
Showing posts from September, 2014

More Modern Evolutionary Racism

Darwinists try to distance themselves (or even deny) the racism in evolution, although that is well established . So what do evolutionary anthropologists do? Use more racism in their "research". The basic presuppositions are that evolution itself is a fact, and certain ethnic groups are less evolved than white people. In this case, the logic goes further downhill. A case of scientific racism? An anthropologist studied living Kalahari Bushmen for clues to the evolution of cognition. Human beings are long, long past any evolutionary stage anthropologists could claim they were going through 400,000 years ago when our ancestors allegedly learned to control fire. (Michael Balter in Nature asserts that date, even though evidence of cooking goes back millions of years in the evolutionary timeline; 6/17/09.) So what are anthropologists doing listening to the campfire stories of living tribesmen to draw inferences about our evolutionary past? To read the rest of this art...

Of Mice, Men and Evolutionary Assumptions

The misnamed "language gene", FOXP2 (forkhead box protein P2), is essential to language development and is a factor in learning. (Since it is found in many creatures, I wonder why Basement Cat doesn't learn not  to get under my wife's feet so she won't get stepped on.) Experiments with "humanized" FOXP2 in mice showed some improvement in some tests but not in others. The research helped advance scientific knowledge about how this protein (encoded by the FOXP2  gene) operates. At this point, we move from observational science into evolutionary presuppositions. The main assumption is that evolution happened, then the assumption that humans and apes diverged from a common ancestor. The difference between humans and chips with this gene is two amino acids. (Interestingly, evolutionists only care about chimpanzees, and ignore the fact that gorillas have the same gene, but gorillas are not "closely related" to humans.) This gene is only three...

Evolution and Dumbing Down

The feeling that everyone else on the road is not smart enough to drive is most likely a product of your imagination. And admit it, you've had times where you've done less than spectacular things when tired, distracted or whatever. There are studies indicating that IQ is indeed dropping ( as we've seen before ). While taking care of ourselves physically and mentally can help us to some degree, there is no way of staving off the overall genetic decline. This is another indication of the truth of the Bible, that everything is going downhill. Are we dumber than our grandparents? Social psychologists are tracking IQ scores and noticed a decline in the last decade after a steady rise since the 1950s. Some wonder if the recent downturn reflects genes that have been eroding all along. Are we evolving stupidity? The concept of eroding genes—steadily but slowly marred by new slightly harmful mutations that occur every generation—has its proponents and detractors. New S...

"Bad Design" Claim about the Vas Deferens Refuted

Some evolutionists like to justify their beliefs in evolution and natural selection by claiming that a feature ( such as the human eye ) is the product of "bad design", so EvolutionDidIt. The "carrying away vessel", the vas deferens, of many males is one such feature that people like Richard Dawkins will regard as poorly designed. He made mistakes that someone with his training should not have made, and also went beyond his expertise to say that he could have done better. (Unfortunately, his disciples accept his words and spread them around in their efforts to negate creation science and Intelligent Design.) Dawkins' alternative designs do not withstand examination. DO NOT go to the URL in the picture   Not only is the vas deferens expertly designed for embryological development, but is efficient from biological, engineering and fluid mechanics viewpoints. The vas deferens is an important part of the male reproductive system. However, some anti-creationi...

Lithium and Other Problems Require Major Cosmology Reconstruction — Again

Secular cosmology keeps needing repairs. Once they think they have something figured out, actual scientific data ruins their ideas. Observations (such as lithium content) are interfering with the Big Bang again, so new stories will need to be made up. If they did not have faulty presuppositions in the beginning, they would not have so many problems, would they? After all, the logical conclusion is that the universe was designed, not a product of an inexplicable explosion . You can read more about some of the new problems by clicking on " Big Bang’s Lithium Problem Gets More Problematic ". Also, you can read " Big Bang Fizzles under Lithium Test ".  

"Walking" Bichir and Evolutionary Fantasy

Once again, proponents of evolution are conflating "change" and "adaptation" with "evolution", and then extrapolating changes as evidence of microbes-to-microbiologist evolution. Experiments done on bichirs, a fish that can move across land for short distances, produced modifications (you can have them in your aquarium, but watch out that they don't eat your other fish). Great, we have true experimental science in action.  The assertions about evolution are entirely unwarranted, however. And no evidence of the multitude of changes that evolution would require. Backward assumptions are not evidence, they are fantasy. Unfortunately, proponents of evolution believe such unfounded conjectures to be the evidence that they desire. Another explanation that is conveniently omitted is that this is an example of the ability to adapt that was programmed into the bichir by the Creator. Could a popular African air-breathing aquarium fish—the bichir—hold the...

Why So Few Human Fossils?

The question arises, "Why do we see very few human fossils in the rock strata?" There are many reasons for this, and one key is what is fossilized. The overwhelming majority are marine organisms including an abundance of clams. Land-based creatures are far fewer, and there is an extreme scarcity of human fossils — most of which are very incomplete. Oso, Washington after March 22, 2014 mudslide Photo by Petty Officer 1st Class Ryan Olson (Usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) Despite uniformitarian assertions, fossils are the product of catastrophic processes and burial. The Great Biblical Flood of Noah's time was an extremely violent, global event. The tragedy in Oso, Washington helps illustrate why human fossils would be scarce. The human population in Noah’s day was extensive, likely numbering in the multimillions. With the exception of the few people on the Ark, this entire population was annihilated by the Flood. Since the Flood also deposited...

Mormonism and Biblical Creation

Various religious groups that identify themselves as Christian do not have a high view of Scripture, reinterpret for their own purposes and even reject it altogether. Most cults reject biblical creation , and I had sounded an alarm that a Sacred Name cult on Facebook was hiding under the guise of a creationist Page! Indeed, theistic evolution requires disdain for the written Word of God, taking the Pelagian heresy beyond what Pelagius would have envisioned . Often, evolutionists act like cultists in their pursuit of eradicating God. Cults twist the Scriptures (if they give them credence at all), and "liberal Christianity" is heading down the same road as these cults. Some are ambiguous about their belief in evolution. Pixabay / Mormon Temple / SteeveMeyner Mormonism gives mixed signals that confuse adherents. Their entire philosophy is ultimately materialistic, and their concept of becoming gods themselves is a form of evolutionary thinking. On one hand, they are on...

Vestigial Organs and Whale Sex

One of the tired canards of evolution is that the whale has vestigial hind legs and a pelvic girdle. This means they are leftovers from its alleged (and preposterous) evolutionary past where it something flopped from the sea onto land, evolved, then turned around and evolved further into a whale . Yeah, that's science. People believe this, and promote it as if it could kill off belief in the Creator: Part of this guy's elephant hurling session. Click for larger. So-called vestigial organs have been an embarrassment to evolutionists. They declared various organs and such to be useless leftovers from an evolutionary past, and then (like "junk" DNA) uses have been found. So some are actually redefining the word "vestigial" to sidestep the issue. As usual, evolutionary thinking has hindered actual science. Things were declared useless, they were not studied. Creationists have always maintained, in the correct scientific attitude, that things have a ...

Little Things Frustrating Evolution

The process should be simple: Do some gene sequence stuff on some "simple" organisms and plug them into the evolutionary tree. But yet again, organisms do not cooperate with evolutionary scientists. Not only are they more complicated than originally thought, they are recalcitrant as well. It makes much more sense to admit that there is a Creator than to force-fit something into an imagined evolutionary pigeonhole. A newly discovered genome for the unicellular chromosome-morphing ciliate Stylonychia lemnae has been published, and it’s breaking all the evolutionary rules. It exhibits a repertoire of unbelievable complexity and gene sequences that we’ve never seen in the schema of life. Protozoa are an elaborate group of unicellular organisms that have a nucleus and are mobile. However, the extreme diversity and complexity within this group of one-celled critters which has been divulged by modern ultrastructural, biochemical, and genetic techniques, makes them an unruly...

Biblical Flood Best Explains Erosion

Gradual erosion over long periods of time, based on the consistency of current rates, do not give an adequate explanation of what has been measured. There are four reasonable methods for calculating continental erosion, and they indicate that a great deal has occurred. Extrapolating current rates backward and coming up with figures in the millions of years is unrealistic. Devil's Tower from East Side, PD, 1890 When using the Noachian Flood as a starting point, things make much more sense. There are many factors that uniformitarianism fails to explain, and in fact, this methodology raises many questions. Biblical creationist Michael Oard explains. Massive amounts of sediments, many kilometres thick, with buried plants and animals, were laid down early in the Great Biblical Flood (often called Noah’s Flood). These were cemented into sedimentary rock and the organisms were fossilized. Then the mountains and continents rose up and the valleys and ocean basins sank (Psalm 1...

Creation Science and Impact Craters

Watch a video or glance through a picture book of the solar system, and you will see that many of the planets and moons show an abundance of impact craters. Secular cosmogonists have various hypotheses that fail to explain what is observed today, and creation scientists have their own hypotheses. Remember, scientists are not "neutral", they have their worldviews and presuppositions by which they operate. Impact craters on surface of Saturn's moon Rhea, NASA / JPL The article linked below has a creation scientist's perspective. He examined scientific papers regarding when the impacts occurred, probably during the fourth day of creation week. Creation scientists hold to their foundation in the Bible, but it is not just "GodDidIt" as many anti-creationists gleefully accuse. Rather, they want to know how God did it, and sometimes divine intervention is the best logical conclusion of the evidence ("We should hold to what Scripture reveals without c...

What Evolutionists Call Science

Creationists are in the wrong business. We want to promote critical thinking, show the folly of evolution, and promote the truth overall. Although the rewards are out of this world (literally), the big money is in evolution. Insist on your materialistic evolutionary prsuppositions, do some experiments, ignore obvious questions, feed the material to the gullible press, and you're doing well. Experiments in how flight evolved, how patterns on creatures came to be, the symmetry of physical forms, figure out where butterflies belong on the evolutionary tree — great stuff, and you don't even need to give a plausible model or explanation for how the alleged evolution happened, let alone why. Take a look at " Darwinism is a Constant; Just-So Stories Are Variables ".

Who am I Trying to Reach? Glancing at Stats

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen There is quite a bit happening in the realm of creation science (I have posts scheduled for over a week ahead right now!), but once in a while, people like some personal glimpses and behind the scenes information, so here you go. The other day, the pastor and I were discussing my online creation science ministry. He asked, "Who is your audience?", and, "Who are you trying to reach?" The easy answer would be, "Anyone who wants to read it", but that is rather simplistic. I pondered these questions and realized that there are several answers. Some people use the Web as an occasional information and communications tool. They send out e-mail, newsletters, Weblogs, and they look up information when they need it . Then there are those of us who spend a great deal of time online, trying to make information available in our areas of specialty to the first group, and to people who "live" online. (There are also blogs where peo...

Dinosaurs Keep Getting Bigger

Remember when the Brontosaurus  was considered an actual dinosaur and not an amazingly bad mistake by paleontologists? Too bad it never existed, the name meant "thunder lizard". Imagine, he would not be sneaking up on anybody. "Oh, here comes Bronto, pretend to be startled when he says, 'Boo'!" The more digging they do, the more they dig up larger dinosaurs. Excavation took four field seasons from 2004-2009 , and is the latest contender for the world's largest dinosaur — and may be a juvenile. Surprisingly complete for something that size, but it also gives some testimony to rapid burial (such as in the Great Biblical Flood). It also has no signs of being a transitional form, where it is evolving into something else. But that is not a surprise for creationists.  Scientists described a new and remarkable fossil skeleton of a giant titanosaur, a group that includes the largest creatures ever to have lived on land. Dinosaur enthusiasts of all backgr...

Origins and Forensic Sciences

Origins science is essentially a forensics science. Scientists use evidence that is available in the present, apply scientific methods, use modern equipment and so on in order to reconstruct what happened in the past. Indeed, advances in these areas, especially DNA, have helped police solve cold cases (or "historical cases") that had been mostly forgotten for many years. Operational science deals with things that are repeatable, testable and observable. (Anti-creationists will often blur the distinction and equivocate "evolution" with "science", but that is misleading and dishonest.) Proponents of both evolutionism and creationism will use forensic methods in their attempts to explain what went on in the past. There are some key differences between the origins sciences of creationists and evolutionists. Scientists have their presuppositions based on their worldviews, but evolutionists have many unfounded (and even discredited) assumptions t...

Finally Found a Home in the Failed Evolutionary Tree of Life for a Cambrian Worm?

Paleontologists have been baffled for many years by a fossil. It looks like something that someone may imagine in a drug-induced state, but it is real. How to classify it has been a problem, but a new fossil discovery that is more complete gave evolutionists hope that they know where to put it in the "Tree of Life". But are they doing anything more than guessing and putting it where they want it to be? Linking it to modern creatures because of similar features is not a guarantee of an evolutionary relationship. Hallucigenia sparsa  may look like a sci-fi alien but it is very much a resident of earth—the earth of the past, that is. This tiny fossil has been a real paleontology puzzle. While the best-preserved fossils now show this little animal had seven or eight pairs of claw-tipped legs matching two rows of conical spikes on its back, the original fossils only showed one row of legs, and confusion has long clouded attempts to reconstruct, much less classify, this a...

Lots of Bangs, No Order

Secular astronomers, cosmologists and cosmologists have a fondness for collisions, explosions and so forth. The Big Bang, the alleged ultimate explosion , supposedly gave rise to the incredible complexity in the solar system all the way down to the tiniest parts of cells.   Has anyone ever seen order come from an explosion? These scientists are speculating that impacts on primordial Earth and things that go bump in space made other things happen. (Since they like things that go boom so much, perhaps they would be useful in designing video games.) Creationists do not need to resort to such flights of fancy. For a glimpse of some of their guesswork passing as "science", click on " Impacts: Creators or Destroyers? "   Edit 9-18-2014: Some people are complaining that the Big Bang wasn't an explosion, it was a very rapid expansion of space-time, which continues today — but not all science departments are in agreement on that faith-based assertion. Okay, let...

Big Bang Blahs

Evolutionary science (whether cosmic, biological or something else) has its share of attention seekers. But then, that's where the grant money lies — if you come up with the Next Big Thing and help convince people that evolution is true. So often, some sensational announcement is made in scientific fields (frequently distorted and exaggerated by the science press, of course) and people get all excited. Some Christians who base their faith on "science" and evidence are shaking in their boots as if some announcement will prove evolution, disprove the Bible or negate God's existence. When they send me inquiries, I remind them that our faith is based on the written Word of God, not the ever-changing whims of man-made science philosophies, and to just wait a while. As expected, the excitement fades and embarrassment for science sets in after further investigation. There is nothing in true science that is a threat to creation science or anything Christian. PD, modifie...

Does Egyptian History Discredit Biblical History?

Although the Bible has a proven track record of historical accuracy, there is a growing effort by anti-theist revisionists to make it appear wrong. Much of this is based on the argument from silence fallacy, such as, "There is no historical evidence of the ancient Hittites, so the Bible authors made them up!", but the biblical record has been vindicated time and again. Their presuppositions against the Bible are showing. Pixabay / Paukner Egyptian history is treated in much the same way. Despite the accuracy of the Bible as history, some presume that it is incorrect regarding ancient Egypt. One claim is that Egyptian history goes back further than the biblical timeline of Creation, therefore, the Egyptian records are correct and the Bible is wrong. This myopic view has many serious problems, including ignorance of Egyptian culture, religion, record-keeping methods and more. Another assumption is based on evolutionary thinking, that ancient humans were stupid, evolvin...

Is Orbital Tuning Useful for Calibrating Ice Core and Deep Sea Sediment Dating Methods?

Scientists generally want accurate results. Unfortunately, secular scientists are using fundamentally flawed presuppositions as their starting points. These include an ancient earth, evolution, uniformitarianism and so on.  Ice cores  and sediments in deep seafloors are touted as excellent examples for an old earth, but these calibrations are loaded with assumptions, and cross-referenced with other assumption-laden methods. One of the most amazing examples of bad reasoning is the use of "orbital tuning" to support the other methods. Creation science Noachian Flood models explain observed data far better than relying on secularist fudge factors. An apparently strong argument for an old earth is the seeming agreement between multiple (and supposedly independent) dating methods which yield “millions of years.” Uniformitarian scientists claim that chemical clues within the seafloor sediments tell a “story” of climate change over millions of years and that this “story” agrees...

Creationist Researchers Shows Human-Chimp DNA Similarity Much Smaller Than Believed

Evolutionary scientists used their presuppositions, studied some DNA, ignored the rest, and then said that the parts they did not understand were arrogantly declared "junk" left over from our alleged evolutionary past. Things became interesting when DNA was properly studied, and the "junk" DNA turned out to have vital functions. With sloppy science, preconceptions and so forth, evolutionists declared that the human genome was 98% similar to the chimp genome. Creationist researcher Dr. Jeffrey Tomkins has delved more deeply into the human-chimp genetics argument and found that the former "junk" gives further evidence against our alleged relationship to chimpanzees. It was once thought that the areas between protein-coding genes located around the genome were vast purposeless wastelands of alleged “junk DNA.” However, we now know that these previously misunderstood regions are literally teeming with functional activity that is key to life. Not only...

Having a Blast With the Cambrian Explosion

According to evolutionary paleontologists, the "Cambrian Explosion" is the sudden appearance of most major phyla in Cambrian layers with no transitional forms. This has been a very serious problem ever since Darwin's time, since it falsifies evolution. The Evo Sith have attempted to make excuses, but they are weak and contrived. Further evidence from their own sources has only made the Cambrian Explosion even larger. To add to their consternation, the discovery actually supports the Genesis Flood models of biblical creationists. At the first appearance of complex animals, vertebrate fish were already there, a new analysis confirms.  Simon Conway Morris, an evolutionist and world authority on Cambrian animals, appeared in the beginning of Illustra’s film Darwin’s Dilemma to confirm the suddenness of the “Cambrian Explosion.” In that short period (about 5–10 million years in the evolutionary time scheme), some 20 new and diverse body plans (phyla) appeared fully f...

Rapid Burial of Molting Arthropod

For many years, uniformitarian geologists maintained that fossilization occurred very slowly. Students learned that a creature died, sank in water, was gradually buried and then was fossilized over millions of years. Evidence accrued that this is not the case (including common sense, since scavengers, bacteriological action and other factors would make burial unlikely). People are learning that rapid burial and proper conditions, not time, are the keys to fossilization. Wikimedia Commons,  Marrella splendens , Burgess Shale, British Columbia, Canada; Middle Cambrian / Wilson44691 When an arthropod molts, it is not exactly a slow event. Finding molted skins in the fossil record is not much of a surprise, but to find a fossil of a   Marrella splendens  in the act itself is amazing, and a testimony of rapid burial. Creationist geologists maintain that the overwhelming majority of fossils are due to catastrophic processes, such as Noah's Flood. This find supports crea...

Tyson Baffled at "Cosmos" Scrutiny

Neil DeGrasse Tyson is expressing surprise that the Cosmos  series has been examined by Answers In Genesis (among others; Creation Ministries International reviewed a couple of episodes ). AiG put a considerable amount of work in showing how he expressed his opinions as facts, gave incomplete information and did quite a bit of misrepresentation of Christian material. In fact, AiG wants people to watch the episodes, then use their material to learn the truth. Neil deGrasse Tyson, host of TV’s Cosmos: A SpaceTime Odyssey, says he wonders why anyone pays attention to what Ken Ham says about science or about his 13-part Cosmos series. Tyson, in an interview with Alternet, suggests biblical creationists like Ken Ham and the scientists at Answers in Genesis are a small and insignificant Christian fringe group that only bothered writing weekly critiques of the Cosmos series to take advantage of media attention garnered through the Bill Nye-Ken Ham debate in February: You have to...