Those Sophisticated Neanderthals
New material added to the end of this post.
There was a time when Neanderthals were considered partly-evolved cavemen, a link to our simian ancestry. Scientists caught up to what biblical creationists have said for decades: Neanderthals were fully human just like us. Evidence continued to mount that showed how they were not only human, but intelligent. Now we learn that they were rather sophisticated!
Neanderthals were creative and intelligent and fully human. Some scientists were skeptical that there was evidence proving they were the ones who did those high-quality cave wall paintings. While it seems obvious, study on it a spell. Nobody saw them doing the painting, and they could have taken over furnished caves or shared them with Denisovans and modern humans. Nope. Now it is believed the Neanderthals did the painting. This may have been put aside for a spell since they apparently had a proclivity toward sexual promiscuity — like modern humans.
They also had culinary skills (the smells were still in the caves, unlikely after all those Darwin years, huh?) and seemed to be a bit on the intellectual side. I can imagine them having discussions after dinner. Maybe they were discussing how people could get the notion that life came from non-life and evolved upward, and how people could reject the Creator. Then they'd laugh and see if there was any leftover mammoth steak.
These people were fully human, and do not support Darwin's ideas. Instead, their ancient presence supports recent special creation. They were sons and daughters of Adam and Eve, just like us.
There was a time when Neanderthals were considered partly-evolved cavemen, a link to our simian ancestry. Scientists caught up to what biblical creationists have said for decades: Neanderthals were fully human just like us. Evidence continued to mount that showed how they were not only human, but intelligent. Now we learn that they were rather sophisticated!
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They also had culinary skills (the smells were still in the caves, unlikely after all those Darwin years, huh?) and seemed to be a bit on the intellectual side. I can imagine them having discussions after dinner. Maybe they were discussing how people could get the notion that life came from non-life and evolved upward, and how people could reject the Creator. Then they'd laugh and see if there was any leftover mammoth steak.
These people were fully human, and do not support Darwin's ideas. Instead, their ancient presence supports recent special creation. They were sons and daughters of Adam and Eve, just like us.
Actually they are not evolving, but our picture of them is. Drastically. Science has moved the picture of Neanderthals from our primitive brutish less evolved evolutionary ancestors to the typical family next door. The latest study concluded they were “people who liked nothing better than spending time indoors around the fire . . . and having friends over for dinner.” A report in Science wrote “Once seen as brute cavemen, Neandertals have gained stature as examples of sophisticated technology and behavior have turned up in their former territory across Europe.”
A home is important because, as Matt Pope, an archaeologist at University College London, argues, home “marked a critical threshold in the long march towards civilization. . . . a conceptual leap that shaped the way our ancestors thought and interacted.” For most of prehistory, the assumed time before we have written records, no evidence exists of human presence in caves or even rock shelters.To finish reading, click on "Neanderthals are Evolving". Plus, "The Evolution of Neanderthal Man From Evolution Ancestor to Modern Man". Also, you may be interested in:
- Another Neanderthal Evolution Theory Turned On Its Ear (studies of the inner ear)
- Neanderthals Bring New Meaning to "Man Cave" (they developed their dwellings)
- No More Room for Doubt — Neanderthals were Fully Human (their art, and other evidence)
- Evolutionary Racism Against — Neanderthals? ("scientifically" justifying racism)
- Neanderthal Genes and Allergies (many of us have their genes, and sneeze for it)
- Denisovans and Neaderthals Got Around (they liked to do the wild thing)
- Evosplaining Neanderthal Art, Spears, and Brains
- Neanderthals and Evolutionary Skulduggery (evolutionists and fake science news, genome says they were fully human)
- Movie-making an off-the-wall idea (cave paintings had cinematic effects utilizing flickering torches)
- Neanderthals Continue to Annoy Darwinists (survival of organic material over all these years)
- Neanderthal Niftiness (skilled in the use of fire)
- Neanderthal Man: Like Other Humans (Neanderthals Heated Water and Organized Their Homes)
- More Penitence Needed Toward Our Neanderthal Brethren (Evolutionists acknowledge changing views toward Neanderthals, but they fall short of apology for fake science.)
- Neanderthals Were Just Another Ethnic Group of Real People (Yet another new article on Neanderthals supports the growing scientific consensus that they are just another group of human beings like you and me.)
- Neanderthal Extinction Ideas Raise Questions (Evolutionists wonder how they became extinct, yet their speculations and assumed timeline makes things worse for them.)
- Neanderthals and Bears have Something in Common (Genetic studies show that modern humans and Neanderthals have more genetic similarities than brown bears and black bears!)
- Neanderthal DNA Fake Science News (Even after evolution stories have been refuted, some scientists keep pushing them. A study in Neanderthal DNA gives opposite results than claimed.)
- Neanderthals not so Mysterious After All (Some evolutionists are unwilling to classify them as fully human. The evidence is against the evolutionists.)
- Neanderthal Ponderings and Being Human (Neanderthals have evolved in evolutionary history from stupid brutes linking us to apes, to fully human. It is possible to get some ideas of what they thought about.)
- When an Ancient Human Loves Another Ancient Human Very Much... (Although some evolutionists try to deny it and need to get with the program, Neanderthals were fully human. They shared their DNA with other humans.)
- Pre-Neanderthal Hominin Footprints Fake Science News (Once again, evolutionists are emphasizing their narrative above science and reason. Human footprints were redated and silly speculations prevailed.)
- Early Humans Were More Sophisticated than We Thought (This Intelligent Design article uses Darwin years, but makes some interesting points — including how they cooked with fire.)
- Neanderthals Had a Thing for Eagles — And Hyenas (From the same ID site. Using feathers and talons of eagles showed they had the intellectual ability of symbolic expression.)
- Masters of their Art (This amazing cave art stands as a spectacular testimony to the reality of biblical history; the bankruptcy of ‘human evolution’.)
- The Humanity of Neanderthals and Religious Views (It has been shown that Neanderthals were fully human, plus speculation about their thinking, even religion. They may have brought their beliefs along with them from Babel.)
- More Evidence Neanderthals were Human (Neanderthals were thought to be brutes in our evolutionary past. They have been shown to be fully human, and new evidence adds to this conclusion.)
- New Discoveries about Neanderthals (Built for bursts of speed, rethinking Ice Age climate where they lived, and a new reconstruction)
- Neanderthals Promoted to Relatives (Portrayals of Neanderthals over the years have evolved, but their differences today are seen as well within the range of human morphology.)
- The Joy of (Neanderthal) Cooking (The Darwinian account of the human race would be much easier to believe in good faith if scientists could point to a clearly inferior and clearly human being.)
- More Discoveries Point to Neanderthal Intelligence (This very ancient people we know the most about can’t be the missing link that many paleontologists are looking for.)