Geoengineering, Climate Change, and the Genesis Flood
Some scientists are planning an experiment with releasing what is essentially chalk dust into the atmosphere. They think a large cloud of the stuff may reflect sunlight and cause global cooling, which may be useful geoengineering against global warming. They have ignored some important details in their hubris, and inadvertently point to science that supports the Ice Age resulting from the Genesis Flood.
Secular scientists often pretend to have more knowledge than they actually possess. This is seen in many areas, such as calling some parts of DNA "junk", deciding that some body parts are "vestigial", thinking that the moon would be a really swell place for a colony, failed evolutionary predictions regarding the fruit fly, the exceptional arrogance utilized in human gene editing experimentation, and so many more. Global climate change models spectacularly fail (just ask Algore), which is partially because they use faulty data; those tinhorns cannot even get the weather right in a three-day projection — and they prophesy the end of the world.
Sure, climate change exists, and it should be studied properly. Taxing or exterminating humans will not change anything. The biggest climate change was the Ice Age after the Genesis Flood. Uniformitarian scientists cannot provide plausible models for their multiple ice ages. Climate change is needed for an ice age. Sunlight reflection and oceanic warming caused by the Flood's volcanism were key ingredients for the one Ice Age we did have. Meanwhile, this child is not to thrilled with doing anything more than researching climate change through chalk dust; highfalutin secularists who think they know more than they do cause big problems.
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Sure, climate change exists, and it should be studied properly. Taxing or exterminating humans will not change anything. The biggest climate change was the Ice Age after the Genesis Flood. Uniformitarian scientists cannot provide plausible models for their multiple ice ages. Climate change is needed for an ice age. Sunlight reflection and oceanic warming caused by the Flood's volcanism were key ingredients for the one Ice Age we did have. Meanwhile, this child is not to thrilled with doing anything more than researching climate change through chalk dust; highfalutin secularists who think they know more than they do cause big problems.
Scientists think that such a cloud, if large enough, could reflect a significant amount of sunlight back into space, causing noticeable cooling on Earth. They have good reason to believe this. The 1991 eruption of Mount Pinatubo in the Philippines belched out a large amount of sulfur dioxide into the atmosphere. Through a series of chemical reactions, small sulfuric acid droplets formed and remained in the stratosphere for quite some time. These tiny droplets reflected enough sunlight back into space to cause a noticeable drop in global temperatures of about 1° Fahrenheit, a phenomenon that lasted more than a year. The SCoPEx scientists think that the right kind of particles, if injected into the stratosphere, could likewise cause cooling by reflecting sunlight back into space.To read the article in its entirety, click on "Geoengineering and the Post-Flood Ice Age".