SETI: Array for Tax Dollars!

The SETI (Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence) Institute ( not involved in UFO research) uses radio telescopes in the Allen Telescope Array (ATA) to search for signals from space that indicate alien intelligence. They want tax dollars to fund their research, and made the outlandish promise that they will find extraterrestrial life in the near future so they can get the money. NASA/JPL-Caltech There are several reasons for this confidence (or arrogance, or even a con game). These include a great deal on luck, and the presupposition that evolution is a fact (it must have happened "out there"). Naturalistic assumptions are fanciful at best. Perhaps if they increased their membership drive (individual memberships begin at $50 USD), they would not need to make every pay for their evolutionary fantasies. In hopes of keeping funding flowing, the SETI Institute promised US congresspersons that scientists will find extraterrestrial life in our lifetime. ...