Feedback and Evolution
Regular readers know that creationists emphasize the importance of definitions. I thought feedback was when you put an open microphone in front of a speaker that goes to eleven and you get that ear-piercing woooo noise. Or that when the Big Corporation tells employees, "We value your feedback", while deleting your comment. Now I know a new definition of feedback, and it's a mighty important concept, especially since evolutionists cannot account for it.
Engineers know about feedback regarding mechanical things, but it's vital in biology. Ever watch a horse and rider in an event like, say, a steeplechase race or barrel racing? Or maybe you've watched a cowboy lasso a wayward cow, loop the other end of the rope around the saddle horn, and both horse and rider work together to get the cow under control? Not only are those matters of skill, training, and experience, but feedback. They are responding to each other. Horses and riders are practically a unit.
Feedback is an important feature that is found everywhere, even down to the cellular level. Our cells are manufacturing plants for DNA and repairs, and they need feedback to continue. There is no decent evolutionary explanation for feedback, but it fits perfectly into a biblical creationist worldview.
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Gary Wedemeyer and The Deacon / US Department of the Interior - Bureau of Land Management |
Feedback is an important feature that is found everywhere, even down to the cellular level. Our cells are manufacturing plants for DNA and repairs, and they need feedback to continue. There is no decent evolutionary explanation for feedback, but it fits perfectly into a biblical creationist worldview.
One of the things that becomes a total contradiction to the proposition of biological evolution is the reality of feedback (the scientific principle involving sensing and repositioning by a distant controller). Engineering feedback was not described until the early 1900s; however, biological life functions have had feedback ever since the first cell was created.Don't horse around. You can read the rest by clicking on "The Evolutionary Problem of Feedback Mechanisms". Also, there are two short videos below.