The Beginning of Plate Tectonics

Old-Earth scientists insist that "the present is the key to the past". Except when it isn't. Since uniformitarianism has too many flaws, they will invoke rapid changes and historical catastrophes to explain some things — and then go back to their previous philosophies. Image credit: US Geological Survey (usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) It's been known for quite some time now that the continental plates are moving and colliding ( hope we don't get whiplash ). Scientists want to know how things happen, that's part of their job. Secularists have no idea how plate tectonics started, but decided to invoke a sudden change in Earth's past — they even have computer simulations. Biblical creationists have a very different view that works more effectively, but secularists don't cotton to the notion of considering the recent activity of the global Genesis Flood. It has long been a puzzle to secular geologists as to how conventional s...