
Showing posts from February, 2019

Another Plant Evolution Concept

This is one of those times when a very technical article needs to be presented for people who want more in-depth hard science. It helps to have a background in botany, but if you have some knowledge of science, you can still get something out of it. It involves an area that frustrates particles-to-plant evolutionists, and has some support for biblical creation science models. Credit: Unsplash/ Henry & Co. Usually as a reproduction error, polyploidy is a condition where — "You mean like David Gilmour, Roger Waters, Syd Barrett and those guys, Cowboy Bob?" That would be poly Pink Floydy. Let's hope your lapse of reason is momentary. Moving on. Polyploidy is where organisms or cells acquire additional sets of paired chromosomes. Sometimes organisms are deemed "fit", but controversy ensues. It has been suggested that polyploidy is a means of evolution, but that would mean it happens too rapidly, so the fact-free concept of punctuated equilibrium ...

Snakes, Venom, and Evolution

Although he has long since gone to his eternal reward, the ideas of Papa Darwin have been having some bad times lately. They have been slimed by the hagfish , natural selection has been shown to be useless in science , and now we see that they have been snakebit. Serves the sidewinders right. Western pygmy rattlesnake image credit: Wikimedia Commons/ Peter Paplanus ( CC by 2.0 )  Evolutionists have been unable to come up with a cogent model for the origin of snakes and lizards. They lost their legs? How? Ideas raise more questions than provide answers. They also have problems with the varieties of venom and where it came from. Yes, creationists also have speculations about venom as well. We do know that snakes show remarkable design, and did not evolve. The origin of snakes and snake venom has become more puzzling to believers in Darwinian evolution. (Note: For explanation of our usage of Darwin, Darwinism and Darwinian , see footnote.) [This fits the way I use those te...

Stoning Creationists on the Age of Rocks

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen As biblical creationists, the rocks thrown at us are doubled. Not only do we deal with angry atheopaths, but from professing Christians who are trying to do God a favor by ridiculing and "refuting" creationist views. Apparently, God does not mean what he says, even when God wrote in stone that everything was created in six days. Credit: US Geological Survey/ Erin Todd It is amazing how theistic evolutionists (TEs) and other old earth creationists (OECs) reject the Bible, preferring instead to use atheistic interpretations of evidence and phenomena against Bible-believing Christians, even dreaming up hybrid creation accounts so they can have both their naturalism and a pretense at believing the Bible. I have written about theistic evolutionists who are adored by atheists (see " Rocky Reefs, Autumn Leaves Without Fruit "), since atheism and evolutionism ride for the same brand (see " Why Orthodox Darwinism Demands Atheism ")...

Trait Selection and Engineered Adaptability

Charles Darwin hijacked the principle of natural selection, turned it into a false god with creative ability, and called it evolution. His followers have done the same, and added a wagon train-load of nonsense forces like "selection pressures" and the like that caused modifications externally. Image courtesy of Why?Outreach from an idea I had Using the reality- and science-based creation science engineered adaptability principle, we see that critters are equipped with genetic switches so they can accommodate themselves to their environment. They are even able to sense changes. The Master Engineer didn't want his entire creation to go extinct, so he equipped organisms. You savvy that? The harsh lightning of reality is frightening to secularists. But what about creatures that have variations? Blind cave fish have lost their eyes, therefore, evolution. (Yes, Darwinoids really think that.) In reality, these little tetras testify of creation . Other creatures have v...

Christian Textbooks — Not Entirely

This post is courtesy of the "Through the Side Door" department. That is, I wanted to post this on Fazebook (which is linked to Twitter) "as is", but they were unable to validate the link. I already did that. No, I am not going to claim censorship or anything because that is not warranted. School Teacher by Jan Steen, 1668 Many Christian parents do not want their children attending the state-run indoctrination centers (often called "schools"), so they opt for alternatives. Those of us who reject evolution and millions of years because of both theology and science do not want to deprogram children and teach them the truth. After all, the government has control of them for several hours a day most of the year. Anti-creationists get furious when we undermine their indoctrination that is, in many cases, falsely called education. Christian schools? Possibly, if they are affordable. Unfortunately, having Christian in the name does not guarantee Bible-...

The Genesis Flood and Expanding Fossil Ranges

Fanciers of minerals-to-microbiologist evolution often erroneously claim that the fossils prove evolution. Quite often, those owlhoots are unaware that the sanitized version of evolution that they are peddling is erroneous, and they end up being schooled by knowledgeable creationists. Fossil ranges are expanding, which causes considerable consternation up at the Darwin Ranch. Bandicoot image credit: Pixabay/ Siggy Nowak Darwinoids ineffectively evosplain how fossils are out of order. In addition, they have to cowboy up to the embarrassment of living fossils (something was thought to have been extinct for a few million Darwin years but is found alive, well, and mostly unchanged). They use the transparent excuse of "stasis", which flies in the face of evolutionary dogma. As biblical creationists will tell you, there is some semblance of order in the geological column. but it does not support evolutionary concepts or an old earth. Indeed, we are not surprised by fossils ...

Saturn Continues to Mystify Astronomers

There are many indications that our solar system is far younger than those who believe in cosmic evolution are willing to admit. Saturn has received a great deal of scrutiny with the planet itself, its rings, and moons that testify of recent creation and baffling proponents of deep time . Other mysteries have arisen, including Saturn's rotation rate. Credit: NASA /JPL-Caltech/Space Science Institute (usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) The outer planets are gas giants, so determining their rotation rates is rather difficult. Spots and things can move at their own accord and different speeds based on latitude, so those don't help that much. Different methods have been used including examination of its magnetic field, but that has actually changed. The different rotation rates may be another indication that Saturn's age is far less than the expected millions of years. A recent news story reported on the latest measurement of Saturn’s rotation rate–10h ...

Hagfish Hassles Evolutionary Ideas

No need to be afraid unless you are a Darwinist. There is an ugly creature known as the hagfish that exists in many species around the world, looks a bit like a snake, has no jaw, and lives up to its nickname of slime eel. Yes, when provoked, it can secrete huge amounts of slime for defense. Credit: NOAA/CBNMS/ Linda Snook That slime thing is related to motion, and actually can clog the gills of predators. The hagfish can produce quite a bit of it in a short time. Its slime is like a multitude of tiny threads. In a biomimetics move, the US Navy is interested in studying it. I don't think they're interested in the part where the hagfish can tie itself into a knot, though. Evolutionists squabble about how to classify the hagfish because it does not fit nicely into any category. Naturally, Darwin's disciples would have you believe that it has been around for millions of years, but they have no fossil evidence for where it came from, and what little they have shows t...

A Trillion Scents from One Sense

The other day, I stopped by the cabin of Stormie Waters. She wanted to know what makes me smell. I thought mayhaps she meant my bay rum after shave, but she wondered about how the sense of smell itself works. I guess in her line of work she commences to wondering about many things. Credit: Unsplash/ Ruslan Zh Believers in particles-to-perfumist evolution cannot account for the origin of the sense of smell, and they also inaccurately claim that this sense in humans is weak . Yes, other critters can smell more things better than we can, but there is a great deal going on in any creature that uses its sniffer. Your nose picks up molecules, your brain processes and distinguishes the odors, you feel fear, disgust, pleasure, and other things so you can respond if needed. Various aromas can trigger our memories as well. The whole apparatus goes down to the genetic level, and those genes have to communicate with each other. All of this specified complexity has to be in place at the s...

Classifications, Cladistics, and Creation

To classify things is probably a part of human nature, whether with kitchen utensils, music collections, software, living organisms, and so forth. When classifications are uniform, then we can communicate with other people who need to have the same references. The cladistics system has numerous serious flaws, including circular reasoning. Family of Acrobats with Monkey /Pablo Picasso, 1905 Biological classifications went all the way back to the beginning, but Carl Linnaeus (a Christian and a creationist) initiated the system that we use today. Evolutionary sidewinders bushwhacked Linnaeus and made biological classifications all about their fundamentally flawed worldview. It has been skewed to affirm evolution, and similarities in organisms supposedly do just that. This is circular reasoning (using evolution to prove evolution through cladistics), and they choose to ignore the fact that the Creator saw fit to use similarities in his designs. In addition, evolutionists get into ...

Pseudogenes and Evolutionary Pseudoscience

While scientists work from their presuppositions and interpret the evidence accordingly, many owlhoots will attempt to force-fit the evidence into their views. For years, proponents of muck-to-misotheist evolution have claimed that we have "junk" DNA, arguing from ignorance. In addition, they claim that we have pseudogenes. This was also based on assumptions and lack of knowledge. Then they commenced to making excuses with what they called pseudo-pseudogenes. Background image modified and furnished by Why?Outreach There is still a great deal to learn from the science of genetics that Mendel began (peas be upon him), so a bit of humility from scientists is in order. Similar "mistakes" in different organisms are illogically hailed as evidence for evolution. Not hardly! When further scientific research with better methods is conducted, we learn that there is no "junk" DNA and that pseudogenes do indeed have functions. Important functions. Yes, som...

SETI Fans Cherish Failed Drake Equation

Evolutionists have their invisible imaginary friends that they call extraterrestrial beings. Like dark matter, they have never been scientifically observed but secularists believe in them anyway. This is probably because they know abiogenesis is impossible on Earth, so it must have happened out there. Our Creator made Earth a special place, and they don't take kindly to that fact. One concept to justify belief in ETs is the Drake equation. Credit: RGBStock/ Dez Pain Alien enthusiasts do not have much hope, as it seems that every time NASA comes up with more exoplanets, their hopes are dashed (such as those around TRAPPIST-1 , for example). Indeed, the habitable zone is fraught with problems . Unlike it's smarter brother the Fermi Paradox , Drake's equation looks very math-like. It was illogical and unscientific from the get-go, but it is still dogma for SETI folks; you could fly a starship through the holes in it. Secular astrophysicist throws down on the Drake equati...

Underground Oil Buffet Thwarts Old Earth Beliefs

Evolutionists and other proponents of deep time have insisted that oil and natural gas are evidence that the earth is very old. Creationists have pointed out that evidence shows that oil formation requires proper conditions such as temperature and pressure, not huge amounts of time. Secular scientists also have to deal with problems in keeping the oil in a usable form. Credit: Freeimages/ Enrico Nunziati When you hear that drillers struck oil, it tends to kind of strike back. It is often under a great deal of pressure, and experts need to get it under control. When oil wells catch on fire, they are dangerous in many ways. This includes the environment. What may be the most dangerous job in the world is putting out an oil well fire, and I'll be switched with snakes if I'd even consider doing that line of work! Creation scientists point out that over the millions of years that secularists allege, oil pressure would have dissipated and it would not be enthusiastically o...

Coral Confounding Evolutionists

When people discuss coral, they are usually talking about the hard accumulations of calcium carbonate, since the animal itself is small and rather unattractive. Those deposits of coral in reefs and atolls are mighty bad news for ships and divers as well. Coral are evidence against evolution and in favor of special creation. Coral reefs, Kwajalein Atoll image credit: US Geological Survey/ Curt Storlazzi (Usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) Corals have many characteristics that cannot be explained by universal common ancestor evolution. Although they are animals, they also process nutrition through photosynthesis. Although they are hunters and snag vittles with their tentacles, they need more, so they have a symbiotic relationship with algae inside their cells and receive nutrition while giving algae a nice homestead. When stressed, they commence to doing something called bleaching, where they expel the algae and corals themselves turn white. Some corals diversi...

Exterminate Humans for a Better World

One of the dangers of evolutionary thinking is the way some two-bit owlhoots use their fundamentally flawed worldview to saddle the rest of us with their dictates. While taking care of the environment is a biblical principle , radical environmentalism is downright dangerous. Some think killing off people will bring about a utopia. Credit: Pixabay/ Free-Photos The ugly kid brother of radical environmentalism is the fanatical cult version of anthropogenic global climate change, and some tinhorns use the scare tactics of that to inflate the bigger picture that they imagine. To make the world a better place, eliminate a whole heap of humans. (This also fits with eugenics and abortion concepts.) Killing off many people is not new to the radical environmental movement , but this is a variation on a theme. Maybe the socialistic "Green New Deal" by Ocasio-Cortez will head in this direction if implemented? To be consistent with their evolutionary worldview, we should be abl...

Book Review: Creation, Evolution, and the Handicapped

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen This is something rather different for Question Evolution Day but it is about a subject that I think is largely neglected. As we have seen many times, atheism is irrational and unable to deal cogently with the conditions of human experience. Foundational to atheism are materialism and evolution. To be consistent with evolutionary thinking, "survival of the fittest" would, according to materialistic presuppositions, entail leaving anyone less than perfect  behind — or even eliminating them. The Nazis referred to Jews and other "subhumans" as "useless eaters" who consume food and resources but did not contribute to society. The same could be said for people with handicaps, but there are still people with a Christian worldview that will not let the handicapped be subjugated or exterminated. The "science" of eugenics (which justifies abortion) was popular in the United States in the early 20th century. This had people fo...

Penguins Puzzle Evolutionists

Some time back, I was watching a game show on the television box where a contestant was asked to name a place that penguins are found. The answer given was Africa, which prompted the audience, host, and embarrassed contestant to laugh. I'll allow that many folks think of the Antarctic for these swimming wonder birds, but they are all over the Southern Hemisphere of our world — including Africa . Credit: National Science Foundation/ Dr. Paul Ponganis (Usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) Believers in universal common ancestor evolution cannot back up their claims about the penguin other than the non-explanation of " It evolved ". The fossils are virtually unchanged, and there is no explanation of the origin of their amazing swimming ability — and they do it faster than humans. The fact that they adapt and their unique features are clear, evolution-defying testimony to the work of the Master Engineer. To read about these clever web-footed flightless ...