
Showing posts from March, 2016

The Beginning of Plate Tectonics

Old-Earth scientists insist that "the present is the key to the past". Except when it isn't. Since uniformitarianism has too many flaws, they will invoke rapid changes and historical catastrophes to explain some  things — and then go back to their previous philosophies. Image credit: US Geological Survey  (usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) It's been known for quite some time now that the continental plates are moving and colliding ( hope we don't get whiplash ). Scientists want to know how things happen, that's part of their job. Secularists have no idea how plate tectonics started, but decided to invoke a sudden change in Earth's past — they even have computer simulations. Biblical creationists have a very different view that works more effectively, but secularists don't cotton to the notion of considering the recent activity of the global Genesis Flood. It has long been a puzzle to secular geologists as to how conventional s...

T-Rex Missing Link

The latest contestant on Darwin's Got Talent is singing an old song with a new verse tacked on. This time, the old song, "We Found a Missing Link!" has a new verse about a T-Rex link. The scientism press is delirious from the Dar-wine, and their intoxication shows up in the propaganda mill reporting. Naturalistic scientists aren't helping much. Image incorporates elements derived from Clker clipart. Fact of the matter is, that missing link is mighty cracked and blurry. Bones were found over a wide area for a period of years, so don't let someone fool you that they found an intact skeleton in one place. But not all secular scientists are singing the new verse to the song, as there's a heap of problems with this so-called link. Oh, but artists took the liberty of adding feathers so they can further the falsehood about dinosaurs evolving into birds, even though there were no feathers found. Sure are determined to pretend that evolution is true and that G...

Science, Faith, and Reality

Atheists and evolutionists don't cotton to the notion that they operate from their worldviews, which are comprised of presuppositions. Some will even claim that they believe in science, reason  and reality.  What they don't realize is that those are philosophical claims, based on their worldviews. "Empirical science is the only way to learn truth and reality", some have said. This is a self-refuting statement, because no scientific method can make this metaphysical determination! To claim that reason and reality are based on naturalistic approaches is a question-begging presupposition as well. They have disdain for faith,  but that comes from a faulty definition, along the lines of "believing something you know isn't true". Definitions matter. For example, this definition of "fundamentalist", which I have yet to find in a dictionary: The atheistic and evolutionary worldview cannot account for logic, morality, reason, origins — and offe...

Growing Gorillas on the Family Tree

The Evo Sith are getting a mite concerned about where to put gorillas on the family tree. Since gorillas and great apes have enough differences, they reckoned that there was branching way back on this alleged tree. Humans are supposed to be more closely related to the great apes, such as chimpanzees, but there's that little problem with the human genome similarity to gorillas . New problems have arisen. Smirking gorilla image credit: Freeimages / brandon moats Reassessment of dating is giving a new date to the branching off from the family tree, and Darwinists are none to happy about it, since it's much earlier and seems to have been in a different location than was previously thought. How do they come up with those dates, anyway? Assumptions, presuppositions, circular reasoning all help a heap. Whatever it takes to deny the Creator who made all things without evolution, and much more recently than evolutionist want to believe. How much time separated the origin of go...

Resurrection Sunday 2016

Today, most professing Christians celebrate the bodily resurrection of Jesus, God the Son, the Creator (John 1:3, 1 Cor. 8:6, Heb. 1:2, Col. 1:16) from the dead (John 20:19-20, 1 Cor. 15:3-8). He died and rose , even for my own sinful self. My post for today is " The Resurrection and Our Broken Planet ".  On a side note, I kind of like this painting by Peter Paul Rubens. Jesus is very real and triumphant. Okay, so the wounds are not seen (John 20:19-20), and I don't get the symbolic banner he's carrying. But it's better than the goofy floating away ethereal Jesus of some paintings.

Genome Increasingly Unfriendly to Evolution

When using language, there are basic rules for proper communication, especially in written form. Using dialects, slang, idioms and such can make you mighty hard to understand when writing off a letter to greenhorns. Like so. Computer languages are very complex and specific, and an error in coding can disrupt the entire process in some cases, or render something tedious at best, such as faulty HTML code. Computer languages are very linear, going in only one direction. What if a language worked in several directions, including three dimensions? Proselytizers of goo-to-geneticist evolution often assert that DNA proves evolution. Not hardly! Genetics research is not a good employee at the Darwin Ranch, contributing information that affirms creation instead of evolution. The genome is amazingly complex and structured, obviously the product of our Designer. A recent press release from a prominent European research group started off with this amazing proclamation: “A new study from ...

We've Evolved — Now What?

Some people need to get out and experience life more. Especially those who are foisting evolutionary thinking on the rest of us. You see, they're spending so much paradigm time locked into a Darwinist mindset, they are presenting things that are mighty stupid. According to their timeline, humanity evolved, then sat around doing nothing for many thousands of years. Maybe that's why it's a "great mystery" when cities, artifacts and such are found showing not only intelligence, but ambition . Were they helped by ancient aliens? Not hardly! Assembled from images found at openclipart Secular scientists tend to display a lack of understanding about human nature, especially the important part about being intelligently designed by God, who created us not so long ago. Our scientific and technological development ran at full gallop and we progressed a long way in a short time. But no, we were supposed to have sat around for a long spell. What for, waiting for our pai...

Would Evidence for Radiometric Dating Stand Up in a Court of Law?

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Forensic science is very important in obtaining evidence about the past. Naturally, the more recent the evidence, the more persuasive it is, especially in a court of law. To send someone to jail or certain other instances nowadays in American courts, guilt must be proven "beyond the shadow of a doubt". In small-claims court, someone needs "a preponderance of the evidence". Good thing that procedures have advanced from the time of "Hanging Judge" Isaac Parker, who tried 13,490 cases his ownself and sentenced 160 who were convicted to death by hanging  (but only 79 actually attended a necktie party). Evolution and radiometric dating use forensic science , but we're not talking about what happened last week or a few months ago. Rather, these are the ultimate " cold case files ", supposedly going back millions of years. Radiometric dating is a mite different though, since the measurements of parent-daughter materials a...

Flighty Evolutionary Fantasies

Purveyors of molecules-to-mallard evolution believe they have some ducky explanations for the origins of flight in various creatures, but they have one small problem: the explanations are anti-science. Sure, they sound good to the uneducated and will satisfy True Believers®, but cannot withstand scrutiny. "Swallow in Flight" image credit: morgueFile / AcrylicArtist Evolution is supposed to be gradual and accidental, relying on mutations (with a bit of help from natural selection). When different creatures have similar abilities, Darwinists use the fact-free faith-based claim of "convergent evolution". What makes things worse for them is that for something to evolve the ability to fly, everything has to be in place at the same time for this to happen. Otherwise, nothing makes sense, and evolving the necessary apparatus for flight one piece at a time would be harmful for the organism; such specified complexity happening by time and chance is ridiculous. No, th...

Can Animals Travel by Raft?

Sometimes, evolutionists want to throw down on biblical creationists by saying something like, "How did the animals spread all over the world after the Genesis Flood? Aha! I've got you!" "No you haven't. There were land bridges, and some probably used rafts — " "Hails of derisive laughter, Bruce!" Image credit: morgueFile / stickerstack Naturally, there are  plausible answers for animal migration, but tinhorns like that are more interested in ridicule than actually finding the answers that are easily found online, such as, " How Did Animals Spread All Over the World from Where the Ark Landed? " Now, I don't reckon that they set up a great adventure like in an animated movie or anything like that. Some were probably accidental trips, whether long distances or short ones. One bit of observed support for the rafting idea is from our own trash. Those are little ones, but larger makeshift rafts are made through natural pr...

Big Flood, Smaller Floods, and the English Channel

Secular geologists rely on uniformitarianism as a de facto explanation for many things. "The present is the key to the past", that is, present processes extrapolated backward give long ages. This is invoked to try and explain away catastrophism  where the Genesis Flood is used by biblical creationists to explain what we see in land forms and such. When the evidence is overwhelming, uniformitarian geologists reluctantly allow that catastrophic flooding did indeed happen. Sometimes. They're riding the right trail, but refuse to admit that the Genesis Flood is the best explanation for observed evidence. English Channel image credit: Pixabay / alexandria Research in the English Channel and the rest of the North Sea is yielding evidence that massive flooding is the reason that the British Isles are separated from the rest of the continent. This is added to the list of other flooding explanations, including subglacial and the Lake Missoula flood , which are subsequent f...

Preserved Original Caddisfly Material?

Ever get bugged with a caddisfly infestation and have to call the exterminator? Not surprising, since there are 1,200 species in the U.S. of A alone.  They're misnamed, since these moth-like creatures are of a different scientific order than flies.   They live on land, but the larvae are in silk structures in the water. Caddisflies are good in their own environment, and even beneficial, but we prefer that they stay out of our homes . Also, they're often considered pests (including Potomac horse fever ), and are pestering paleontologists. Platte River caddisfly image credit: Jeanine Lackey / USFWS This is another life form that cannot be accounted for according to bacteria-to-bug evolution. Another living fossil, their alleged millions-of-years-old ancestors are pretty much the same as the ones we see today. A larger potential problem is that a jumble of terrestrial and aquatic fossils includes what may be yet more organic material of their silk, which cannot last for ...

Baffling Oceanic Life Form Supposedly Explains Evolution

From the "What is that? " Department, we bring you the enigmatic Xenoturbella (strange flatworm) .  It looks like abandoned footwear , or a deflated balloon, or a lost toy, or just some other piece of litter that sank to the ocean floor. Yet, it's a living creature that causes debate among scientists. Xenoturbella has genome bits from various creatures, and some scientists think it eats mollusks. But how? No innards to speak of for digestion, no brain, no backbone — I think I'm describing some of my stalkers too, but never mind about that now. "Newspaper" headlines and title generated at . Darwin's cheerleaders are committed to the cause can see evolution in practically everything, I'll allow that change happens, but something changing into something else has never been observed, you savvy? And these owlhoots are thinking that this critter that cannot be explained can help them pin down evolutionary origins. Not hardly! Althou...

Natural Selection Jabberwocky

I can't for the life of me figure out why the hands at the Darwin Ranch over at Deception Pass get paid so well. They spread propaganda like a farmer flings fertilizer on the fields, but they lack understanding of evolution itself as well as their favorite excuses, such as endosymbiosis . Even though orthodox Darwinism's belief in natural selection as a means to get something to change into something else altogether, it's not happening. They really need to be more circumspect in their use of the term natural selection. Sign assembled at While natural selection does occur because our Creator designed it, Darwinoids act like it's a sentient being that is able to guide the process. More than that, they are unclear on the term itself, and obfuscate natural selection along with artificial selection, and other "selections". Their reports make less sense than Lewis Carroll's "Jabberwocky" . If humans guide a process, that is no...

Stifling Creationists Through Misrepresentation

One of the foundations of atheism is fungus-to-philosopher evolution, and when logical, scientific, and theological arguments are presented against it, they circle the wagons to fend off the truth. Although atheists claim to use reason and logic, they frequently fail at both; an evolutionary worldview is incoherent, and cannot account for science, morality, and other necessary preconditions of intelligibility. If we're just bundles of matter responding to our inner chemistry, there is nothing wrong when one bundle eliminates another bundle if it helps the first bundle's ability to thrive. That would be a logical conclusion to Darwinism. Indeed, they have no consistent moral compass when they say that something is  wrong,  they are borrowing from the Christian worldview, which  can  make sense of morality. The same with science. Without God the Creator as described in the Bible, consistency in laws of nature is impossible. Posted under Fair Use for e...

Octopus Continues to Defy Evolution

One of many critters that cause consternation for Darwinistas is that eight-legged octopus. How did it evolve, and from what? "Well, we think maybe, perhaps, could be..." Never mind. Octopuses were created to be what they are, and they didn't evolve, same as their nautilus cousins . Then you have the size range as well as variety . Octopus wolfi is about an inch (2.54 cm) long, and it has a cousin, the giant Pacific octopus, that has been measured at 16 feet (4.88 m) long. I bet those marine biologists get wrapped up in their work! It appears that all octopuses are venomous to some extent, but only the blue-ringed octopus is dangerous to humans . Just leave it alone and everybody's happy. Some new information has been ridden into the data corral, too. Image credit: NOAA Okeanos Explorer Program These cephalopods are intelligent as well as having unique survival abilities. Their genome was examined, and scientists were surprised to learn that its genome is l...

Neanderthal Genes and Allergies

Can you imagine a cowboy working the Montana Territory with allergy problems? All that dust, animal hair, hay and such — may as well go back East. When you commence to sneezing, your immune system is trying to protect you. Sometimes it gets a mite overwrought and reacts to things that are not necessarily threats, and for some people it goes into hyperdrive with a severe allergic reaction. Where did this come from? Image credit: David Castillo Dominici at Scientists aren't exactly sure how allergies develop and what can be done about them. They do know that we have two types of immune systems, the innate and the adaptive. A study was done tracing some genes back to the Neanderthals, which were passed along when these "archaic" but fully-human people interbred with modern humans. However, there is no rational reason to think that genetic information came about through the random processes of evolution. Our immune system was created to do a job....

Serial Cells Frustrate Evolutionary Ideas

Although biology is foundational to amoeba-to-man evolution, it is not supportive of the concept. Increasing knowledge of biological functions supports what biblical creationists have been saying all along: life was intelligently designed by God, who is revealed in the Bible, and evolution has no part in the matter. Background texture from Image*After Serial cell differentiation is a system-intensive process require a great deal of energy from an organism. This is to keep certain cells from proliferating too rapidly, and is a hindrance for mutations. Single celled organisms replicate as fully functional cells, and they maintain cellular integrity through a system of direct epigenetic inheritance, or ‘cell memory’. Some tissues in multicellular organisms proliferate in the same way. However, the majority of tissues in adult multicellular organisms don’t. Most tissues in mature multicellular organisms replicate via a method called serial differentiation.2 Cells go through a se...

Born That Way? Not Scientific!

I was born this way, and have no choice in how I am. You must accept me. Can't help it if I'm a biblical creationist white heterosexual male. Interesting how my claim does not carry any weight or is not considered to be true , isn't it? But gay rights activists claim that they have no choice in their sexual orientation, so we have to accept (and even celebrate) the approximately five percent or less of the population that claims to be homosexual. But there is no science to support this view. According to their own material, it's a matter of choice, not genetics. For that matter, if there was a "gay gene", it would be a mutation, and therefore , unnatural. Assembled with graphics from Clker clipart. How did we get to this point? There has been no dramatic increase in those who claim to be homosexuals, despite the way news and entertainment media make it appear that they are about half of the population. Years ago, homosexuality was considered a mental...