Vestigial Organs and Whale Sex
One of the tired canards of evolution is that the whale has vestigial hind legs and a pelvic girdle. This means they are leftovers from its alleged (and preposterous) evolutionary past where it something flopped from the sea onto land, evolved, then turned around and evolved further into a whale. Yeah, that's science. People believe this, and promote it as if it could kill off belief in the Creator:
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Part of this guy's elephant hurling session. Click for larger. |
So-called vestigial organs have been an embarrassment to evolutionists. They declared various organs and such to be useless leftovers from an evolutionary past, and then (like "junk" DNA) uses have been found. So some are actually redefining the word "vestigial" to sidestep the issue. As usual, evolutionary thinking has hindered actual science. Things were declared useless, they were not studied. Creationists have always maintained, in the correct scientific attitude, that things have a purpose, we just may not understand them yet. And proven right. In this case, the pelvic area of the whale is extremely functional.
The old Darwinian idea of “vestigial organs” has proven to be a hindrance to science once again: this time in the case of whale pelvic bones.You can read the rest of the wild thing by clicking on "Whale Pelvis Is Not Vestigial". ODD ADDENDUM: Last Saturday's post was written about a week early and scheduled — just like this one. Ian Juby's Genesis Week had material dealing with that subject. It happened again this week!
Are the shrunken pelvic bones in whales vestigial legs? That’s been common understanding for years. Scientists and students in Los Angeles decided to investigate, according to PhysOrg: