Dark Matter of the Gaps
Remember that television series Seinfeld? Personally, I found the thing annoying, but it was a big hit in the ratings. It was about nothing, but had sub-plots and complications. Kind of like the Big Bang. Scientific evidence? Nothing. Lots of complicating factors and rescuing devices to keep the thing from jumping the corral fence, and the biggest fudge factor of all is dark matter.
Since the Big Bang doesn't work, the invoke dark matter as a god of the gaps. (From that, astronomers, cosmogonists, cosmologists, theoretical astrophysicists and others have gone on to dream up dark energy, dark photons, dark...) Dark matter has never been seen, but cosmic evolutionists insist that this force awakens to comprise the overwhelming majority of the stuff of the universe. It can't be seen, but can it be proved to exist? Depends on who you ask, because these owlhoots actually contradict themselves about this nonexistent matter. That's a whole heap of work to go through for the sake of denying the truth that God created the universe just as he said. I reckon they're under pressure, though. If secular scientists said that it didn't exist, I reckon there would be protests in front of their labs with signs that say, "Dark Matter Lives!"
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Bullet Cluster image credit: X-ray: NASA/CXC/UCDavis/W.Dawson et al; Optical: NASA/STScI/UCDavis/W.Dawson et al. |
Over years of researching cosmology and astrophysics, I have argued that ‘dark matter’ is a sort of ‘god of the gaps’, the ‘unknown god’. It is proposed mainly to rescue the standard big bang model from problems when a mismatch is found between the theory and some observations. However, secular cosmogonists (scientists who study the beginning of the universe) usually believe the big bang worldview to be correct as well as all its associated astrophysics. So they must postulate something invisible to explain the discrepancy. This ‘something’ is ‘dark matter’, a hypothetical substance that emits no light or radiation, so cannot be seen.To read the rest, click on "Is ‘dark matter’ the unknown god?" Also, I recommend "Is Dark Matter Going the Way of Phlogiston?"
Several years ago, astronomers claimed that they now had direct empirical proof of the existence of ‘dark matter’. This was dutifully repeated in the popular media. It was claimed that this demolishes the criticisms of ‘dark matter skeptics’.