Can Creationists Use Logic?

Some misotheists begin with the assumptions that they are somehow more intelligent than theists because they pretend that there is no God, and that theists are incapable of rational thought. Especially biblical creationists. Wrong. They seem willingly ignorant that many of the greatest scientists of all time have been biblical creationists, and they exist today as well . Rejecting evolution on both theological and scientific grounds does not mean that someone is stupid or uninformed; such assertions are fallacious. It's ironic when atheopaths use logical fallacies to tell us they're smarter than we are! Sometimes, it becomes difficult to distinguish between the fallacies, especially when they are blended together. Is the above only prejudicial conjecture, or does it include the genetic fallacy? At any rate, we can see that it is an attempt to berate creationists from someone who has unwarranted presuppositions. This begins to show that Christians and creationis...