Paleoanthropology Tall Tales

It's amazing how evolution can be considered scientific when there are so many credulity-straining stories told in its promotion. Speculations are asserted as facts without any plausible models, just piles of stories worthy of entertainment around a campfire on a cattle drive, but not much else. In addition to the speculations, facts are conveniently ignored. Someone may want to ask, "Are you actually listening to yourself, pilgrim?" Image: Proponents of evolution insist on an old earth, even when the evidence is against them. How can animal fat still be on stone tools that are supposedly half a million years old? Organic material has a way of disappearing in a short time; horse apples on the lone prairie don't last very long, and they're not exactly something desired by much more than bugs and bacteria. Evolutionary thinking has our ancestors being stupid brutes because they recently swung down from the trees and hadn't evolved much intellig...