Big News for The Question Evolution Project!

The purchase is final for our headquarters building. We have already moved in and made it comfortable. No, we are not going to vacate the other buildings that we are using for regional offices and warehouse space (partly because relocating upsets the velociraptors), but at least we have a central location. I can't live there (legally), so I'm still in the trailer park. Here is the picture:

The fun continues at full gallop, as we also have purchased commercial property for a gift shop. That's right, a gift shop. You can get your Uncle Pilty keychains, TQEP magnets and a corral full of other goodies. We've even installed a cheese, coffee and tea bar! Here it is:

Here is the manufacturing plant that makes our merchandise:

"That sounds great, Cowboy Bob! How can I find out more?"

Glad you asked, old son. For further information on this momentous event, including hours and locations, click here. To read an important message for today, click on this link.