Radiometric Dating and Reason - Part 2

A month ago, I posted about the most common form of radiometric dating methods. Some scientists are recognizing that these have some serious problems, and have decided to saddle up a different horse. They are proposing a new model called isochron dating. The math looks good, but there are still some major difficulties. These include several assumptions (including an old-earth fudge factor), and yielding results that are not only contradictory, but wildly inaccurate for rocks whose ages are actually known.
The Bible is quite clear about the origin and timeframe for the creation of Earth and the cosmos. If Scripture is inaccurate in this, then how can it be trusted in anything else? Some evolutionists throw out theistic evolution (God using evolution as His creative process) as a philosophical panacea, with the goal of leading people to conclude that Genesis is a myth. Like Nimrod of ancient times, they know they must provide an alternative (i.e., naturalism, specifically scientism—the belief that science alone can render truth about our world and reality) to biblical truth if they are to hold sway over the public in what is essentially a couched rebellion against God.

One of the indirect evidences that evolutionists universally appeal to is radioactive dating because it appears to supply the deep time their evolutionary models demand. But how accurate is their model, and how scientific is their approach?

In this article we’ll look at isochron dating. An isochron is a line on an isotope ratio diagram denoting rock samples. The slope of the line is related to the age of the samples.
You can read the rest by clicking on "The Iconic Isochron: Radioactive Dating, Part 2".