
Showing posts from November, 2019

The Problems of Evolving onto Land

We have been taught that science is a search for knowledge and that it flourishes with challenges, but that seems to have a caveat of, "Except evolution". It is also unfortunate that instead of being taught critical thinking skills, people accept stories that Darwinists evosplain to them. That is not in keeping with true science. Images found at  Clker  clipart were modified We saw recently that there are numerous problems with the idea that dinosaurs evolved into birds (as  articles linked here discuss ), but I don't rightly recollect that we hear so much about how seafaring life got the bright idea to become landlubbers. The icon of the walking Darwin fish is a mockery of the Christian fish image, rejecting the Creator and replacing him with secular miracles. That's right, I said it!  Atheists and evolutionists have their own secular miracles , including the sea-to-land business. There is no evidence at all that fish learned to walk on land . Then we ...

The Remarkable Formation of Pyramid Rock

Tourists who head over to Melbourne, Australia sometimes get a notion to visit Pyramid Rock on Phillip Island. This triangular mass is interesting to geologists — especially Genesis Flood geologists. It was not built by human hands, but by several factors including volcanic activity. Cropped from an image on Wikimedia Commons by  Pavel Å pindler  ( CC by 3.0 ) You can see the different colors. For the most part, we are seeing basalt perched on granite, which involves different volcanic activity. Secular geologists would agree with biblical creationists that a whole heap of erosion happened, but not on the timeframe or circumstances. Uniformitarian geology does not work, but the activity of the Genesis Flood provides an adequate explanation. The boardwalk to the lookout gives an excellent view of the black basalt columns crammed along the base of the steep cliff. The same columnar jointing is visible in Pyramid Rock in the distance, as well as in most of the headlands a...

That Thanksgiving Dinosaur Idea

Today is Thanksgiving Day in the United States, and many of us are blessed to have a grand feast. The most traditional part of this is turkey. While we should be thankful to our Creator and Redeemer for all that he has done for us, we do not need to be accepting the philosophy that the turkey evolved from dinosaurs . Credit: / hin255 While it is an article of faith for evolutionists to believe that birds came from dinosaurs (a "fact"), many posts on this site alone show the insuperable problems of this position (actual facts). Indeed, dinosaurs and birds existed together , and not all evolutionists have signed on to that opinion. Mixing evolution with biblical Christianity interferes with our worship . We may even use this time to point out the truth of creation — with grace and discretion, of course. Ever mindful to immerse the world in evolutionary mythology, the’s “Dinosaur Tracking” column on Thanksgiving Day zoomed in on you...

Those Slobbering Apes

Here in the US of A, it is the day before Thanksgiving. Folks might be salivating at the thought of gathering with kith and kin and strapping on the feed bag. Hopefully, most of us will remember to give thanks for our blessings. Speaking of salivating, proponents of molecules-to-monkey evolution analyzed ape saliva. Credit: Unsplash /   Adam Bignell As we have seen, researchers keep coming up with nothing when they try to find anything but the most cursory similarities between apes and humans. (For example, DNA is a tricky thing, and depending on which part of it was analyzed, gorillas  are more closely related to humans on the failed evolutionary tree than chimpanzees, our alleged closer cousins.) It turns out that this latest analysis ain't worth spit to evolutionary systems. That is because we were created separately, and did not evolve from a common ancestor, old son. We're very different from critters. Still, the research was somewhat interesting, I reckon. ...

Early Humans Sailed Too Soon

If you find yourself out in the Greek islands, take a look for one named Naxos. It is not huge, about 166 square miles or about 430 square kilometers, and the population pushes 20,000. Artifacts found on Naxos were determined to be from ancient travelers, and this is causing consternation among Darwinists. Credit: Pixabay /  WeeFee_Photography According to secular reckoning, the artifacts were dated at 200,000 years old. Naxos is ancient, but that's stretching it quite a bit. And the stuff isn't theirs anyway. Scientists commenced to cognating and realized that ancient humans must have boated over there. This was not chartering a boat for a three-hour tour that got shipwrecked, either, because apparently the journey happened frequently. Evolutionists believe that ancient humans were stupid, sitting around for many thousands of years wasting time by painting on cave walls, searching for free WiFi, fighting neighboring tribes, and so on. But for everyone to do basically n...

Guppies and Natural Selection — but Not Evolution

It has been established for many years that Darwin was wrong, natural selection is not evolution. Sure, his followers believe that natural selection and mutations work in conjunction with evolution, but natural selection itself does what it is supposed to do. So why do so many evolutionists, including those in a study of guppies, disingenuously claim that evolution occurred? Credit: Flickr / Mark Turner  ( CC by 2.0 ) Guppies are generally good-natured and frequently included in a community tropical aquarium. Very attractive. They breed a lot, too, even in captivity. Guppies are found down Trinidad way for the most part, and scientists did some studies on them. What they found were some great examples of natural selection (a concept that creationists affirm), but they said that the guppies exhibited evolution. That'll be the day! In addition, they demonstrated why peer review is failing because of what this child considers circular appeals to authority. No guppies were adapti...

Intolerant Tolerance from the Secular Science Industry

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Science is supposed to be about  the search for knowledge, and scientists are inaccurately considered to be dispassionate seekers of objective truth. Actually, scientists can be just as avaricious as you and me, and the secular science industry is allowing itself to be hijacked for leftist causes . Creationists, Christians, and other people cannot be tolerated by these sidewinders. In an episode of The Briefing , Dr. Albert Mohler discussed how Brigham Young University was dropped from job postings by a couple of geology organizations because of their morality code. While I reject Mormon views, they have a right to have and practice their beliefs without being coerced to change them. Recently, I asked someone who is involved in hiring at his company if they were interested in views of applicants. That company (like most others, I reckon) are more interested in the ability of people to perform the job. The organizations affecting BYU are giving po...

Animals Designed to Communicate

Those of us who are owned by pets know how they inform us of their needs and desires, whether food for food, affection, or other needs. We have had cats who can express themselves through nonverbal ways, and know when they are pleased. Communication is common in what are considered higher animals. There are several aspects for communication (whether complex or simple), which rules out incidental signals. Some amount of volition between the sender and receiver is needed, and the Master Engineer enabled animals to have some amount of communication with humans and with each other. This, too, is something that proponents of particles-to-pussycat evolution are unable to explain. Making sense of biological senses is a losing battle for evolutionary theories, and explaining complex creature communication is even worse. Why? Because evolutionists have no real explanation for why communication occurs. Chance processes couldn’t have assembled the key ingredients needed for the elaborate ...

The Recapitulation Zombies of Evolution

We think they are dead, but Darwin's acolytes keep using the black magick of scientism and wishful thinking to bring them back. Not living organisms, but their bad ideas. In this case, the idea that an unborn child goes through evolutionary stages in its development. This has been proven false for a mighty long time, pilgrim, but it is still used to justify abortion. Original image credit: Pixabay /  Ahmadreza Heidaripoor If scum-to-sorcerer evolution were "settled science" or a fact, there should  be no need to use bad logic, misrepresentation, startlingly bad mistakes — and outright fraud. When posting about Haeckel's fake drawings on social media, people said those long-discredited things coupled with the rejected recapitulation idea can be found in modern textbooks. As any knowledgeable propagandist can tell you, concentration and repetition coupled with the Big Lie are effective tools to influence the undiscerning. Devious Darwinists seem to be trying to...

Getting to the Root of Plant Communication

This post  stems  from a pair of related articles that will be linked below regarding the surprising abilities of plants to communicate. Earlier, we read about some of this in " Tree Mail in the Wood Wide Web ". This  field  is growing, and researchers are conducting some interesting experiments.   Credit: Unsplash /  Lukasz Szmigiel When working on this here post, I commenced to woolgathering about an old  Lost in Space  episode about semi-intelligent plants that were communicating with each other. They had a ruler of sorts, Tybo, who was a giant intelligent carrot, and wanted to turn the Robinsons (the space travelers) into plants.  " The Great Vegetable Rebellion " was considered awful by the actors and even the writer, but the dreadful part of Tybo was performed well by Stanley Adams (who also played the part of Cyrano Jones on the  Star Trek  episode, "The Trouble with Tribbles"). Although that show was chock full...

Pigeons Puzzling Evolutionists Again

Charles Darwin tried to do some selection experiments on pigeons, but they remained what they are like they are supposed to do. Much more recently, experiments on the brain power of baboons was studied because of the presupposition that humans are closely related to them. Then came starting experiments involving pigeons. From  Zoologie. Oiseau. / New York Public Library / Jomard, M. (Edme-François), 1809 It turns out that pigeons performed surprisingly well a spatial concepts involving fine art and numbers. Problem is, this requires primates to have a certain area of the brain that allegedly evolved for such functions. Pigeons do not have this brain business. Evolutionists resort to the non-explanation of " it evolved ", that handy-dandy catch-all excuse for when they have no model or any idea how said evolution is supposed to have happened. That's because particles-to-poultry evolution did not happen, and humans were created separately from animals and birds. Yo...

Build a Denisovan Face

Remember  Hesperopithecus haroldcookii , or his more common name, Nebraska Man ? It seems mighty presumptuous to build an individual, his wife, animals, the landscape, all from a single tooth. That was silly enough, but it turned out to be the tooth of a pig that was extinct in that area. Oopsie! This overreach came to mind when I was reading about constructing the facial characteristics of Denisovans from DNA. Denisovan cave image credit: Wikimedia Commons /  Xenochka  ( CC by-SA 4.0 ) Scientists got the notion that they can get an idea of what the Denisovans looked like by using DNA, epigenetics, and comparison to humans alive today. Never mind that the DNA has deteriorated over time and is likely to be contaminated. What we do learn is that the Denisovans were another group of humans descended from Adam, and not critters from the failed evolutionary tree.   Denisovan fossils are represented by only a few teeth, a finger bone, a bit of a mandible (jawbone)...

Turkana Boy and the Darwin Disciples

The cloud of dust indicated two riders approaching my spread. As it turned out, Stormie Waters and her pal Ruby Slippers rode down from Deception Pass. They were all het up because personal combat was ensuing again at the Darwin Ranch, this time over how to interpret Turkana Boy. Turkana at Kenya museum, image credit Wikimedia Commons /  Akrasia25  ( CC by-SA 4.0 ) Whenever there are fossils, bones, and artifacts, evolutionary scientists commence to disagreeing. (Actually, that's a good thing in science.) Most fossils and such are sparse and scattered, so there is much to cuss and discuss. Even the more complete Turkana Boy sparks many areas of controversy, including things like his age, whether he is a he or she, the H. Erectus or H. ergaster, and if he or she was deformed. The secular science industry's fake news branch has not given this guy much coverage because the dating methods used rule him out for being an evolutionary ancestor of humans. There is on...

Underdetermination and Cosmology

People tend to use cosmology when they are really discussing cosmogony, but that is not surprising because the fields tend to overlap. Scientists riding for the cosmic evolution brand tend to get a mite pretentious and make proclamations about how the universe formed and operates, then get surprised when their beliefs turn out wrong . Image credit: NASA , ESA, M. J. Jee and H. Ford et al. (Johns Hopkins Univ)  (Usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) Secularists reject recent creation, and do not even consider the evidence for it. There are several materialistic models for the origin and development of the universe, but they are continually changing. The Big Bang is the best of the bad ideas, so secularists cling to it and continually patch it up.  Atheists and anti-creationists show their lack of knowledge regarding science and fields related to astronomy by insisting that the evidence requires certain conclusions. Not hardly! This is where underdetermination...

Grand Canyon Flood Origin and Observable Evidence

Geologists who presuppose deep time and that present processes explain the distant past reject the Genesis Flood. That is to be expected, even though the Flood explains many features of geology. Unfortunately, the narrative drives the evidence for secularists, and some are even deceptive in their dismissal of the catastrophic formation of the Grand Canyon. NPS photo by  Erin Whittaker They will say that the Flood cannot happen and propose a model. Makes sense from a cursory glance: although the Grand Canyon is full of sedimentary rocks (deposited by water), the soft stuff deposited by the Flood would collapse. That is not what we see. However, their model is a false representation and is refuted by observable evidence. This is only one example of problems with their paradigm. Old-earth geologists claim that observations contradict the Flood model origin for Grand Canyon. However, recently exposed sediments at Lake Mead refute their claims and instead fully support the Fl...

The Fading Magnetic Field is Important

One of the numerous facts used by biblical creationists that indicates a young earth is the decay of the magnetic field . Secular owlhoots know that this has been happening, but they try to salvage their deep time beliefs with assorted and unprovable concepts. They also try to wave it off as unimportant. Image credit:  NASA (Usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) After all, it's been there for billions of years, they think, and are apparatchiks for the Darwin Party. If the Bearded Buddha needs huge amounts of time, they'll find it for him, you betcha! Some are implying that it will be somewhat inconvenient, but ignore other important facts. Also, they have their uniformitarian paradigm (slow and gradual processes), assuming  that the decay rate will not increase later. Our Creator put that magnetic field up there to take care of this here planet that we call home. Earth’s magnetic field is vital for life, but it is decaying. To keep it going billions of ye...

The Amazing Gift of Vision

In the early days of printers and the internet, ASCII code was tediously used to draw pictures, such as these cats . Our brains take the visual stimulation and recognize what pictures mean. This is called  skeletal recognition , probably because of the "bare bones" approach. It is different from shape recognition. Credit: / Renjith Krishnan We see a shape or have a glimpse of something and often recognize it, just as with the examples mentioned previously. It helps if we have reference points, such as having seen animals or objects so we can make the association. (Mayhaps that is why people are afraid when they see something completely alien to them.) We also make these connections exceptionally fast. Researchers praise Darwin, blessed be! But the intricacies of human vision testify of the work of the Master Engineer, not foolish faith in random chance processes. Human vision is incredible. The human eye and brain are adept at recognizing object...

The Beginning of Dogs

It may be interesting to know that there are certain things that microbes-to-mutt evolutionists and biblical creationists are in agreement. Then we diverge. Dogs originally came from a wolf-like ancestor, and humans managed to domesticate them. The when, where, and how of this has no agreement. But that is to be expected. Credit: PIXNIO / bicanski Materialists fallaciously assert that the varieties of dogs are examples of evolution, even though most arrived on the scene in the last 200 years or so through artificial selection. Such changes have definite limitations . No, breeds are not separate species; they are all in the same subspecies. The evolutionary model for dog origins is ineffective and evolutionists are in disagreement — they should be in disagreement, since they have no transitional forms to support their speculations. They are also in disagreement on the origin of the domestication of the critters, basically evosplained with doggerel. Creationists are working on t...

Monkeys, Neuroscience, and Music

While searching for a video, I came across several blocks of music that were assembled to relax various animals as well as one for pets in general . I reckon that this is based on assumption and wishful thinking (and marketing, since music for critters CDs are being sold by pet suppliers). They may not be sophisticated music connoisseurs. Monkeys seem to consider music nothing but noise. The Monkey who had Seen the World by Edwin Henry Landseer Some assets of the Darwin Party worked from the presupposition that since monkeys and humans evolved from a common ancestor, our brains must work alike. Therefore, why not find out what music appeals to macaques and humans, because evolution. The monkeys were not interested. We're wired differently. Evolutionists began to marvel again about the mysteries of the human brain, stroked their beards, and fired of some sciencey-sounding nonsense. Well, of course  they should marvel! After all, they are the creation, and we have a Ma...

The Athletic White-Tailed Deer

Many years ago, my mother told of an encounter with a deer when she was driving on a highway one evening (we lived in Michigan). Instead of  waiting, the fool beast ran alongside her car and then jumped over it. My mother saw the hind legs as it went onward. This adds to what many people know, that deer are fast runners and strong jumpers. Cropped from a nice scene on Freeimages / Juha Soininen Then there's the story of the woman who called the radio station to complain about the deer crossing signs. She was upset that the deer didn't obey the signs. If that call happened (and there are several versions of the story), I think it was probably done as a prank. On a more serious note from TQEP 's Public Service department, a good guideline for motorists is to never assume that there is just one.  If you stop for one in the road, keep an eye out for others. I can verify this from more than one experience. Let's move on. There are many of the deer kind around th...

Dinosaur Eggs and Challenges to the Genesis Flood

There are millions of fossilized dinosaur eggs around the world, but they may not stand out to someone who is not trained to notice them. After all, they are fossilized. These eggs are more concentrated in some areas than others, and secularists fixing to lynch biblical creationists present some challenges. Fossilized dinosaur eggs at Indroda Fossil Park Image credit: Wikimedia Commons /  S. Ballal  ( CC by-SA 3.0 ) Secularists have raised some challenges for Genesis Flood geology that are interesting at first glance. However, observed evidence regarding dinosaur eggs is also difficult for those geologists to answer as well. Creation scientists have the Briefly Exposed Diluvial Sediments model that provides satisfactory answers to objections of secular geologists. Other features, such as mud cracks, raindrop imprints, bird tracks, channels, and burrows, have been reported at some egg sites. In addition, some dinosaur remains seem to have been scavenged. Skeptics a...

Green Beans and Bioengineering

My mother insisted that I eat the green beans on my plate, but they were not all that thrilling. She would say that they have vitamins and we know much more now than we did back then about the health benefits of green beans . Interestingly, they have an internal mechanism that loosely resembles one of our own. Credit: Pixabay / Sonja Langford  When we have a wound, the blood will clot and the flow will stop (unless someone has a health condition). The Master Engineer also devised something similar for the beans. They need the sap to flow, but if a part is broken, that's where callose plugs come into play. Try to get a disciple of Darwin to evosplain that to you and come away with a satisfactory answer. When bean plants are bruised or bitten by a caterpillar, what if the valuable sap in the plant’s vascular tubing kept flowing to the injury site, leading to an unrestrained loss of sap? That’s comparable to an injured human or animal losing blood. In humans and animals,...