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Orphan Genes — Bee-Lieve It!
This bears repeating: despite the claims of Darwinists, science is an enemy of evolution, especially when it comes to genome studies. The concept of genome evolution gets lassoed and tied down because of "orphan genes". These things perplex evolutionary scientists because they are unique to certain organisms and giving them unique traits.
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Honey bees are already frustrating to evolutionists since they have a complex social structure. The orphan genes provide them with traits not found in other bee species, including special means of communication, and they are found in various organs — again, unique to these bees. The orphan genes are of special interest to creation scientists, since they can help genetic research in the created kinds.
A key type of rogue genetic data called orphan genes has just been spectacularly reported in honey bees. Orphan genes conflict with ideas about genome evolution, and they are directly linked with the evolutionary enigma of phenotypic novelty, unique traits specific to a single type of creature.
Many creatures possess similar sets of genes that produce proteins with similar biochemical functions. Common genetic code would be a predicted feature of purposefully engineered biological systems in creatures that share the same environment and have somewhat similar life requirements. In addition to these common genes, different kinds of organisms also have unique sets of coding sequences specific to that type of creature called orphan genes. In a review paper about orphan genes, the authors stated, "Comparative genome analyses indicate that every taxonomic group so far studied contains 10–20% of genes that lack recognizable homologs [similar counterparts] in other species."
To read the rest of this sweet article, click on "Honey Bee Orphan Genes Sting Evolution". By the way, don't be in too big a hurry to kill off the first dandelions of spring, seems that they're good for honey bees. I reckon you might want to wait a little while if you can.