The Lena Horse and the Age of the Earth
Although is is interesting to read about the people and politics of Russia, something that gets neglected in the news is the natural habitats. Russia is a big place in all four directions, with eleven time zones and many kinds of habitats spread around. This sort of thing happens when you have the largest land mass country in the world, you know.
Of interest to us today is the Batagaika crater in the taiga of east Siberia. It's a cold place, but we're finding out that this permafrost isn't. That is, it's not permanent. That "crater" was not caused by a meteorite. Instead, it is the result of melting, which was influenced by the forest around it being removed in the 1960s, and by flooding. For scientists, this was much better than digging. People explore stuff, you know. It's our nature.
Many ancient animals have been found there, and are remarkably well preserved. We hear that more and more nowadays. Using their uniformitarian deep time presuppositions, dates have been assigned to the findings that make things very impressive. Scientists have found critters that have been flash frozen, allegedly tens of thousands of years ago. One of these was The Lena Horse.
We're supposed to believe that, although frozen, there was no significant decay from anything for all that time. The Lena Horse is so well preserved, they're thinking of cloning it! Well, they have a far better at this than the foolish notions some have of cloning dinosaurs. The situation isn't going well for evolutionists, since conditions in various places that were widespread catastrophes are not happening now. They cannot adequately explain their findings. Creationists have plausible models that do present reasonable explanations of scientific data.
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East Siberia taiga image credit: Wikimedia Commons / Terpsichores (CC BY-SA 3.0) |
Many ancient animals have been found there, and are remarkably well preserved. We hear that more and more nowadays. Using their uniformitarian deep time presuppositions, dates have been assigned to the findings that make things very impressive. Scientists have found critters that have been flash frozen, allegedly tens of thousands of years ago. One of these was The Lena Horse.
We're supposed to believe that, although frozen, there was no significant decay from anything for all that time. The Lena Horse is so well preserved, they're thinking of cloning it! Well, they have a far better at this than the foolish notions some have of cloning dinosaurs. The situation isn't going well for evolutionists, since conditions in various places that were widespread catastrophes are not happening now. They cannot adequately explain their findings. Creationists have plausible models that do present reasonable explanations of scientific data.
An exceptionally-preserved foal has been found in Siberian tundra. Can scientists bring it back to life as a clone?You can finish the article and learn about this and related news by clicking on "Horse Found Frozen in Tundra".
A baby horse, the “best preserved ancient horse ever found” according to Live Science, has been recovered in Siberia. But is it as old as claimed?
The astonishingly intact body of a young foal that died between 30,000 and 40,000 years ago was recently unearthed from melting permafrost in Siberia. Its mummified remains were so well-preserved by icy conditions that the skin, the hooves, the tail, and even the tiny hairs in the animal’s nostrils and around its hooves are still visible.
Scientists believe it was about 2 months old when it died. The Lena Horse, as it is being called, measures about one meter in length. adds that “The foal was discovered in the Batagaika crater, a huge 100-meter (328-foot) deep depression in the East Siberian taiga.” Fox News adds that this crater is known locally as the “doorway to the underworld.”