Time Dilation, Cosmological Assumptions, and the Age of the Universe
Secular astronomers and cosmologists tell us the universe is 13,820,000,000 years old or thereabouts. Are they right? Why should we believe them? Although they use calculations based on data, they also use several assumptions (including that the universe is ancient) in the first place. However, there are other possibilities to consider, especially since astronomers keep finding evidence of a young universe, including up yonder in our own solar system.
Creation scientists have theories and models. One is the age in a time dilated universe. The following article by Dr. Ronald G. Samec discusses this, how globular clusters do not show their alleged old age, and how secular explanations fall short.
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Globular cluster NGC 6365 Credit: ESA/Hubble & NASA, Acknowledgement: Gilles Chapdelaine |
In creation time dilation cosmologies (e.g. Humphreys and Hartnett), while the earth experiences less than 10,000 years of recorded history (God’s time clock), millions, and possibly billions, of years pass in the distant universe.To finish reading, click on "The apparent age of the time dilated universe — Explaining the missing intracluster media in globular clusters". Also, the author made reference to another paper that he co-wrote. It is extremely technical, and the PDF can be found here.
In these models, one of the major questions is “What is the maximum apparent age that should be used to characterize the universe?” Should we accept the apparent age of the universe of 13.82 x109 years as determined by the European Space Agency based on the recent PLANCK space telescope results? As mentioned in the previous paper by the author, astronomical dating schemes are corrupted by the assumption that the age of the sun is 4.57 x 109 years. I call this the Solar Age Condition (SAC). This age is determined from radioisotope ages of ‘primordial meteors’. We now know that RATE results completely discredit this age. We are no longer bound to accept the pronouncements of the evolutionary cosmological community.