Evolution and Teleology

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen A spell back, an anti-creationist shared one of these here posts to social media, and complained that I was claiming that evolution uses teleology. The article was " The Spirit of the Origin of Life " and showed how evolutionists themselves are using teleology! The misotheist was a mite upset because evolution is supposed to be through chance, and does not have a purpose-driven life. "What's teleology, Cowboy Bob?" Great timing, I was about to get into that. The word teleology sounds like the study of telecommunications or something, doesn't it? Basically, it means design in nature . Going a bit further, it means that the Creator engineered living things, and the design refutes evolution through intricate specified complexity. Christian apologists have used the teleological argument (or fine tuning, or argument from design ) for God's existence . This child isn't too fond of that argument by itself. Credit: US Depar...