Genetics and the Recent Creation of Humanity
Genetics is not helpful to proponents of universal common ancestor evolution and the belief in deep time. Materialists reject recent creation because evolution, but they have a heap of problems of their own to deal with. Both creationists and evolutionists interpret data from their worldviews.
One reason secularists reject creation science material is the genetic fallacy. That is, they do not like the source, even though creation scientists have valid degrees. Further, the scientific evidence needs to be considered, not just circumvented or evosplained away. Taking the data and applying the creationist model, we see that the science supports our position and glorifies the Creator, not Darwin.
What follows is a link to a self-contained book chapter that is quite long. It has charts and a great deal of data, plus documentation and links for those who want to really did in to the technical aspects. The chapter is divided into three subsections. I have a couple of suggestions for reading lengthy articles. First, use an add-on or built in "reader view" (or similar name) so you're not staring at a bright monitor for all that time if you're not so inclined. You can also convert it to a PDF for more convenient reading. As for me, I use free add-ons to send articles to my ebook reader (like this one, and another one that lets you save in different formats), then articles like this are available at your convenience. Or print it, but that's going to take quite a bit of ink (or toner) and paper.
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Modified from Adam and Eve in Worthy Paradise, Peter Paul Rubens, c. 1610 |
What follows is a link to a self-contained book chapter that is quite long. It has charts and a great deal of data, plus documentation and links for those who want to really did in to the technical aspects. The chapter is divided into three subsections. I have a couple of suggestions for reading lengthy articles. First, use an add-on or built in "reader view" (or similar name) so you're not staring at a bright monitor for all that time if you're not so inclined. You can also convert it to a PDF for more convenient reading. As for me, I use free add-ons to send articles to my ebook reader (like this one, and another one that lets you save in different formats), then articles like this are available at your convenience. Or print it, but that's going to take quite a bit of ink (or toner) and paper.
The advent of modern genetics has seen the evolutionary community redouble its efforts to argue for human-primate common ancestry and against the traditional Christian understanding of the origin of the human race. As has been argued in previous chapters, a careful reading of Genesis 1–11 indicates that God created Adam and Eve supernaturally and without prior ancestry, and that all of humanity traces their ancestry back to this original couple — and not to a group of primates or proto-humans. Combined with a careful reading of the rest of Scripture, this narrative places the creation date of Adam and Eve approximately 6,000 years ago and places another population bottleneck about 4,500 years ago at the time of the Flood. This scriptural framework leads to very specific expectations about the genetic differences among humans and other species, expectations that can be scientifically tested against modern genetic data. In this chapter, we contend that genetics confirms the recent, supernatural creation of Adam and Eve and refutes the evolutionary narrative on human origins.To read the rest, make yourself comfortable and click on "Genetics Confirms the Recent, Supernatural Creation of Adam and Eve".