Reconsidering the Ica Stones

EDIT 9-04-2021: Something important was brought to light. The stones depict the way people thought dinosaurs appeared years ago, but modern evidence shows, for instance, leaning forward without the tail dragging. So, you can read the material for research purposes.

People who follow the human origins controversy have probably heard about the Ica Stones. They are artifacts that were probably found in Peruvian tombs, and have some mighty interesting (often highly detailed) designs in the carvings — including dinosaurs. Advocates of rock-to-rock star evolution dismiss them out of hand. One reason is the secular presupposition that dinosaurs and humans lived millions of years apart. Another reason given for rejecting them as genuine artifacts is because they belonged in a private collection. Then these owlhoots proceed to buy fossils from dealers in Liaoning Province in China and present them as evidence for evolution, but never mind about that now.

The Ica Stones depict many things, including dinosaurs, but they can possibly be verified
Credit: Wikimedia Commons / Brattarb (CC BY-SA 3.0)
Like the bell found in coal, creationists need to use a great deal of caution when presenting information about the Ica Stones are evidence for a young earth. Yes, they do fit nicely with other historical evidence of dinosaurs living contemporaneously with humans. But are they valid? There quite a few, and I read some tinhorn's comment that one guy faked them all. That'll be the day! Year. Decade. Whatever.

The term "Ica Stones" is actually used to cover a lot of ground. Not all are carvings of dinosaurs, and some are "souvenir stones" that were made in modern times. The Ica Stones should not be dismissed as irrelevant curiosities, but there are stronger arguments for the young earth, creation, and the Genesis Flood. New Agers as well as ancient astronaut and UFO enthusiasts are interested, so you may want to show this material to them. That is, if the Ica Stones can be verified. Seems that they can be, according to this in-depth article by David Woetzel.
Perus’s enigmatic Ica Stones have been puzzling historians and scientists for many decades. Allegedly found in ancient tombs, the library of engraved rocks displayed at the private Cabrera Museum facility in the village of Ica, Peru contains clear dinosaurian representations. Dinosaur drawings from pre-Colombian cultures are highly problematic for the prevailing theory that all dinosaurs became extinct before man evolved. However, these artifacts have been viewed with considerable skepticism since they were not found and documented by trained researchers. But other similar ceremonial burial stones were discovered and documented by international archaeologists and are housed in the collections of respected museums. This article explores ways to test Ica Stones to independently establish their antiquity or to confirm that they are merely modern productions created by enterprising local artisans.
To read the rest, rock on over to "Can the Ica Stones be Independently Authenticated?