
Showing posts from March, 2015

Paleoanthropology Tall Tales

It's amazing how evolution can be considered scientific when there are so many credulity-straining stories told in its promotion. Speculations are asserted as facts without any plausible models, just piles of stories worthy of entertainment around a campfire on a cattle drive, but not much else. In addition to the speculations, facts are conveniently ignored. Someone may want to ask, "Are you actually listening to yourself, pilgrim?" Image: Proponents of evolution insist on an old earth, even when the evidence is against them. How can animal fat still be on stone tools that are supposedly half a million years old? Organic material has a way of disappearing in a short time; horse apples on the lone prairie don't last very long, and they're not exactly something desired by much more than bugs and bacteria. Evolutionary thinking has our ancestors being stupid brutes because they recently swung down from the trees and hadn't evolved much intellig...

Who is REALLY at War with Science, Creationists or Darwinists?

For many years, proponents of goo-to-you evolution have been creating a false war between "science" and "faith". The truth is, there is no conflict between the two. There are Bible-believing scientists today, and there have been throughout the formation of scientific methods. The real problem is between worldviews. "But Cowboy Bob, we use science, you use faith!" Not hardly. Science, and the "scientific method", is a philosophy about interpreting evidence. Historical science (such as creation and evolution) use scientific methods and interpret evidence according to presuppositions. A secularist sees a fossil and believes it's millions of years old, while a biblical creationist sees evidence of the global Genesis Flood, for example. Unpopular Opinion Puffin has an unpopular opinion — signed, Captain Obvious Unfortunately, people are only given one side of the story: evolution. Evidence for creation is dismissed out of hand, often ti...

Charlie Darwin and the Fudge Factory

The general theory of evolution has been disingenuously (and fallaciously) equivocated with science for years now. But evolution is not  "science". In fact, evolution fails the criteria for being a scientific theory! Get yourself to cogitating on this: evolution is not testable, repeatable, or observable (see the video at the bottom of this post for more). Oh, sure, proponents insist that evolution has been tested and observed, but that's from small samples and playing games with words (using the fallacy of equivocation by referring to "change" and "variation" as evolution). And nobody saw microbes evolving into all the life forms we see today. Image provided by Why?Outreach I reckon that evolutionism is getting more desperate all the time. There is a considerable amount of fact-free storytelling, and when the data becomes inconvenient, they use the scientific method of Making Stuff Up™. Although the structure of the "theory" is wrong...

Showing Backbone in the Cambrian Explosion

One of the biggest burrs under the saddles of evolutionary paleontologists is the Cambrian explosion. According to their paradigm, fossils were made gradually, showing evolution from simpler to more complex life forms, over millions of years. The Cambrian layer has many fossilized life forms that are fully developed, and evolutionists have struggled to explain this away. By the way, fossils in the pre-Cambrian? Not so much. That makes things worse for them. David Attenborough does evolution documentaries, and he discussed a critter that supposedly was an ancestor to modern backbones. As is typical in these kinds of discussions, it is speculation without basis. In fact, what is found in the Cambrian explosion is evidence of creation (there are no undisputed transitional forms of something changing into something else), and also supports the Genesis Flood — especially with those well-preserved soft tissues that show sudden burial. Yippie ky yay, secularists! The e...

Three Scientists Einstein Admired

It's generally acknowledged that Uncle Albert was a clever lad. The name of Einstein is associated with genius, even in sarcasm, such as, "Nice going there, Einstein!". In addition to the General and Special Theories of Relativity, many people thought he had a great deal of wisdom. He did not have godly wisdom, however, rejecting the gospel message. Einstein did have a kind of Deist view of God, despite the dishonest claims of atheists like Clinton Richard Dawkins . So, who did this smart feller see fit to look up to, and what was special about them? There’s little doubt that the most famous scientist of the 20 th century was Albert Einstein (1879–1955). Today his name is synonymous with ‘genius’. Most people today would recognize his most famous equation, E=mc 2 , (though many would be hard-pressed to explain what it actually means!). But even Einstein had his science heroes. So whom would the great Einstein have admired? They must have been incredible scientist...

Water on Outer Moons

There have been several reports that there may be water on moons of Jupiter and Saturn, the asteroid Ceres — and maybe some just up yonder on our own moon. With advances in space exploration, it turns out that our solar system is a busy place, what with volcanic eruptions, methane geysers and what not. With speculations of water, naturally come speculations of life evolving from whatever is out there. Ganymede, Jupiter's largest moon, may have an underground ocean. Image: NASA / JPL Of course, the various forms of water need to be investigated further, and there needs to be more involved, even for goo-to-you evolutionists, for life to happen. Also, evolution requires huge amounts of time, and the reports of water don't bother to address the problem of how water can last more than a few thousand years on a solar system alleged to be billions of years old. A young solar system is exactly what is expected by biblical creationists. You can read the information by clickin...

Orphan Genes — Bee-Lieve It!

This bears repeating: despite the claims of Darwinists, science is an enemy of evolution, especially when it comes to genome studies. The concept of genome evolution gets lassoed and tied down because of "orphan genes". These things perplex evolutionary scientists because they are unique to certain organisms and giving them unique traits. Pixabay / PollyDot Honey bees are already frustrating to evolutionists since they have a complex social structure. The orphan genes provide them with traits not found in other bee species, including special means of communication, and they are found in various organs — again, unique to these bees. The orphan genes are of special interest to creation scientists, since they can help genetic research in the created kinds . A key type of rogue genetic data called orphan genes has just been spectacularly reported in honey bees. Orphan genes conflict with ideas about genome evolution, and they are directly linked with the evolutionary e...

Book Review — In Defense of Easter

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen When I was accepted to be on the review team for The War on Christmas , I was given a couple of other e-books as thank-you gifts. I was not asked to give a review at all, let alone, a favorable one, but I thought you should know how I obtained my copy of Tim Chaffey's In Defense of Easter: Answering Critical Challenges to the Resurrection of Jesus . Then I put it off. To be direct with you, I wasn't all that thrilled with another book giving a defense of the faith on this topic since there are so many others available, and many articles on apologetics sites. Still, the topic is important, so I carved out some time for it. Turns out that I was getting set to ride down the wrong trail. In Defense of Easter has a somewhat different approach in some respects than other books, and there is information on bad arguments against the resurrection that were not around before, plus some material that I had never heard of. This is not a cumbersome tome at...

Science, Evolution, and the Religious Experience

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen In a previous article, I discussed how people idolize scientists and the religion of Scientism is gaining popularity. Many people will blindly accept what "scientists say" because of their unfounded high view of science and scientists ( that article is here ). Regular readers may recall that my father was a pastor in a liberal church. I asked him why we did so many ritual things (which I disliked), and he said that people need a "religious experience". Although I still reject that for a church setting, I see truth in that in other areas. Scientism, atheism, and other worldviews tend to be sterile and clinical; even atheists are garnering a religious experience with their own churches. Although many Darwinists and atheists hate this fact, evolution is a religion. It started way back yonder, long before Darwin plagiarized Erasmus Darwin and others, back to the Epicureans , and possibly older views. Charles Darwin didn't come up wit...

Revisiting the Failed Miller-Urey Experiment?

In 1953, Stanley Miller and Harold Urey had a notion to do an experiment to back up the assumptions that, using science and and intelligently-designed apparatus, life could form by chance. The obtained some amino acids, and Darwin's Cheerleaders were overjoyed that chemical evolution had a basis in their worldview. However, the experiment has long been discredited (they used a trap to remove the amino acids from the environment so they wouldn't be destroyed), and the "reducing atmosphere" concept of the early earth has long been abandoned. Image modi fied from Yassine Mrabet   /Wiki media C ommons Of course, this bit of historical science used assumptions, and they wanted to test their ideas to see if they worked. Scientists do that. However, even though the experiment is invalid, when creationists point out its many flaws (including that it argues against  abiogenesis ), evolutionists will circle the wagons to defend it. A newer attempt to bring the experim...

"Junk" DNA Concept Further Trashed by Cancer Research

Proponents of microbes-to-monkey evolution have been embarrassed by the concept of "junk" DNA. Bad science led to the classification of a sample of DNA that scientists didn't understand, so they classified it as useless leftovers from our alleged evolutionary past. When serious research was conducted, it turned out that there is no such thing as "junk" DNA, the stuff is actually important . Also, circular RNA has lost its "junk" status . Of course, some fundamentalist evolutionists can't handle the truth, and persist in clinging to their irrational faith in the junk concept . Image assembled from components at Clker clipart According to evolutionary speculations, life is the product of time, chance, natural selection, and beneficial mutations — a whole wagon load of mutations. (Of course, "beneficial" mutations are debatable because a benefit here  often causes a detriment there. ) And "adding information"? Only if you ...

Quasar and Distant Galaxy Further Threaten Big Bang

It seems that making space telescopes like the Hubble and Spitzer is not such a good idea for cosmologists and cosmogonists who want to believe that the Big Bang happened. Deep space discoveries are made, and the Big Bang "theory" keeps getting adjusted because it doesn't fit the observations and has little resemblance to the original idea. Sorta like putting new horses in the corral and letting other horses escape, then still claiming you have the same herd; what you have doesn't look the same as what you started with.  The Big Bang has had numerous difficulties in the past (several are written up here), including the horizon and flatness problems. So, cosmologists come up with some notions to rescue it, including the faith-based "multiverse" or "inflation" concept . Now there are new problems to explain away. "A1689-zD1 appears as a grayish-white smudge in the close-up view taken with NICMOS [image at center, right], and as a whiti...

Critics, Research, and Obsessions

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen  One of the most common complaints that Christian apologists have is that our critics rarely do their homework. Many cannot be bothered to do actual research, insisting that we're wrong without even reading (or in some cases, reading at  but not understanding) the material. Research for the purpose of meaningful discussion? Naw, don't pay it no nevermind, just spout off with the hate and say you slapped down them st00pid dumb Xtians with "reason". Atheopath keyboard warrior using fallacies and ignoring  the content of the article . Atheists and anti-creationists are notorious for this kind of behavior, then they wonder why they get banned or have their comments moderated. In addition, these owlhoots complain about "censorship" when they can't say what they want, where they want, even though they don't understand what censorship really is .  By the way, I've been the victim of what those people would call "...

Evolutionary Thinking and ISIS Atrocities

As we have seen here many times, the evolutionary worldview cannot account for morality. Someone was brutally murdered, and compassionate people react in horror. If evolution were true, there would be no point in that. There is no free will, we're simply controlled by our chemical impulses. Why should one sack of chemicals care about what happens to another sack of chemicals? When an anti-creationist cries, "Unfair! Censorship! You're a bunch of liars!", he's appealing to a transcendent morality. The same with the Darwinist who complains about murder, genocide and atrocities, as in both cases, they are tacitly admitting that their worldview cannot account for morality, it is not truly livable, and they cannot justify outrage — when they actually have it. The biblical worldview is the only one that is coherent and can account for morality, and these people are actually standing on our worldview. Unfortunately, since evolutionary "survival of the fittes...

Is There an Error in the Bible about Pi?

And now for something completely different: a slice of pie. No, wait. I meant the value of pi, the 16th letter of the Greek alphabet that is so essential in geometry, and to critics of the Bible. Looking at the common target, 1 Kings 7:23-26 KJV, some people claim that God's written Word has a serious mathematical error. One explanation is that the writer was rounding off the number, which was a common practice. In fact, it still is today, since the actual decimal value of pi never ends. People who want precision without obsession may use 3.14159265359, which is rounded off. The best I could do for this post was 9:27 AM, so it appears in the USA on 3-14-15, 9:17 Eastern Time. In math class, we used the most common short form for pi, 3.14 . We'd plug it in to get the area of a circle when the radius was known, π * r 2 . Pi r squared. Cornbread are round. However, there is a better explanation about the seeming error in 1 Kings than saying the author was rounding it off. ...

Anti-Creationist Bullying in the Worldview Debate

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen The creation-evolution controversy has been kicking up dust like a cavalry charge out on the plains. There's a great deal of noise, and all the dust makes it hard to see what's really going on. Atheists and anti-creationists use the confusion to try to sway people to their way of thinking. Much of this involves manipulation of emotions with name calling (labeling), blatant misrepresentation and outright falsehoods about what creationists actually believe and teach, and presenting bad evolutionary "science" as facts. The whole thing has been intensifying , which can be seen after the Ken Ham-Bill Nye debate on February 4, 2014, where Nye used bad science, dreadful logic, and sneaky debate tactics — much to the delight of his adoring fans. The orig ins controversy is not restricted to academic interests. There are people who will insist that their leftist, materialist worldview is the only one that is rational, and if someone is running ...

Amazing Pre- and Post-Birth Engineering

As we saw earlier, the human heart is a marvel of design — after we're born. But what happens back yonder, before birth? The unborn child is in a womb water world, and not breathing, but still receiving oxygen. The heart and lungs are developing in a fascinating and optimal manner. When the child is actually born, there are some reversals, and systems are in place for breathing air and doing blood circulation in the manner we're accustomed to. To believe that all this is the product of Darwinism takes a huge amount of faith. In 1967 Dr. Christiaan Barnard performed the first heart transplant. Until that time, if someone’s heart was taken out, they died. People were astounded to learn that not only was a man’s heart removed, but a non-beating donor heart put in, restarted, and he lived. Years of design efforts and testing resulted in a sophisticated invention that circulated blood and functioned as patients’ lungs to bring them oxygen—the all-important “heart-lung” machin...

Bad Logic in Marine Evolution Study

One of the staples of presenting molecules-to-man evolution is flawed logic. For example, how do they know the age of a fossil? Because of the layer it was found in. How do they know the age of the rock layers? Because of the fossils they contain. The viciously circular reasoning is a dizzying as just-paid cowboys dancing at a hootenanny. Image credit: US Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management Based on their presuppositions that Darwin was right and that the fossils in the geologic column are both ancient and in an orderly progression, a study of marine organisms presumes to portray evolution. In this case, evolution caused creatures to grow larger, therefore, evolution is true. However, the study was heavily biased and used selective citing, and there were no signs of change of something evolving into something else. Worse for them, the biblical creationist model of the Genesis Flood explains the fossils and the geologic column far better than uniformitarianism. ...

Paleontolgists, Dinosaur Tracks and Magic

Something I have said many times (I think it's my variation on material by Dr. Greg Bahnsen and Dr. Jason Lisle) is that for every offered evidence, there is an equal and opposite rescuing device (excuse). Biblical creationists offer evidence for creation, refuting evolution, supporting the Genesis Flood, and more, and goo-to-you evolutionists dance the Darwin Disco around it all. Some of their excuses are both incredible and amusing Image credit: US Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management Creationists present evidence that certain dinosaur tracks are the result of dinosaurs trying to escape the rising waters of the Genesis Flood. Evolutionary paleontologists keep their paradigm in the corral by ignoring scientific evidence for the Flood and making excuses. (Gotta avoid the young earth evidence that kills evolution, you know.) It appears that some even believe in some kind of magic. Oh, boy. Secular geologists claim that unique conditions prevailed when trac...