Star Nurseries: Pillars of Preconceptions

Secular astronomers, like their counterparts in geology, biology and so forth, begin with assumptions of long ages and that large-scale evolution is true. From there, they build their scientific speculations. In the Eagle Nebula, a photograph was taken of what is called the "Pillars of Creation". Don't misunderstand, this has nothing to do with biblical creation. Instead, they claim that stars are being formed. NASA, ESA, and The Hubble Heritage Team (STScI / AURA) Problem is, they are arguing from a passel of preconceptions and presuppositions. Despite the claims, nobody has ever seen a star form. (I've been ridiculed for such statements because "scientists say" they see stars forming. Okey dokey, you go ahead and sit there for a few million years and let us know all about it, all right?) One creationist said that he has no problem with the idea of stars forming now (if it can be proven) because God designed the processes and the materials are in pla...