The Birdie is Watching

Back in the early days of photography, subjects were told to "watch the birdie". Nowadays, that endangered expression merely means that a picture is about to be taken. What do birdies watch? For that matter, another idiom is "get a bird's-eye view", which usually means way up high, getting the perspective of a bird in flight or on top of a tree.

The concept of *really* getting a bird's-eye view is more than just seeing things from on high. Birds have specially designed abilities to see far more than most people imagine.
Look at it this way...
Image credit (cropped): Northern Cardinal / FreeImages / Maria Corcacas
Of course, Darwinists will come up with unsupportable conjectures on the evolution of sight and the ability to see color (birds see more colors, and other things, than we do), but those are guesses passed along as science. The birdie is watching far more than people realize, and their bird's-eye view was designed by our Creator.
When you see a hawk soaring high overhead, have you wondered what the view looks like from up there? Well, the bird’s-eye view involves much more than the panoramic view we see from an airplane.

For starters, birds can see a wider range of colors than we humans can. Apparently, most birds can see all the colors we see, plus colors in the ultraviolet range that are invisible to us. This is possible because birds have four different types of color-sensitive cone cells in their retina, while humans have only three.

It’s difficult for us to appreciate what the bird’s expanded color vision would look like since we can’t even imagine colors we have never seen. But studies have shown that birds can see ultraviolet colors in the feathers of other birds, as well as in some flowers, fruits, and berries. This ability appears to play an important role in mate selection, as well as in foraging for food.
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