Microevolution and Biblical Apologetics

While many creationists use the word microevolution, it is conspicuously absent from this site. That is because this word is misleading, and believers in minerals-to-microbiologist use it to imply that if there is a little evolution, then that leads to much (or macro ) evolution. It does not work that way, and many biblical creationists advise against using the words micro- and macroevolution . What is considered microevolution is actually variation and speciation. Creationists don't get on the prod with those terms because they are not only observed in nature, but they support biblical creation science models (see " How Do Evolutionists Hijack Real Science? " for an example). Evolutionists see variations as evidence for evolution, such as in antibiotic resistance . Variations are essentially horizontal changes, but you must remember this, a fish is still a fish, a fly is still a fly, and so on, even though time goes by. They're pulling the ol' bait ...