Macaque Selfie and an Evolutionary Worldview

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen We have seen many instances on this site alone of bizarre material submitted as science, especially when attempting to support universal common ancestor evolution. Perhaps the silly practices in the secular science industry are an extension of Western society as a whole. It is one thing that David J. Slater's unattended camera was used for pictures and a "selfie" by a macaque monkey (monkey see, monkey do?), it is quite another that there were court battles about the selfie. Most notable is one based on an eldritch view of animal rights. This version of the image, ruled as having no copyright, obtained at Pixabay from WikiImages Slater thought he owned the copyright, but the Ninth US Circuit Court of Appeals drew up the reigns and hollered, "Whoa!" This extremely liberal court has rulings frequently overturned by the US Supreme Court, so it is surprising to me that they did not side with PETA's "next friend" attempt...