A Nice Day to Consider Saturn
Sometimes we may wonder why the names of planets were chosen after some very unsavory characters. Kronos was a Greek titan, son of sky and earth (Uranus and Gaia). In a violent coup with the help of Gaia, he overthrew Uranus which caused giants, fairies, and nymphs to form. He later ate his own children, but was forced to cough them up years later — none the worse for wear.
His rule was not much help against the Romans, who conquered and also merged Kronos with Saturn.
Except for varying accounts of mythology, a nifty evolution-defying
planet and its helpful moons, and the name of a day of the week, this sidewinder is pretty much
forgotten. Misotheists say that the Bible reads like "fairy tales" or "mythology", but I lack belief that they are intellectually honest when making such foolish comparisons.
No need to put on a saturnine countenance as we will now leave the fantastical stories behind us and look at some aspects of Saturn. This bad boy puts burrs under the saddles of cosmic evolutionists and deep time proponents, but it is mighty helpful to us creation-minded folks.
The Cassini mission provided us a heap of data that is still being sorted out and make rescuing device factories overheat. At this writing, Saturn has 82 "moons" that have been counted, although there are several that can be loosely considered moons, and others that have essentially only left their tracks. Some of those moons are active in the ring system.
Secular scientists cannot agree on the age of the rings. Some say that they somehow arrived after Saturn was formed, others say that the rings were there pretty much from the start. Models for the design of the moons fail because they presuppose billions of years, and the evidence shows that the rings are young. Then they need to figure out the electrodynamic activity between Saturn and the rings — which sounds fascinating to this child.
This is leading up to the first of two links. To learn about the rings and more, click on "News for Saturn-Day". I hope you come back for the second part.
We learned a great deal about the rings of Saturn and the planet itself, now we can examine two of its most interesting moons, Enceladus and Titan.
The pseudoscience of astrobiology is being invoked to give materialists hope for new places that life could possibly evolve. Enceladus is the "perfect age" for life to evolve, and this was demonstrated through computer simulations and circular reasoning. Unnamed organic chemicals were found, but that is a loose term that can include poisons. Getting actual science from these folks? That'll be the day!
Have you ever been standing near an entrance on a snowy day and someone comes in and shakes snow all over, including onto you? Enceladus is being rude to other moons, firing off ice crystals and giving them a covering. This activity also indicates that the moon is young because that cannot go on for millions or billions of years.
Titan has an atmosphere that is loaded with nitrogen. It also has lakes with steep craters where nitrogen may have been blasting outward. This indicates pressure, which again cannot last for the long ages that secularists require.
It would be mighty helpful to for science if these people would cowboy up and realize that they are using the cosmic evolution narrative to control the evidence. In reality, we keep on getting evidence showing that the solar system was created recently — even using secular methods.
To read more about the moon, click on "Saturn-Day and Moon-Day Arrive".
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False-color image combination of Saturn Credit: NASA / E. Karkoschka (University of Arizona) |
No need to put on a saturnine countenance as we will now leave the fantastical stories behind us and look at some aspects of Saturn. This bad boy puts burrs under the saddles of cosmic evolutionists and deep time proponents, but it is mighty helpful to us creation-minded folks.
The Cassini mission provided us a heap of data that is still being sorted out and make rescuing device factories overheat. At this writing, Saturn has 82 "moons" that have been counted, although there are several that can be loosely considered moons, and others that have essentially only left their tracks. Some of those moons are active in the ring system.
Secular scientists cannot agree on the age of the rings. Some say that they somehow arrived after Saturn was formed, others say that the rings were there pretty much from the start. Models for the design of the moons fail because they presuppose billions of years, and the evidence shows that the rings are young. Then they need to figure out the electrodynamic activity between Saturn and the rings — which sounds fascinating to this child.
This is leading up to the first of two links. To learn about the rings and more, click on "News for Saturn-Day". I hope you come back for the second part.
We learned a great deal about the rings of Saturn and the planet itself, now we can examine two of its most interesting moons, Enceladus and Titan.
The pseudoscience of astrobiology is being invoked to give materialists hope for new places that life could possibly evolve. Enceladus is the "perfect age" for life to evolve, and this was demonstrated through computer simulations and circular reasoning. Unnamed organic chemicals were found, but that is a loose term that can include poisons. Getting actual science from these folks? That'll be the day!
Have you ever been standing near an entrance on a snowy day and someone comes in and shakes snow all over, including onto you? Enceladus is being rude to other moons, firing off ice crystals and giving them a covering. This activity also indicates that the moon is young because that cannot go on for millions or billions of years.
Titan has an atmosphere that is loaded with nitrogen. It also has lakes with steep craters where nitrogen may have been blasting outward. This indicates pressure, which again cannot last for the long ages that secularists require.
It would be mighty helpful to for science if these people would cowboy up and realize that they are using the cosmic evolution narrative to control the evidence. In reality, we keep on getting evidence showing that the solar system was created recently — even using secular methods.
To read more about the moon, click on "Saturn-Day and Moon-Day Arrive".