The Perplexing Pangolin
Before we get into the details, I want to share an opinion. We were created in the image of God and many critters seem to indicate that he has a sense of humor. Some creatures including the hoatzin, kangaroo, and the platypus almost seem like pranks our Creator made to fluster evolutionists. The same could apply the the pangolin.
If I took my glasses off, it might look like a miniature sauropod, being small at one end, much thicker in the middle, and small at the other end (according to a theory by Miss Anne Elk). It has scales, which are not found in mammals today, and the scales are unlike those of reptiles. This misnamed "scaly anteater" does the armadillo thing by curling up into a ball when threatened. It should do more of that, as vile humans are driving them to near extinction.
There is no sign of evolution; the pangolin remains a pangolin. The truth does not stop evolutionists from Making Things Up™ to explain the scales, even invoking guesses about DNA. As in so many other instances, we are given stories with an Adrian Monk approach, "Here's what happened".
Except that Monk provided reason and evidence. Evolutionists are mighty keen on using "perhaps", "possibly", "maybe", and others. In addition, the magical mystery device of natural selection is invoked. Then Darwin's Flying Monkeys™ swoop over and use the speculation as evidence: "Take that, creatards!" You didn't give us anything to take there, Buttercup.
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Credit: Wikimedia Commons / A. J. T. Johnsingh (CC by-SA 4.0) |
There is no sign of evolution; the pangolin remains a pangolin. The truth does not stop evolutionists from Making Things Up™ to explain the scales, even invoking guesses about DNA. As in so many other instances, we are given stories with an Adrian Monk approach, "Here's what happened".
Except that Monk provided reason and evidence. Evolutionists are mighty keen on using "perhaps", "possibly", "maybe", and others. In addition, the magical mystery device of natural selection is invoked. Then Darwin's Flying Monkeys™ swoop over and use the speculation as evidence: "Take that, creatards!" You didn't give us anything to take there, Buttercup.
To read the entire article including descriptions of its traits, click on "The Pangolin: The Strangest Animal Known to Man".Classification has been a major problem as documented by many past failed attempts. They were once classified with various orders of ant-eating mammals, the Xenarthra, which includes true anteaters, sloths, and the armadillos which pangolins superficially resemble. Newer genetic evidence, however, points to their closest living relatives as the Carnivora with which forms the clade Ferae. Other evolutionists have classified the pangolins in the order Cimolesta, together with several extinct groups, though this idea has also fallen out of favor since cimolestids were not placental mammals.A 2015 study found close affinities between pangolins and the extinct group called Creodonta. In short, pangolins have features of several diverse animals. This has stymied not only their classification, but also attempts to determine their evolution, a subject largely avoided due to almost no hint of transitional forms in the fossil record, although a number of extinct pangolins have been found.