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Salamander Stasis and the Invisible Finger of Evolution
Darwinists want things both ways. On one hand, evolution is force that nobody can stop. On the other hand, when confronted with evidence of no evolution, they fall back on "stasis", meaning, "It didn't have to evolve, so it didn't. A banquet-sized salamander fossil of six feet (two meters) shows no appreciable change with its modern amphibious counterparts (like other fossils reveal), so evolution didn't come calling at their doors.
Credit: US NPS photo |
For that matter, they "see" evolution even when there is none present, and when there is no evidence, just an assumption that it's evolution what done did whatever characteristic we see. What really takes the rag off the bush is that even though Darwinoids are plumb out of evidence, they invoke their own god of the gaps, one owlhoot goes it a mite further and says that very slight changes in salamanders show the "invisible finger of evolution". More like waving their finger in the face of God, if you catch my drift.
Scientists in Portugal unearthed a "super salamander" which, although "weird compared to anything today," is still very much a salamander.
The fossilized bones of the six-foot (two meter) animal were discovered on a hillside dig "chock-full" of bones and declared to originate from the "Upper Triassic" period, some 200 million years ago according to evolutionary dating. While evolutionists like to claim that variations in traits within a species are proof of evolution, salamanders have always been salamanders regardless of their size.
To read the rest of this reasonably short article, click on "No Salamander Evolution Evidence, Past or Present".