Radiometric Dating and Reason — Part 3

As you can see, this is the third installment in a series on radiometric dating. ( Part 1, on the most common forms of radiometric dating methods, is here . Part 2, on the isochron method, is here .) Uniformitarian geologists rely on a number of assumptions to make their dating methods work. Unfortunately, the assumptions are unrealistic. On a side note, did you know that there is a huge assumption made about the age of the earth? It is not determined from terrestrial rocks, but from meteorites ! The assumption is that everything formed at the same time, and meteorites are purer than the rocks on our own world. Old son, that's circular reasoning. Back to the main topic now. In Part 3, the Potassium-Argon dating method is examined. Although considered to be the most reliable, this method is so loaded with assumptions, it is actually unreliable and unscientific. Once again, a proper interpretation of the evidence points to a young planet. Radioactive dating methods—many of w...