Reconsidering the Ica Stones
EDIT 9-04-2021: Something important was brought to light. The stones depict the way people thought dinosaurs appeared years ago, but modern evidence shows, for instance, leaning forward without the tail dragging. So, you can read the material for research purposes. People who follow the human origins controversy have probably heard about the Ica Stones. They are artifacts that were probably found in Peruvian tombs, and have some mighty interesting (often highly detailed) designs in the carvings — including dinosaurs. Advocates of rock-to-rock star evolution dismiss them out of hand. One reason is the secular presupposition that dinosaurs and humans lived millions of years apart. Another reason given for rejecting them as genuine artifacts is because they belonged in a private collection. Then these owlhoots proceed to buy fossils from dealers in Liaoning Province in China and present them as evidence for evolution, but never mind about that now. Credit: Wikimedia Common...