Creation Science Rocks the Amadeus Basin

The three main divisions of rocks are igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary. While the first two supposedly dominate the earth's crust, sedimentary rocks are the most common kind found on or near the surface. The name is a giveaway, because they were formed by (you guessed it) sediment. (Fossils are found in these as well.) Long age dogmas are used to indoctrinate the young, insisting that such rocks take a huge amount of time to form despite contrary evidence. Case in point: the Heavitree Quartzite that is deposited in the Amadeus Basin in Australia.

 Lake Amadeus, Northern Territory, Australia November 1994 image credit: NASA
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You see, secular geologists are in lockstep with proponents of minerals-to-man evolutionism, since Darwin requires long ages and said geologists are happy to oblige. Also, they are unwilling or unable to consider anything other than uniformitarianism (present geologic activity has been mostly the same for huge amounts of time). Instead of dropping their preconceptions, they still cling to them and say that what they observe is "not well understood". Secularists reject catastrophism out of hand, especially when the huge amounts of water necessary to make the depositions they observe are examples of the Genesis Flood. Creationary scientists have workable models and better explanations for geological observations (which infuriates anti-creationists). Brace yourselves for some compelling geology. Here is just the first paragraph:
A detailed study of the sedimentary structure and geographical extent of a prominent and widespread sandstone unit in central Australia reveals evidence of high energy depositional processes. The sheet-like nature of the Heavitree Quartzite indicates that an abundant supply of sediment was deposited and distributed in a high-energy, shelf-like environment. The extent of the sedimentary formation indicates that the depositional process represented a cataclysm of continental scale. Abundant sediment supply was transported to the flat, shallow depositional basin by wide flowing rivers. The sediments were laid down rapidly throughout the basin by high-energy water flows associated with the shallow marine environment of the basin, and by rapid changes in relative sea level. In the early stages of deposition strong reversing tidal currents played a major role in dispersal, but as water depths increased unidirectional currents became dominant. These findings from sedimentological analysis are indicative of the types of depositional environments expected during the early phase of Noah’s Flood.
That geology rocks! To read the rest, click on "The Sedimentary Heavitree Quartzite, Central Australia, was deposited early in Noah’s Flood".