Formerly "Extinct" Shark is Just Frilled to be Here
Once again, the irrevocable force of evolution produces no change. Remember the coelacanth story? Considered extinct by evolutionists and paleontologists for millions of years, it turned up alive and well — and pretty much unchanged, much to the dismay of Darwinistas. The lack of change was not much of a surprise to biblical creationists, however.
The fossil record does not support evolution at all, so excuses are made. When different critters have similar features (such as sonar in bats and dolphins), they call it "convergent evolution", although there is no plausible record or model for such things happening. Also, when something disappears from the fossil record, it is assumed to be extinct. But worse, when something disappears for alleged millions of years, then fossils in more recent strata are found, they resort to weird science explanations like "ghost lineages".
A living frilled shark was found looking very much the way its fossilized counterpart looked. This adds insult to injury, since evolutionists have no idea how sharks allegedly evolved in the first place; a shark has always been a shark because that's what it was created to be. (That doesn't stop the wild speculation, such as how sharks and humans are related — but I know some lawyers that make me wonder if it's true after all.) There are no decent transitional forms (living or fossilized) to support evolution, and along comes a frilled shark that was presumed lost. Really, they should stop betting on losing hands like evolutionary conjecture.
The fossil record does not support evolution at all, so excuses are made. When different critters have similar features (such as sonar in bats and dolphins), they call it "convergent evolution", although there is no plausible record or model for such things happening. Also, when something disappears from the fossil record, it is assumed to be extinct. But worse, when something disappears for alleged millions of years, then fossils in more recent strata are found, they resort to weird science explanations like "ghost lineages".
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From video footage of a frilled shark / |
On January 21, 2015 the news broke—an Australian fisherman hooked a "living fossil." Called the frilled (or frill) shark (genus Chlamydoselachus, belonging to Order Hexanchiformes), this creature was thought to be 80 million years old.1 It looks mighty frightening, but is it truly "prehistoric" and somehow linked to shark evolution?You can read the rest of this short article by clicking on "The frilled shark . . . is still a shark".