
Showing posts from August, 2017

More Dinosaur Family Tree Follies

An axiom familiar to computer programmers is GIGO (garbage in, garbage out), which essentially means that if the programming is not done correctly, nonsense ensues. Advocates of universal common ancestor evolution have the same problem on a larger scale, and it strongly impacts their cladograms . Assembled and modified from images at Clker clipart Cladograms are made by finding similar traits in organisms and then producing a tree. The classifications of dinosaurs has been rewritten according to faulty data (assuming a common ancestor, despite no evidence for such a thing) and circular reasoning. A new cladogram is causing consternation for the hands at the Darwin Ranch, since the classifications of lizard-hipped and bird-hipped dinosaurs is up for a makeover. Biblical creationists don't have such problems. These owlhoots keep kicking against the goads, denying that dinosaurs and man were created on the same day of creation week. There was no single tree, it's more like...

Misleading Exoplanet Sales Pitches

Evolution is a fact and consistently verified, with no scientific evidence against it, from the Big Bang all the way up to you and me. If you believe that, astronomers have some prime real estate to sell you. The commute to each is a mite long, though. But they're like Earth! Artist's conception of Kepler-10 and planets — Image credit: NASA / Ames / JPL-Caltech (Usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) When it comes to exoplanets, there's a minimum criteria for the possibility of life evolving on them. (Creation is anathema to them.) It's often called the habitability (or Goldilocks ) zone. There are several factors, including the right kind of star, distance of the planet from it, size, solar neighborhood, and so on. Many of the important parts are left out, and we're sold a bill of goods along the lines of, "Just like Earth" — if Earth was made of lava. Seems like they're getting mighty intent on convincing the public that there...

How Does a Creationist Student Write a Paper on Evolution?

Christian students in government-run education systems are in hostile territory, especially at the university level . Their faith is being challenged by secularist material (sometimes attacked outright by misotheistic teachers and instructors), and the students want to get good grades so they can graduate or even move on to advanced degrees. Students in these settings are under the control of the secularists in charge (while still having to be respectful), and have to play their cards right. Credit: Pixabay / andrew_t8 What is a student who believes in special creation and rejects evolution on both scientific and theological grounds supposed to do when required to write a paper on evolution? Good students want good grades, but the Christian doesn't want to compromise on principles. Worse, just "doing the assignment" on evolution and giving the materialists what they want would essentially be lying. Sounds bleak, doesn't it? But the situation can be advantag...

The Sixth Great Extinction?

According to standard secular geology, Earth has dealt with five "great" extinction events. Recently, new inquiries prompted speculations that there was a sixth major event. None of these fit standard uniformitarian assumptions (present processes are what happened way back when as well as not; "the present is the key to the past"), however. Credit: Pixabay / Free-Photos The megasequences studied must be the result of catastrophic instead of gradual processes. The best explanation for what is observed in found in creationary models of the Genesis Flood. (I know, some tinhorns will say that the Genesis Flood is fiction and could never happen, but such illogical faith statements disqualify them from serious discussion. A response that can be summed up as "Because evolution" is not a rebuttal, Skippy.) Further, the new proposals not only support biblical creation science, but may cause some reworking of our models as well. Geology students memorize the...

I Have a Theory

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen I have a theory, which is mine. It is about the brontosaurus. Wait, that was someone else. My theory, which is mine, may seem overwhelming to prosaic minds, but give it some consideration and you'll see why it is excellent. And it's mine. My picture was modified through blatant misuse of FotoSketcher , Paint.Net , and Clker clipart Origin of a Theory Organizing The Question Evolution Project , as well as my interests in biblical creation science, apologetics, false religions, logic, and so forth, cause me read quite a bit of material, watch videos, listen to audio, and write very long sentences. Some information was stored in my mental filing cabinet over the years, and I was pondered the efficacy of writing a detailed essay or even a book. The subject was the relationship between evolutionism and New Age religions, science history, Hinduism, paganism, and the like. Indeed, I had written on similar topics before, but wanted to go into greater...

Evolution, Creation Science, and Speciation

Except for a few uninstructed people, creationists and evolutionists agree that speciation occurs. When it comes to the mechanisms, benefits, purposes, limitations, and so forth, that's when we're going to be having us some disagreements. Whether through natural or artificial means, hybridization occurs. Liger (lion-tiger hybrid) image credit: Ali West ( CC by 2.0 ) Advocates of muck-to-monkey evolution have a heap of difficulty explaining speciation and its limitations. Biblical creation science advocates have explanations and speculations that fit the observed data. The article linked below discusses the origin of diversity, the purpose of it in the Creator's plan, the role of genetics and epigenetics, and more. What about hybrid sterility? There could be a purpose in that as well, but thoughts on this are still being developed. I reckon that this is a show-stopper for evolution, what with sterile hybrids not continuing the changes and all, but that's just me...

Evolutionists See Life Through Large-Scale Death

Universal common ancestor evolution is counterintuitive, requiring a similar level of suspension of disbelief that people use when watching movies about killer robots from outer space. That is, evolutionists need people to forget basic science and reason to accept their pronouncements. Since Darwin's stories are losing credibility, his disciples in the scientific community are using "jump the shark" gimmicks to keep their mythology afloat. Credit: US Geological Survey (Usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) According some some of these owlhoots, large scale death and destruction from volcanoes made the "age of dinosaurs" possible. Those that didn't get wiped out had to get out of Dodge, and then dinosaurs evolved to fill the niche. (Except that there is no evidence of dinosaur evolution, but that doesn't stop a good story. More suspension of disbelief, you see.) Someone else said that the destructive ultraviolet rays of the sun helped...

The False Evolutionary Icon of Walking Fish

Believers in fish-to-physicist evolution have a detailed mythology that they get all gussied up and show off as actual science. In reality, they have loosely connected mythologies that are taken by faith, not demonstrable science. Although some countries claim to believe in keeping religion separate from government-run schools, secular humanism (atheism) by way of evolution is the unofficial state religion for many secularists. Images found at Clker clipart were modified One statement of evolutionary dogma is that life began in the sea. Eventually, we get to where some creatures got ambitious and flopped onto land, evolved lungs and legs, and eventually turned into all land life. Hail Darwin, blessed be!  Except there is no actual scientific evidence for this. Some people claim that certain catfish that use their fins to navigate over land from one bit of water to another, or critters like lungfish , are evidence for evolution. Not hardly! They are creatures with certain...

Animals Rejecting Darwin

Remember from your Darwin catechism classes at the government indoctrination centers where we were told about how the most fit survive to pass along their genes to the next generation? Pretty dismal view of life, I reckon. One animal gets to eat and live, the other one starves and the winner quotes Remo, "That's the biz, sweetheart". Except that's not really the rule. In fact, it's been rightly said that there's more cooperation than competition in nature. Wolf in Yellowstone National Park Image credit: Arthur Middleton , University of Wyoming, US Geological Survey (Usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) Humans are considered apes by secularists because secular scientists said so, but for the most part, we don't act like animals. We take care of each other, help the helpless, rescue those in need, and so on (until secularists choose to act according to Darwinian principles and eliminate the "unfit"). In reality, we were crea...

Fast Fossilization Defies Deep Time

The standard deep time story about fossilization includes elements of something dying, sinking, getting covered, and then over millions of magical Darwin years later, it became permineralized (minerals seep in and make a cast of the organism), and then someone finds it. Sounds nice, but if you have your Charles Darwin Club Secret Decoder Ring™ handy, you'll learn that the story above is just that — a story. It doesn't work that way in real life. Especially when paleontologists are finding an increasing number of well-preserved specimens that include delicate parts. The other morning, I noticed a clump of mushrooms had sprung up in some wood chips in the yard, but not as impressive as those pictured below. (I ain't eating them without a mycologist giving me the go ahead, though.) Went back a couple of days later, and they were scattered. People kicked at them, animals frolicked, whatever. They're delicate. If you pay attention, you'll suddenly notice wild fungi po...

Noah: Man of Destiny — Book Review

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen After all the reading and MP3 listening that I do, it was nice to read a work of fiction for a change. Noah: Man of Destiny by Tim Chaffey and K. Marie Adams is the first book of The Remnant Trilogy. Seems like whenever you get the first book of a series, it is not self-contained and you want to continue — if it's good. This child liked the book and wants to keep going. Disclaimer: none. I bought this book all by my lonesome. Nobody gave me a promotional copy or anything like that. I guess some legal-type people want to know about such things. I'd be open to receiving promotional copies of the next two books, unsubtle hint, wink wink nudge nudge. I did not review this on Amazon where I purchased the ebook because they allow trolls to run free and attack other reviewers. Especially creationists. Also, Christian and creationist material on there is frequently attacked by people who cannot even be bothered to read it. This happens frequently, so I...

Orchid Pollination — Design, Not Evolution

We ha ve had some heavy-duty material here lately, this piece of light reading may be a nice change of pace. Aside from hybridization and other forms of artificial selection, thousands of orchid species exist in nature. I'll allow that I'm tempted to assign human characteristics to some of them, such as conniving, deceptive, ingenious, and others because of their amazing abilities to get themselves pollinated. They look nice, too. Credit: Morguefile / Moonlightway Most of us know that one of the most important ways for flowers to get pollinated is to let insects — especially bees — do the job. Some orchids mimic insects to attract them, as well as giving a fragrance that appeals to them. There are even a few varieties that have a kind of "catch and release" program for bees — the Bucket Orchid even produces a liquid that makes the male bee attractive to female bees! Other orchids mimic insects to get the attention of other insects. Darwin's disciples ...

Developing Engineered Adaptability

Organisms adapt to changing conditions, which is something on which both creationists and Darwinists agree. How they adapt is where the controversy lies. Evolutionists rely on naturalistic explanations while biblical creationists maintain that evolutionary speculations and storytelling are inadequate, but engineering principles of creation are the best approach. Credit: Pixabay / StockSnap Creationists have long promoted the Creator's design, pointing out the failures of evolutionary explanations for what is observed, emphasizing how creation is the only logical explanation for adaptation, and so on. Some creationists are pursuing Engineered Adaptability, developing a framework for a design-based theory that uses enginering causation and principles. A "map" of sorts for a series on Engineered Adaptability that is more focused has been proposed. A map is crucial for all travelers, from fun-seeking vacationers to serious scientific researchers. This month’s article...

Secular Cosmologists Increasingly Desperate

Rational people think that if a hypothesis or theory is not supported by evidence, it is discarded and everyone moves on to something better. Unfortunately for science and reason, the Big Bang has been tweaked, adjusted, had the top sawed off and stapled on the bottom, sprayed with patchouli essential oil, run over with a steam roller — okay, I'm exaggerating just a bit. The fact remains that the Big Bang has failed, but instead of being discarded, it is modified for further failures. Then modified again, repeat as needed and call it science. Credit: NASA/GSFC (usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) The current patch involves dark matter, dark energy, and other things involving "dark". There is no evidence that these things exist, but cosmic evolutionists cling to these things anyway. It should be obvious why: they despise the rational alternative, that God created the universe, and much more recently than fourteen billion years or so ago. Lack of scie...

Evolution and the Human Sense of Smell

We hear about how impressive the sense of smell is in animals, especially dogs . According to Darwinian mythology, humans do not have an acute sense of smell. People have believed that idea for a long time, but it's based on assumptions and conjecture, not actual science. Credit: Pixabay / shixugang But just study on it for a spell. Ever wake up in the morning because you smelled coffee brewing? Or bacon frying? Maybe you were awakened by the smell of smoke and wanted to make sure your place wasn't on fire. Personal fragrances are sold at exorbitant prices. Know why? Because people can smell them. (Some are marketed to men with the idea that if women get a whiff of this particular fragrance on you, they'll — oh, you know.) Show of hands: how many people like the smell of cut grass? Various scents stir our memories and emotions. Interesting that we can save and reproduce sounds and visuals, and to some extent what we physically feel, but there are no recorders for s...

Assumptions on Understanding Data

It is not a matter of our facts and their facts because scientific evidence is interpreted according to assumptions. Someone may say, "That fossil on my mantlepiece shows that the world is billions of years old", while someone else can look at the same rock and say, "That rock is evidence for the Genesis Flood". Everyone has the same data to work with, and we all start with our own beliefs . More to Do credit: Freeimages / David Stern Many times, atheists will claim that science is atheistic by nature, but that is one of the unsustainable presuppositions they hang on scientific methods . For that matter, I've seen the demand, "Prove scientifically that God exists". This shows a lack of logical thinking as well as a misunderstanding of both the capabilities and limitations of science; it cannot prove anything (let alone the existence of God via the category error), but science can show if a hypothesis or theory does not work. The kind of s...

Earth's Magnetic Field and Solar Sneezes

A spell back, I posted about how life predated science fiction because Earth has something akin to planet-sized deflector shields . These are the Van Allen radiation belts, which were previously unknown until the Explorer satellite series helped find them. Later, the cosmic evolution-defying deflector properties were discovered. On January 31, 1958, Explorer 1 brought the US into the space age. Image credit: NASA (usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) When you sneeze, you're ejecting...stuff. The sun sends the occasional blast of stuff our way, which has been likened to a solar sneeze. 'Snot funny, That plasma and radiation could cause us problems. The following link leads to an article by Dr. Henry Richter, who was involved in the Explorer series and the detection of the Van Allen belts. It's good for a space exploration history lesson, and a reminder that our Creator set things up for our protection, even way out yonder. A recent article about an at...

Creation Science and Predictions

Something that crops up in discussions regarding science is predictability. Operational science (the kind you see every day, which is observable, repeatable, testable, and so on) has that going for it. Origins science is a horse of a different color. You can't repeat, test, observe the origin of the universe or alleged universal common ancestor evolution. Scientists in the evolutionary and creationary camps make some serious efforts at predicting some things, though. Credit: Pixabay / Gerd Altmann Evolutionists have a dreadful record of making predictions ( as seen here, for example ), but since the secular science industry is in power, ideology is more important than truth or accuracy. Maybe their poor record is why we hear outright falsehoods about creationary scientists, such as denying that they are published in scientific journals , they do make predictions (including the failed Homo naledi fiasco ), that they are not credentialed scientists , and so on. The article li...

Constellations, Cultures, and Babel

There are several items that creationists tend to post involving certain worldwide legends, such as stories of dragons and tales of global floods in numerous cultures (including the Epic of Gilgamesh ). I don't rightly recollect seeing much about constellations around the world, though. Credit: NASA (usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) It's easy to imagine people laying in the grass or a field on a dark night and picking out stars to make constellations — you may have done it yourself. So it's somewhat puzzling to hear speculations about where the constellations originated. Many star patterns are common to widely separated people groups since ancient times, but according to evolutionists, the people evolved in different localities. The mysterium tremendum of convergent evolution is invoked in lieu of actual science to explain this puzzler. Darwinists are inadvertently admitting they have no idea why diverse cultures have many of the same constell...

Basic Geological Models of the Genesis Flood

Scientists will formulate hypotheses, and if they withstand testing and challenges, those graduate into theories. You may have noticed that scientists like to make models. No, not those plastic things that are packaged in kits and held together with glue. A model is an attempt to explain an object or process that usually cannot be observed, so these are often found in historical science. When it comes to origins and the history of Earth, both secular and creationary scientists have their models. Models should have some correlation with observable evidence. Coffee rocks credit: Freeimages / Jenny Rollo Uniformitarian ("the present is the key to the past") geologists generally insist on slow and gradual processes to explain what is observed — except when they are forced to steal a rapid, catastrophic processes horse from the biblical creationists' corral. That is, secular scientists are frequently surprised by the evidence because it cannot be explained by their bel...