Humans Causing Extinction
The observation that humans cause animals to go extinct is not exactly startling news. For believers in atoms-to-atomic engineer evolution, I will ask again: why should anyone care that some animals are endangered, and will even become extinct? Biblical creationists have an answer, but evolutionists are inconsistent because we are the dominant life form and can do what we want.
But we do care and try to keep various animals alive despite the naturalistic worldview. (By the way, ever notice that people don't care so much about the survival of ugly critters? Someone shared that, and it stuck with me.) Y'all might be surprised that despite my provocative and seemingly callous questions above, I'm actually angry while writing this.
I'm not against hunting per se, (if people eat what they kill), but I get mighty riled when tinhorns want to kill critically endangered animals for photos and bragging rights. Also, "traditional" oriental "medicine" uses animal parts in remedies (tiger penis soup for your virility, for instance). The stories of people in the West shooting buffaloes from moving trains just for fun are true, and those poor brutes almost became extinct as well. Sheep would be found dead, so there would be a rampage to kill every wolf that could be found.
I don't have time to go into how animals can push other animals toward extinction.
Going way back, evolutionists believe there have been several "great extinctions" in the geological record, but their explanations do not make sense. Instead of answering questions, more questions are raised. Speculations about the Permian Extinction are weak, and the story of the Chicxulub asteroid impact that supposedly killed off the dinosaurs is in disrepute.
Let's keep on working in this direction. We see that secular extinction ideas about the past are impuissant, so let's look at the creationary view of dinosaur extinction. It has to do with the Genesis Flood, hunting survivors that became pesky or dangerous, and more. But I've said enough now, so I'll turn it over to Mr. Coppedge.
But we do care and try to keep various animals alive despite the naturalistic worldview. (By the way, ever notice that people don't care so much about the survival of ugly critters? Someone shared that, and it stuck with me.) Y'all might be surprised that despite my provocative and seemingly callous questions above, I'm actually angry while writing this.
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Elk photo credit: Unsplash / Abben S |
I don't have time to go into how animals can push other animals toward extinction.
Going way back, evolutionists believe there have been several "great extinctions" in the geological record, but their explanations do not make sense. Instead of answering questions, more questions are raised. Speculations about the Permian Extinction are weak, and the story of the Chicxulub asteroid impact that supposedly killed off the dinosaurs is in disrepute.
Let's keep on working in this direction. We see that secular extinction ideas about the past are impuissant, so let's look at the creationary view of dinosaur extinction. It has to do with the Genesis Flood, hunting survivors that became pesky or dangerous, and more. But I've said enough now, so I'll turn it over to Mr. Coppedge.
The human impact on animals is well known today and is becoming apparent in history, too. Implications for ancient history are considered.To read the rest and get to the dinosaur explanation, click on "Humans Can Selectively Wipe Out Certain Animals".
The white rhino is nearly extinct in our own time. We know the cause: poaching. The majority of humans respect these magnificent animals (see scientists desperately trying to preserve an embryo of the last northern white rhino on Science Daily). It only took a few bad humans, though, to wipe them out. Sometimes humans drive an animal extinct out of superstition, as in the case of the rhinoceros. “Even though these spikes are just made of keratin—what makes up our nails—many Asian markets deem it a viable treatment for low libido, among other things,” Emma Bryce wrote in 2014. “This has made rhino horn enormously popular, and poachers supply traffickers with horns that get sent across the globe.” Sometimes greed endangers animals, as in the case of the demand for elephant ivory. Sometimes vanity drives extinction, as in the case of a hummingbird threatened by ladies of a bygone era who thought them beautiful on their corsages. We know about how beaver narrowly escaped extinction in the fur trade era, all because European men found beaver hats fashionable for awhile. In Roman times, emperors would gather exotic animals for gladiators to fight in the arena.