Stars and Heavy Elements
According to secular mythology, the Big Bang is responsible for everything in the universe; we are made of "star stuff" from cosmic evolution. That is, after the Big Bang, stars formed, some became supernovas, and (I am cutting out quite a bit of steps here) led to the formation of elements. These, in turn, eventually caused life to evolve.
A while back, I presented material about a concept of stellar alchemy, where neutron stars produced gold. No actual evidence, of course, just speculation. On the periodic table of the elements, gold is number 79, and iron is way back at 26. Doing some basic calculations and working from presumed conditions, a supernova cannot produce those heavier elements. Wanna know why? Because the universe was created recently, and the Big Bang is a rescuing device that is utilized in an attempt to avoid admitting the fact of creation. The explanations of secular cosmologists raise more questions than they answer.
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"This image combines data from four space telescopes to create a multi-wavelength view of all that remains of RCW 86, the oldest documented example of a supernova." Credit: X-ray: NASA/CXC/SAO & ESA; Infared: NASA/JPL-Caltech/B. Williams (NCSU) (Usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) |
To read the rest of the article, click on "Stellar Nucleosynthesis: Where Did Heavy Elements Come From?"Why should we be concerned about where heavy elements—those with a proton number greater than 26—came from? The answer points to two opposing paradigms in the story of origins. The first paradigm is based on random chance events in which nature somehow creates and sustains itself, and the second is based on an ex nihilo (out of nothing) creation that is consistent with the biblical narrative.In the September 2017 issue of Acts & Facts, we looked at the question of the origin of the elements in our solar system and universe. We learned that elements heavier than 56Fe cannot be produced in stars like our sun because nuclear fusion reactions for elements above 56Fe become endothermic—i.e., the surrounding medium must supply energy to the reaction for it to occur.