Mutations Will Not Make You a Hero, Radiation Is Not Necessarily Your Friend

Many of us read superhero comic books as kids. Getting bitten by a radioactive spider, getting caught in an explosion of radioactive materials, receiving a massive dose of radiation could transform people into something extra-human with marvelous powers. Sometimes, they would be born with mutations that would develop into special talents as they grew older.

It doesn't work that way. But hey, the comic book writers were trying to be creative and entertaining (as well as make a living), they were usually not trying to present scientific truths.

Most proponents of Darwin's theory learned that natural selection (ironically, it was first proposed by creationist Edward Blyth as a conserving factor) does not lead to evolution. They moved into mutations and genetics. Blasting something with radiation ruins cells, it does not give them additional information. Even successful controlled mutation experiments usually have drawbacks as far as the organism is concerned. No super powers for you! Unfortunately for evolutionists, radiation and mutations will not make a plausible excuse for denying the Creator — and they certainly will not give rise to our "next stage of evolution".
Chernobyl, Three Mile Island, Fukushima; Why are these names associated with fear and foreboding? Because we know the potential dangers, albeit often overstated, of radioactive materials leaking from damaged nuclear power plants. We have read about the disastrous effects they can have on people, crops and stock.

But, isn’t there an upside to this? Surely the believers in evolution should be jumping with glee, hoping for some new mutation that will propel the human race to a new level of evolutionary progress? After all, we know about Spiderman, the Hulk, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and the X-men, all of whom fictionally benefited hugely from contact with radioactive materials. Comic strips, movies and other popular publications have entrenched this positive idea of ‘mutants’ being superior to the ‘normal’ in the public mind. The reality, however, is vastly different.
Teleport yourself over to "Teenage mutant ninja people" to finish reading.