on Biomimetics

Biomimetics (or biomimicry) is the scientific applications of using what has been found in nature and making them available for our use. We use the minds that our Creator gave us to make use of various things, but deny rightful credit (" it evolved "). Has biomimetics gone to the dogs? Credits: Original from Freeimages / Lidija Macej , modified at PhotoFunia Or more accurately, some of biomimetics is  coming from the dogs. The right person was paying attention to burrs in a dog's fur, and eventually, Velcro was developed . Another invention inspired by observing a dog — "A dog walked into a saloon with one arm in a sling. He tipped back his cowboy hat and announced to the bartender and everyone else, "'I'm lookin' for the man that shot my paw!'" Many thanks for that humorous non-contribution.  So anyway, why was the cocker spaniel getting along so well on the ice, but his pet human was having all sorts of troubles? This observant man had hi...

Evolutionists are Working for Creation Science

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen A common accusation against creationists is that we oversimplify science with, "GodDidIt". While be believe that God is the ultimate first cause and has a plan, creation scientists want to know how God did it.  Creation of the World / Ivan Aivazovsky, 1864 modified with graphic from Open Clipart Biblical creationists presuppose the truth of Scripture and the majority of secular scientists presuppose atheistic naturalism. They are unable to give plausible scientific explanations and models for slime-to-slate-roofer evolution, so they draw upon circular reasoning based on other baseless explanations; these essentially come down to "EvolutionDidIt" and " It evolved ". I reckon that's a bit of a logical fallacy (or a psychological defect, mayhaps) to say that creationists are not interested in explanations for what is observed, but secularists offer little of substance themselves. The money and power in the secular science industry...

Vampire Moths: Repurposing Design

Have you ever "hacked" something for a purpose other than its original purpose? Sure you have, such as scrubbing with an old toothbrush. In medications, there are "off label" uses (antihistamine as a sleep aid, for instance). Life hacks seem to happen in nature. Calyptra thalictri  (vampire moth) image credit: Flickr /  Ilia Ustyantsev  ( CC BY-SA 2.0 ) Before we get to the vampire moth (and no, if you're bitten, you won't turn into an undead one and seek the blood of the living), let's have a bit of fun. Spy movies show the heroes using objects in ways other than intended as weapons or to get out of unpleasant situations. The original MacGyver television series became iconic because of how he jury-rigged devices, often for one quick purpose (bricolage). If y'all pay attention, you should come across the usage of "Macgyvered" as a substitute for improvising and jury-rigging. I'm a fan of Stargate SG-1 and the original MacGyver (both st...