Homology and Design Features

Normally, I do not make write-ups for online book chapters, but this topic is brought up frequently. The concept of homology is a tool for biologists and evolutionists where living things are grouped according to certain traits that they have in common. It can be useful, but problematic for muck-to-music therapist evolution. Credit: Pixabay / violetta Grouping by similarities is evoporn that is often used by village atheists and evolutionists to prove evolution, which is not logical. It also can work the other way: common traits demonstrate the work of our Creator using his design plans. Indeed, evolutionists often cannot explain traits that are unrelated according to their schemes, and invoke the miracle of convergent evolution — which is not an explanation, especially when creatures not related according to evolution. When used properly, homology can be not only a useful tool, but predictive. For example, Dmitri Mendeleev made the Periodic Table of the...