
Showing posts from May, 2019

Microevolution and Biblical Apologetics

While many creationists use the word microevolution, it is conspicuously absent from this site. That is because this word is misleading, and believers in minerals-to-microbiologist use it to imply that if there is a little  evolution, then that leads to much  (or macro ) evolution. It does not work that way, and many biblical creationists advise against using the words micro- and macroevolution . What is considered microevolution is actually variation and speciation.  Creationists don't get on the prod with those terms because they are not only observed in nature, but they support biblical creation science models (see " How Do Evolutionists Hijack Real Science? " for an example). Evolutionists see variations as evidence for evolution, such as in antibiotic resistance . Variations are essentially horizontal  changes, but you must remember this, a fish is still a fish, a fly is still a fly, and so on, even though time goes by. They're pulling the ol' bait ...

Dinosaurs and Birds Lived Together

Those scientists who never bought into the dinosaurs-evolved-into-birds mythology probably get exasperated by hearing the majority opinion proclaimed. However, they may also feel a bit vindicated by the numerous reports that show such evolution is impossible — not that they are fond of supporting creation, however. Assembled using components from Clker clipart If you study on it or read previous posts here, you might realize that they are asking a lot in the first place. After all, feathers are complex, lungs would have to change, bone structures rearranged and redeveloped, flight itself would have to develop, and more. There is simply no evidence for such evolution . Then we have conflicts with the timeline, such as fully-functional birds living alongside dinosaurs. The truth is that God created dinosaurs and birds separately, and didn't consult Darwin. Several aspects of the dinosaur-to-bird evolution don’t make sense in the light of evolution. Museums and park displ...

Detangling DNA

The article featured below reminds me of when Stormie Waters was out prospecting and ran afoul of some of the hands at the Darwin Ranch. Why she was wearing that string of pearls, I have no idea, but they made it into a tangled mess. I was unable to help and tried cutting it. You can guess where the pearls went: all over the floor. (I've had more success with Christmas tree lights or rope tangles.) Too bad she didn't have a motor handy like those that detangle DNA. Credit: Freeimages /  Miguel Saavedra DNA is amazingly complex and relatively large, but it is packed away in cells. To be useful, it has to be unpacked, detangled, and read. Our Master Engineer as instituted  DNA helicases to take care of that. The DNA strands are separated, cut (without molecular pearls spilling all over the cell floor), and repaired. This process is extremely fast, and the motors even have the necessary fuel available. The intricacies and specified complexity are impossible for evolutionis...

Hubble Constant Contradiction and the Big Bang

It is pretty much a given that the universe is expanding, but cosmologists are puzzled by conflicting calculations on the Hubble constant. This is used to support the Big Bang. The numbers from the direct and indirect methods should agree, but calculations provide two different results. Credit:  NASA / JPL-Caltech  /STScI (usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) The Hubble constant is important because secularists hang their hats on it for determining the age of the universe. Although the contradiction has been known for a long time and many cosmogonists don't pay it no nevermind, new calculations are more difficult to ignore; the narrative drives the evidence again. One scientist followed the lead of other evolutionists, both cosmic and biological, by saying the problem is "exciting". They should be delirious with joy, then, because we have seen that the Big Bang is saturated with difficulties, but secularists offer jejune explanations. These scientist...

Pit Stop at La Brea

When people say La Brea  tar pits, they are in effect saying the tar tar pits because la brea  is simply Spanish for "the tar". Also, it is not exactly tar, but rather natural asphalt. It still managed to seriously inconvenience the passers-by and their cries attracted predators who got stuck as well. How was your  day? Credit: Wikimedia Commons /  Jerrye & Roy Klotz, MD  ( CC by-SA 3.0 ) May as well use the name people know, you know? The La Brea Tar Pits are famous for providing fossils of a variety of critters from long ago — including human artifacts, and a human. The asphalt did some amazing preservation of bones, much to the delight of paleontologists and museums. This site is the result of the Ice Age, which was in turn caused by the Genesis Flood . While radiometric dating methods rely on circular reasoning and have been shown to be unreliable , relative ages can be useful. Using the biblical timeline, creation science, and basic geology, the...

Blood Circulation Changes from Unborn to Newborn

Your unborn child is busy doing his or her own thing, what with listening to the heartbeat, doing gymnastics, kicking, reading the stock market reports, and so on. The child is dependent on the masterfully-designed placenta , but recreation time and the needs from mother are about to change. Of particular note is the circulation. Credit: US Department of Health and Human Services (usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) Most of the child's inner workings are performed by the placenta, but at birth, its services are no longer required. Now everything needs to be switched over so that the baby's system does the purpose for which the Master Engineer designed it. When the umbilical cord is clamped and severed, amazing changes in the circulatory system occur. As humans, we like to build things. But as any architect or engineer can tell you, just because you can imagine it in your mind or even sketch it on paper doesn’t mean you can actually build something that w...

Engineered Adaptability and Blockchain Technology

We have been observing the continuous environmental tracking (CET) model that is becoming a serious challenge to Darwinism. Instead of "pressures" on organisms causing them to change, CET is using an engineering approach. That is, how would the Master Engineer have designed living things to adapt to changes in the environment? Credit: Freeimages / Katia Grimmer-Laversanne The process of blockchain technology was developed for Bitcoin digital currency, but has grown into something that can be used in other areas of technology (and I reckon it will probably still be around even if Bitcoin falls out of fashion). Computers are linked and regularly update transactions. In a similar manner, DNA can be compared to computer programming that can account for both stasis and variation. Using blockchain technology, we can see how organisms and populations can rapidly adapt. Evolutionary selectionism believes that outside forces called selective pressures produce DNA modificat...

The Riddle of Reproduction

Materialists like Bill "I'm Not A Scientist But I Play One On TV" Nye, Clinton Richard Dawkins, and other will tell you that organisms live to pass along their genes to subsequent generations. Rather bleak, really. Believers on universal common descent evolution are baffled about the origin of reproduction. Credit: Pixabay / Erdenebayar Bayansan There are several forms of asexual reproduction that include cloning in asexual organisms, fission, sending off spores as seeds, and parthenogenesis. Sexual reproduction is done in fewer methods including viviparity (that is what humans use). Evolutionists have suggested several possible origins of sexual reproduction, but cannot offer anything plausible. Our Creator designed living things to reproduce after their own kinds but to allow for variety and adaptation. Sex is a gift from God and is intended to be joyful when used according to his purpose. Reproduction is broadly delineated into two major groupings: sexual and a...

Exploding the "Population Bomb"

Many years ago, I saw a poster version of the 1973 painting Overpopulation by John Pitre. It showed all the land filled with naked people , some even in the sea. This was quite possibly influenced by the 1973 book The Population Bomb by Paul Ehrlich, who was in turn presenting a Malthusian view. Unsplash / San Fermin Pamplona - Navarra Thomas Malthus was an economist who had some very pessimistic views of population and the struggle for existence, and was also an influence on Charles Darwin. Ehrlich is an anti-creationist who was influenced by Malthus and Darwin, and The Population Bomb frightened many people. However, his vision was seriously flawed. Interestingly, he is still highly respected by leftists. Is that why people still think drastic measures are in order? Hey, Grandpa! What's for supper? Maggot sausage and insect ice cream to save the planet and offset global warming, of course! These people are mentally ill. The work was obviously based on numbers, did no...

Chinese Fossils Give Double Cambrian Impact

We recently examined the disparity of fossils in the Cambrian explosion , where many creatures are found at the phylum level that are fully formed. Many people use the word diverse, but disparate is more accurate because it emphasizes the dramatic differences. Cambrian fossils found in China give mute testimony to not only creation, but the Genesis Flood as well. Credit: Wikimedia Commons / Dwergenpaartje ( CC by-SA 3.0 ) Although paleontologists must be wary of "feathered dinosaur" frauds in China , there is a great deal of information in this area. Evolutionists use the euphemism "knowledge gap" to indicate that they have no idea why there are no transitional forms, only complex organisms. In addition, many living fossils have been found, contrary to the dogma of evolutionary "pressures" based on external influences. Also, many critters with soft tissues have been discovered. The evolutionist story is that fossils form over huge amounts of tim...

Another Evolution Propagandist Speaks Out

The spirit of Sanballat can be seen in many atheists and anti-creationists who implore us to be reasonable and put aside our foolish creation-believing ways. They utilize ridicule, intimidation, misuse of the law or rules (when possible), and other methods. Then the Sanballats offer to be pals, which should get your spider sense a-tingling. Background image courtesy of Why?Outreach "Who is Sanballat, Cowboy Bob?" You can find him discussed in the Old Testament in the book of Nehemiah. The displaced Jews were given permission to rebuild the wall, but Sanballat and his cohorts got on the prod about it. He pulled his shenanigans with Nehemiah including a "Why can't we all just get along?" bit. Nehemiah was not having any of it. See " Ten Lies Satan Tells to Biblical Creationists " for more. The National Review is ostensibly a Conservative publication in the United States, so it seems out of place for it to be publishing a Darwinism propaganda ...

Understanding the Opposition

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen In the May 2, 2019 episode of The Briefing , Dr. Mohler discussed Emperor Naruhito taking the throne in Japan after his father's abdication. Al presented some fascinating history about World War II, Douglas MacArthur and then-emperor Hirohito. I saw some things that can apply to Christians and creationists when dealing with atheists and evolutionists. General Douglas MacArthur and Emperor Hirohito, September 27,1945 US Army photo by Lt. Gaetano Faillace (Usage does not imply endorsement of site contents by the US Army) The Japanese and American cultures were vastly different, and Americans seemed to have a superficial understanding of the Japanese people. If you know your World War II history, an invasion of Japan to end the war would have resulted in a horrendous loss of life on both sides, so the decisions were made to drop two atomic bombs to cause Japanese surrender. Some people wanted to have Hirohito stand trial as a war criminal and then e...

Another Solar System Formation Model Fails

Purveyors of starstuff-to-security guard evolution are still saddling up that old swayback of the nebular hypothesis for the formation of our solar system. Other conjectures fail even more, so they keep going back to the best of bad. This time, a new computer model lets them down. Credit: NASA / Jenny Mottar (usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) We saw that programming a robot to simulate flight evolution is ridiculous because programmers get the results they expect. In this computer solar system model, however, programmers are constrained with actual facts. The model indicated that secularists still have many problems; naturalism cannot explain the origin of the solar system. Want to know why? It did not happen by chance, but was created by the Master Engineer — and it was created much more recently than they want to admit. The simulations do not even start with the gas/dust nebular cloud from which the solar system is supposed to have evolved, but start at a p...

Flight Evolution and Robots

The hands at the Darwin Ranch are all a-twitter because of a robot bird that has been developed. Not so much the robot bird itself since that has been done before, but making a version of Caudipteryx , a disputed "dinosaur with feathers". Yee ha boy howdy, it flapped its robot wings when it ran. Caudipteryx Hendrickx , Wikimedia Commons / Christophe Hendrickx ( CC by-SA 3.0 ) There's a wagon train-load of assumptions (and wishful thinking) happening. First, researchers assume that dinosaurs evolved into birds. Second, they assumed evolution itself is not a myth. Third, the way it moved was assumed. Fourth, since all we have are fossils, many assumptions were made about its appearance.  Using these and other assumptions, they made a robot that flapped when it ran. Of course. Any programming, including artificial intelligence , begins with the input given by the programmers. Like evidence, if you torture programming enough, it will confess to anything. What kind...

Biology and the Young Earth

The propaganda mill of the secular science industry has been effective in convincing people that Earth is billions of years old. True believers point to tendentious (but highly unreliable) numbers from radiometric dating to support their viewpoint, ignoring evidences for the young earth using their own methods against them (such as ocean salinity , for example). You might be surprised to learn that there are biological evidences for our blue marble being young. Background image credit: RGBStock / Tomislav Alajbeg Sure, biblical creationists have a passel of evidences from geology and other sciences. I reckon a planet's age would most likely be inferred from geology. Physical sciences to not stand alone, but interact with each other. When we bring up examples from science, anti-creationists go haywire and pretend they do not exist. Here are just a few instance from biology for Earth and life on it being recently created. What does the Bible tell us about the age of the ear...

Disparity, Diversity, and the Cambrian Explosion

One of the greatest problems for deep time geologists and evolutionists is the Cambrian explosion. The name may bring to mind images of loud noises, flashes, and smoke, but it actually means that a passel of critters seemed to explode on the scene in the Cambrian layer. Credit: Freeimages / Dave Dyet I'll allow that creationists tend to oversimplify the importance of the Cambrian explosion (myself included) by pointing out the diversity of life that, according to evolutionists, suddenly appeared on the scene. While that is not wrong, it is incomplete. There is disparity of life forms. That is, there are markedly different life forms near the top of the biological classification table. (Diversity may be more appropriately applied to creatures lower on the table, such as species or genus.) According to evolutionary thinking, there was no time for all these things to develop. What we see is evidence for recent creation, not deep time and evolution. Mostly made at Hetemee...

Cursed Snakes and Genetics

When some folks see a snake, they light a shuck out of there. That may be a good practice in the great outdoors if you are unskilled in recognizing reptiles. Most want to go about their business and be left alone. I think some might be on the prod because of the curse way back in Genesis 3:14. Credit: Pixabay / Tahlia Stanton One part of the curse is that snakes would "eat dust". Not that it was intended to be their primary diet by any means, but they do "eat" dust to some extent . Apparently the serpent in Genesis had limbs, but we are not told if the curse was instantaneous or it took a long time, but you don't see a snake taking a stroll nowadays. Some genes are regulated according to where they are located in a body, so the gene can work in one place but is switched off in another. Those affecting limbs did not interfere with the ability of snakes to reproduce (obviously). Purveyors of particles-to-python evolution cannot explain why snakes didn...

Brian Sims and the Increasing Fanaticism of Abortionists

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen People who support abortion are frequently vehement in their views, but it should give Brian Sims (a Democrat member of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives) reason to pause when both pro-life and pro-abortion people agree that he is out of line . It is obvious that he is a bully. However, I am not going to spend much time dealing with what has already been covered in the news. Instead, we are going to ride along a slightly different trail and learn some important things. Credit: Freestocks / Joanna Malinowska Before we return to Brian Sims, some other items need to be mentioned. I learned quite a bit from The Chris Stigall Show podcasts, including interviews and his own insight, so I thank him for that. I recommend the podcast called " The Great Pushback " at the 19 min. 34 sec. mark for an excellent discussion. Free to listen online or download. The Evolution Deception Regular readers know that I am strongly pro-life. A child is f...